
zhèng zì
  • Orthography;regular script;correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word
正字 [zhèng zì]
  • (1) [correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word]∶矫正字形,使符合书写或拼写规范

  • (2) 见正楷

  • (3) 见正体

正字[zhèng zì]
  1. 文字认同有字形、书面文本、正字活动三种认同方式。

    Grapheme , text , orthography are three ways to identify .

  2. 因为他的马票每次都开正字。

    As his numbers always win .

  3. 高等师范院校学生正字研究

    Orthographical Study in Normal Colleges

  4. 你的天赋是你的一部份,但不是你的正字标记。

    Your gifts are , well , they 're a part of you , but they don 't define you .

  5. 正字标记之使用,除合于第一项规定外,不得为之。

    Use of the CNS Mark in ways other than those complying with the first paragraph of this article shall be prohibited .

  6. 纵观正字戏的发展与重生历程,很容易得出结论,政府主导公共事务拥有巨大的优势。

    Throughout the CNS development and regeneration process of the play , it is easy to conclude that government-led public affairs have a huge advantage .

  7. 正字戏是古老南戏的变体,为戏曲声腔的流变和地方文化对戏曲的影响等研究提供有力的证据。

    Zhengzi opera is an evolution of ancient southern opera , providing strong evidence for the transformation of drama tune and research of impact of local culture on drama .

  8. 利用计算机实施辅助语言教学,动态示范汉字正确书写顺序,是解决汉字正字问题之一的有效途径,可为汉字学习提供有力帮助。

    The implementation of computer assisted language learning and the dynamic model of Chinese characters written in the correct order is an effective way to solve Chinese orthography and an effective help to provide for learning the Chinese characters .

  9. 同时,对异体字的正字和俗字演变的原因进行探讨,试着从文字学、音韵学、训诂学等多个角度来探析,力图对其演变的原因做出合理的解释。

    Meanwhile , the variant forms of popular form of characters and regular script discusses the evolution , try reason from philology , phonology , exegesis study to explore different angles , trying to make the evolution of reason reasonable explanation .