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  1. Phoenix的研究组号召对发展中国家的氮沉积进行更多的研究。他们指出,目前缺乏非洲以及亚洲许多地区的数据。

    Phoenix 's team urges more research on nitrogen deposition in developing countries , pointing out that data from Africa and many parts of Asia is scarce .

  2. JohnWalley和他的同事在《世界卫生组织通报》中号召对卫生保健研究采取一种新的观点。

    John Walley and colleagues call for a new perspective on healthcare research in this Bulletin of the World Health Organization editorial .

  3. 一九九五年,神呼召一对基督徒大学教授夫妇在迈阿密河滨浸信教会开始一个中国人事工。

    In1995 God called a Christian couple of university professors to starts a Chinese ministry at Riverside Baptist Church , a Spirit filled , Bible teaching , and missions oriented church .

  4. 此外,在一次众议院药物安全听证会中,数名立法者就关于为何还不召回文迪雅对FDA施压。

    In addition , at a House drug safety hearing , several lawmakers pressed FDA with questions on why such a recall of Avandia has not yet occurred .

  5. 在收到教育委员会的传召要求其对这一行为进行解释时,该教练称他的方法“是一种用来激励运动员的方式”。

    Summoned by the local board of education to explain his actions , the coach said his methods were " a way to inspire the athletes . "

  6. 他的政治判断不全经得起时间的检验,但是他对自己宗教圣召的反思和对“中国基督圣召”的反思确一直在前进。

    Not all of his political judgments have stood the test of time but his reflections on his own religious vocation and on what he called the " Christian vocation of China " are deeply moving .

  7. 王就差遣人将示每召了来,对他说,我岂不是叫你指着耶和华起誓,并且警戒你说你当确实地知道,你哪日出来往别处去,那日必死吗?

    42 the king summoned Shimei and said to him , 'Did I not make you swear by the Lord and warn you , 'On the day you leave to go anywhere else , you can be sure you will die ' ?