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  1. 张籍的婚姻及其与胡遇交游考说

    Textual Research on Zhang Ji 's Marriage and the Relationship between Zhang Ji and Hu Yu

  2. 怎一个怨字了得&简论张籍诗对妇女问题的关注

    It is Beyond the Complaint & A Brief Study on Zhang Ji 's Concerns about Women Problems

  3. 张籍前期与韩孟诗派人事过往密切,后期与元白诗派人事过往频繁。

    On early and Han Meng poets personnel passing close , later period and white school personnel past frequently .

  4. 再次考察了张籍、王建的影响、贡献,及其诗歌在唐宋时期的流传。

    Finally , I made an investigation into the influence of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian and the wide circulation of their poems .

  5. 然而将张籍简单地归属于任何一个诗派并把其绝对化,则有失偏颇,实际上他对两个诗派都有贡献。

    However , on simply to belong to a school of poetry and the absolute , is biased , in fact he on two poets have contribution .

  6. 最后探讨了张籍对中唐诗歌流派所出的重要贡献,主要通过其与两大诗派的人事交往、诗学思想及诗歌风格的影响等方面论述。

    Finally it discusses on Tang poetry genre on the important contribution , mainly through its two schools and personnel exchanges , poetics and poetic style influence aspects .

  7. 这种诗风虽然以贾岛、姚合为主要代表,但它的源头却可以追溯到中唐诗人张籍。

    The Style can be traced back to Zhang Ji , the poet in the Middle Tang Dynasty though it was represented by Jia Dao and Yao He .

  8. 在创作的同时,张籍还善于在作品中表达自己的诗学观,为创作提供理论指导。

    In the creation of the at the same time , Zhang Ji is also good at his poetics expression in his works , to provide theoretical guidance forthe creation of .

  9. 通过对张籍、王建诗歌深入细致地分析,力求对张籍王建体有新的认识。

    Through an in-depth and detailed study of the poems written by Zhang Ji and Wang Jian , the author is trying to make a better and new understanding of their poetry .

  10. 第二节从时间的历时性来分析后人对张籍诗歌接受的变化。从历代诗评的发展中看张籍诗歌的流传情况,分析不同时期对张籍诗歌关注焦点的转移情况。

    Section II to analyze the time duration of the descendants of Zhang Poem to accept change , from past Literary Criticism reviews the circulation , and analyzes the shift situation in different e periods .

  11. 谢翱是在努力学习屈原、李贺、张籍、贾岛、姚合等诗人诗歌的过程中努力建立自己诗歌风格,并结合了自己所独有的个性气质与身世遭遇。

    Xie Ao poetry style is an effort to learn Qu Yuan , Li , Zhang Ji , Jia Dao , Yao and other poems established poets , combined with its own unique personality and the life experience encountered .