
  • 网络Jin dynasty;jin state;aisin gurun
  1. 三,对蒙古、南宋、西夏政策失误,蒙宋联盟形成,决定了金国的最后覆亡,这是外因。

    Thirdly , the wrong policy toward Mongolia , the Southern Song Dynasty and Western Xia regime caused eventually the death of Jin Dynasty externally .

  2. 全真教是金国初年在北方兴起的宗教,在中国道教史上具有重要的地位。

    Quanzhen Taoism is the rise of religious North in the early Jin Dynasty , In the history of the China Taoism is an important position .

  3. 原来你说的是那个金国。

    Oh , that State of Jin .

  4. 在消灭辽国以后,金国把矛头直指向宋朝。

    Immediately after conquered the Liao , the Jin then turned against the Northern Song .

  5. 一个新的三角协议在宋朝、金国和西夏之间形成。

    A new triangular arrangement was formed , between the Song , Jin and Western Xia .

  6. 金国的政治、军事及经济制度前后有所变化。

    The Jin 's political , military and economic system changed in its early and late periods .

  7. 至金代中叶,金国文人已成长起来,仍对苏轼崇拜有加。

    In Mid Jin when the native literati grew to maturity , Su Shi 's high esteem remained .

  8. 金国在刚刚建立起来的时候,国力非常落后,经济制度还存在着一些原始社会的残余。

    The early stage of the Jin was economically backwards with the remaining features of the preliminary tribe .

  9. 1125年,辽国灭亡,向金国投降。

    In 1125 , the emperor of Liao surrendered to Jin and the state of Liao came to its end .

  10. 郑州地点:郑州市文化路56号金国商厦19楼金博大律师事务所。

    Zhengzhou Location : No.56 Wenhua Road , Zhengzhou City , Jin Kim , 19th Floor , broad commercial law firm .

  11. 他们分别是中国北方的辽国、西夏、金国和蒙古国

    there were in North China the Liao , the Xixia ( Western Xia ) , the Jin and the Mongol regimes and ,

  12. 1127年,金国军队洗掠了北宋都城开封,徽宗和他的大部分家人成了人质。

    In 1127 , the Jin army sacked the Northern Song capital of Kaifeng , taking Emperor Huizong and most of his family hostage .

  13. 契丹小字《郎君行记》的首三字表示“大金国”,已成定论。

    It has been known that the first three Khitan small scripts of " Lang Jun Xing Ji " refers to " Da Jin Guo " .

  14. 到达金国都城上京以后,她们被遣送到供金国君臣享乐的洗衣院、金国皇帝的各大御寨,赏赐给金军将领,甚至流落民间,被卖为奴、娼。

    After they arrived in the capital of Jin , they were distributed to washing courts , Emperors Jins , Jin s Generals , or sold as slaves .

  15. 之后,金国向北宋(960——1127)进攻。1127年,宋徽宗和宋钦宗退位,北宋(960——1127)灭亡。

    Then Jin started to invade Northern Song . In 1127 , Emperors Huizong and Qinzong were deposed , ending the Northern Song Dynasty ( 960 - 1127 ) .

  16. 金国原本受到中国长城的保护,可是这座建于一千多年前的长城,那时正处于破损失修的状态。

    The Kin empire was protected by the Great Wall of China , built more than a thousand years earlier , but by that time somewhat in a state of disrepair .

  17. 金国不得不按时小秦同志说,如果高宗赵构同志没有能力整顿内部,他们就把两个皇帝放回来整顿。

    Qin Jin small time comrades have said that if the Emperor can not afford to rectify Zhaogou internal comrades , they had put back to straighten out the two emperors .

  18. 一些杭州菜具有历史渊源,宋代名将岳飞英勇抵抗大金国的侵略,成为名族英雄以及忠诚的象征。

    To make a long story short , a famous Song dynasty hero named Yue Fei defended the country from northern invaders and became a folk hero and a symbol of loyalty .

  19. 他们先后答应割地赔款给金国,又罢免了李纲等忠臣,使得金兵更加肆无忌惮。

    A peace pact was agreed inwhich the Northern Song promised to cede lands and give tributes to Jin except dismissed Li Gang and other loyalists , thus the troops of the Jin became even fearless .

  20. 南宋王朝自建立以来,一直在金国的威胁之下,直至被元消灭时,也未能恢复宋朝在中国北方的统治。

    The Southern Song was in a consistent menace of the Jin in the north and tried in vain in recovering its ruling of the northern part of China until it was destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty .

  21. 他们给出的理由是北宋的最后一位皇帝钦宗被金国流放至满洲,如果金国被灭,钦宗就有可能回国继承帝位。

    The reason was that Qinzong , the last emperor of the Northern Song was living in Jin-imposed exile in Manchuria and had a good chance of being recalled to the throne should the Jin Dynasty be destroyed .

  22. 北方女真族所建的金国崛起,宋室为了收复燕云诸州,便联金灭辽,但其弱点也为金国所洞悉。

    To recover the sixteen states of Youyun , the Northern Song sent an emissary to the state of Jin to negotiate an agreement for a joint attack on the Liao . However , the resort also exposed its weakness to Jin .

  23. 自太宗、熙宗、海陵王以来,金国进行了全面的转变,使其从原来的游牧部落变成了一个以农业为主的封建集权制国家,为其今后的发展奠定了基础。

    Since Taizong , Xizong and the King of Hailing , there were drastic changes happened : the Jin transformed from a nomadic tribe to a feudal society with agriculture as the fundamental support , which laid foundation for its further development .

  24. 公元1120年,金与宋签定“海上之盟”共同对辽,公元1125年,辽天祚帝被俘,金国完全控制了北方。

    In 1120 , Jin made an agreement with the Northern Song to form a joint attack on the Liao . And in 1125 , the Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao was captured and the north part of China was under the control of the Jin .

  25. 同年,宋钦宗的弟弟赵构在金国撤军后于应天府(今南京)继承帝位,之后他迁都临安(浙江省杭州西城)。

    In the same year , Zhao Gou , the younger brother of Song Emperor Qinzong , ascended the throne in Yingtianfu ( today 's Nanjing ) after the withdrawal of the Jin troops , and later moved the capital to Lin'an ( western Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province ) .

  26. 金国于天兴元年(1233),元太宗窝阔台帅军攻下汴京,金哀宗逃至蔡州,次年,蔡州在蒙古军与宋军联合进攻下被攻破,金国至此宣告灭亡。

    In 1233 , Wokuotai , the Taizong of the Yuan Dynasty took Bianjing , Emperor of Jin , Aizong fled to Caizhou and in the following years , Jin was destroyed by the joint force of the Mongolia and the Southern Song , which brought the Jin to an end .

  27. 陆游还因他的爱国主义诗篇里洋溢的爱国热情而备受仰慕,在这些诗篇里,他抗议金国1126年(他出生后的那一年)对宋朝的人侵,斥责南宋朝廷对赶走金人收复失地所持的被动态度。

    Lu has been most admired for the ardour of his patriotic poems , in which he protested the Jin invasion of Song in 1126 , the year after his birth , and chided the Southern Song court for its passive attitude toward driving out the invaders and reconquering its lost northern territories .

  28. 北宋军队在丞相李纲的指挥下,击退了金军,暂时制止了金国的南侵,但由于徽、钦二帝的无能,一心想与金国求和。

    Under the direction of Li Gang , the chancellor of the Northern Song , Jin was defeated and was detained to march southwards for a while . However , the Emperors of the Northern Song were not resolute to fight , instead , they sent emissary to seek negotiation with the Jin .