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shǒu shū
  • handwriting;holograph;write in one's own hand;personal letter
手书 [shǒu shū]
  • (1) [personal letter]∶亲笔写的信

  • 密以手书相晓

  • (2) [write in ones own hand]∶亲笔书写

  • 辛未三月念六夜四鼓,意洞手书。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  • (3) [handwriting]∶笔迹

  • 有识其手书者

手书[shǒu shū]
  1. 应弟子王浩以下之提请,我已手书F1447。

    As requested by disciple Wang Hao below , I had written F1447 in calligraphy .

  2. F1634现已手书成,我亦将我在梦里所见到的五个字照样写出来。

    F1634 is now in calligraphy , I also wrote the five words as I saw in the dream .

  3. 弟子淑珍想要我手书F1458那首诗,因此我也为她写了一份。

    Disciple Shu Zhen would like to have my calligraphy on the poem in F1458 , so I wrote one for her .

  4. 应弟子敬行以下之请,我已手书一新作了。

    Xing below I had written a new work in calligraphy .

  5. 由于一位弟子要求我手书几首诗作。

    A disciple requested me to write several poems in calligraphy .

  6. 手书对于关节炎患者来说非常慢而且痛苦。

    Handwriting can be slow and painful for one with arthritis .

  7. 六个档案含盖手书及它们的原始档案均附呈。

    Six files containing the calligraphy and their originals are attached .

  8. 应一弟子的提请我已手书附呈的翰墨。

    As requested by a disciple I had written the attached calligraphy .

  9. 公园正大门是原先留存的牌坊,正面由鲁迅先生手书拼成四个大字&鲁迅公园。

    Park is retained door is the original arch and positive by Mr.

  10. 应一些弟子们的提请,两篇诗作已手书成。

    As requested by some disciples , two poems are written in calligraphy .

  11. 钱学森先生手书(摘要)

    Manuscript of Mr , Qian Xuesen ( abstract )

  12. 应一位弟子的请求,此手书已写成并附呈。

    As requested by a disciple , the calligraphy is done and attached .

  13. 他还提请我手书我的三首诗。

    He also requested me to write three of my poems in calligraphy .

  14. 由于内人喜欢此诗作,所以她请我手书它。

    My wife likes this poem , so she asked me to write it .

  15. 因此我手书附呈的档案。

    So I wrote the attached calligraphy .

  16. 应弟子们的提请,两篇深寂的作品现已手书成。

    As requested by disciples , two works on Deep Silence are now in calligraphy .

  17. 中英文版的祈请颂及我的手书均附呈。

    Both Chinese and English version of the supplication and my calligraphy of it are attached .

  18. 我已手书了我通常用以表达菩提心的句子,档案附呈。

    I have written the phrase I use to express Bodhicitta in calligraphy ; it is attached .

  19. 弟子虹福请我为她的书斋取个名并为之手书翰墨。

    Disciple Hong Fu asked me to give her study a name and write calligraphy for it .

  20. 弟子昌旺请我手书〈长远〉一文;两个档案已附呈。

    Disciple Chang Wang had requested that I wrote Chang Yuan into calligraphy ; two files attached .

  21. 应马来西亚弟子文英之前的提请,我已于今日手书成。

    As requested by disciple Boon Eng of Malaysia a while ago , I did the calligraphy today .

  22. 应弟子智宣之请,我已手书了给萨王之心咒。

    As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan I had written the Heart Mantra of King Gesar in calligraphy .

  23. 而且也附呈了为他即将出的度母禅修及赞颂一书的标题手书。

    Also , calligraphy for the title of his coming book on Tara Meditations and Praises is attached .

  24. 短时间的练习提高了手书运动的精确性。

    Noise weakens its accuracy . e. Short-time practice improves accuracy of handwriting and drawing motor . 2 .

  25. 弟子荣利及淑真曾提请我内人手书此皈依偈。

    Disciples Yong Lee and Shu Chan had requested that my wife do calligraphy on this Refuge Gatha .

  26. 应来自弟子绵延之请,我已手书莲师心咒。

    Upon request from disciple Mian Yan I had written the Heart Mantra of Guru Rinpoche in calligraphy .

  27. 应弟子敬行以下的提请我己手书了陈上师的一首诗作。

    As requested by disciple Jing Xing below I had written one poem by Guru Chen in calligraphy .

  28. 弟子王浩传来他手书的心经及我的心要作为我的生日贺礼。

    Disciple Wang Hao sent his calligraphy of Heart Sutra and my Heart Sastra as presents for my birthday .

  29. 弟子茶桶认为这篇很诙谐又风趣,所以她请我手书此篇。

    Disciple Detong found it very humorous and amusing , so she asked me to write it in calligraphy .

  30. 茶桶,因为这首诗不是我写的,所以将这个收入在手书中的附录篇中。

    Detong , put this in the calligraphy book as appendix because the poem was not written by me .