
  • 网络acacia
  1. 金合欢属的带刺的树或灌木的任何一种。

    Any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia .

  2. 中国金合欢属植物的分类、分布及其区系的起源

    Taxonomy , distribution and possible floristic origin of the genus Acacia from China

  3. 一种高大的澳洲金合欢属植物,出产价值昂贵的黑色木材。

    Tall Australian acacia yielding highly valued black timber .

  4. 来自金合欢属树木的树胶,用作增稠剂(尤其用于制蜡烛和药品)。

    Gum from an acacia tree ; used as a thickener ( especially in candies and pharmaceuticals ) .