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  • 网络Zhang said;zhang yue;zhangyue
  1. 简论张说的山水诗创作

    A Concise View of Zhang Yue 's Writing of Pasture Poetry

  2. 除却亲身的创作实践外,张说也几乎参与了当时所有的文坛盛事,是当之无愧的文坛宗主。

    Except writing by his own , Zhang Yue also attended nearly all of the literary pageant at that time .

  3. 不仅如此,Marin的共同创始人兼首席技术官约瑟夫•张说,公司可以算出哪些广告促进了利润的增长。

    More than that , co-founder and CTO Joseph Chang says the company can figure out which ads actually boost profits .

  4. 昨天淘宝商城为技术故障造成的“不便”而道歉。“该网站高峰期确实滞后,但情况改善,”淘宝商城总裁Danial张说。

    Tmall yesterday apologized for the " inconvenience " the technical glitches caused . " The website did lag during the peak , but things improved , " said Danial Zhang , Tmall 's president .

  5. 论张说的大手笔与开元政治理念的转变

    On Zhang Shuo and change of political conceptions during Kaiyuan ruling

  6. 论大手笔张说的散文

    On the Prose of ZHANG Yue Who Was Called Big Literary Work

  7. 张说碑铭文的风骨美研究

    A Study on Vigorous Style ( Feng-Gu ) of Zhang Yue 's Inscriptions

  8. 张说传奇的历史价值

    The Historic Value of Zhang Yue 's Romance Creation

  9. 我就是那张说个没完的嘴

    I am the mouth that wouldn 't shut .

  10. 张说,钕和铬不是故意添加进去的,但会自然产生。

    Zhang said the chromium and neodymium were not deliberately added but occurred naturally .

  11. 张说,父母“从来不问工资”,“但我有时会和朋友们谈论值不值。

    Her parents " would never say anything about my salary ," she said .

  12. 韩愈遭迁谪的道德文章试论张说在岳阳的迁谪诗

    The Moral Articles of Han Yu During His Demotion ON ZHANG YUE 'S EXILIC POEMS

  13. 论张说散文创作的新变

    " New Changes " in Zhang Yue 's Prose A New Theory of Yi Pin

  14. 略论张说诗的过渡性特征

    Brief discussion about the transition nature of Zhang yue 's poems say " preface "

  15. 他们中很多人是我的偶像,张说,我真的很喜欢他们的作品。

    Many of them are my idols , Zhang said . I really like their work .

  16. 并且在本部分也谈到了张说、张九龄二人在文化事业方面的贡献。

    And in this part also talks about Er Zhang 's great contribution to the culture .

  17. 为了避免抽烟,在你身边带一张说吸烟为什么不好的清单。

    To stay away from smoking , keep a list with you saying why smoking is bad .

  18. 论张说推动盛唐诗歌高潮到来的曲折过程

    On the Arduous Course of Pushing ahead the High Tide of High Tang Poetry by Premier Zhang Yue

  19. 艾米.张说,“我们是海隆石油工业集团,我们经营钻杆。”

    Amy Zhang : " Our company name is Hilong Group . We sell the drill pipe . "

  20. 张说,调查证明为同一男子制造所有的事件。

    Investigators are satisfied that the same man was responsible for all of the incidents , Zhang said .

  21. 张说,招聘和毕业生的关系就像是一对盲目约会的恋人。

    It 's just like a ' blind-date ' between the employers and the graduates , noted Zhang .

  22. 从这个意义张说来,夜晚的时间实际上不就等于生命的三分之一吗?

    In this sense the night time gained amounts to one third of our lives , doesn 't it ?

  23. 他们打开那封信时,那张说所有人都活着的字条掉到了地上。

    As they undid the letter , the piece of paper saying they were all alive fell on the ground .

  24. 在这封信中,张说中医存在很多不科学的成分,毒性很高,治疗效果不稳定。

    In the letter Zhang says that TCM has too many unscientific components , high toxicity and uncertain therapeutic effects .

  25. 张说,中国超级计算机上运行的工业应用大部分用从美国或其它国家进口的商业软件。

    Most industrial applications on Chinese supercomputers use commercial software purchased from the United States and other countries , Zhang says .

  26. 张说这也是时候说明黄鹤楼不在举行盛典的讨论中了。

    Zhang said it was the timing that saw Yellow Crane Tower out of contention for the Final Draw this year .

  27. 当一个有责任的人无法支付赔偿金时,国家必须缩小这个差距并支付给受害人,张说。

    When someone liable is unable to pay compensation the State must close the gap and pay victims , Zhang said .

  28. 张说客观研究不仅得到了国际学者的认同也改变了中国人民的态度。

    Zhang said objective research not only received the approbation from international scholars but also changed the attitude of Chinese people .

  29. 目前在北京销售的水产品需要在地方食物监察机构和检疫部门的检查。张说。

    Aquatic products sold in Beijing are currently under scrutiny from municipal food supervision authorities and the quarantine department , Zhao said .

  30. “在一天结束的时候,我想总之一句话-完整,”张说。

    " At the end of the day , I would sum it up in one word & integrity ," Teo said .