
  • 网络Edit;copy-editing;redaction;redacting;Modify
编修 [biān xiū]
  • [compile] 编纂

  • 编修《本草》

  • [Bianxiu] 古代史官之一,宋代设编修官修国史实录、会要等,明清翰林院设编修,并无实质职务

  1. 到底是马太拥有更原始的Q资料,还是路加的原始,我也会想Q里有什么,还有马太如何基于它来编修。

    Whether Matthew has the more original version of Q or whether Luke does , and I might try to imagine what was in Q and how Matthew may have changed that & edited that .

  2. 请问你不能接受该类产品的相片经编修的原因?

    Reasons why you are not accepting those products being photo retouched ?

  3. 原来复兴会的成员也会以个人名义进行编修。

    The Renaissance Team ex-members will also edit as themselves .

  4. 第一章论述庐州府志的编修源流。

    The first chapter discusses the origin of its compilation .

  5. 所以学术界中说的是编修批判。

    So it 's Redaction Criticism is what you 'll see in the scholarship .

  6. 讨论与聊天页面较不正式,通常无须编修。

    Discussion and talk pages are much less formal and generally should not be copy-edited .

  7. 软件文件编制结构记录关于江河水利志编修工作的一些构想

    Structured writing for software documentation Some ideas on compiling chronicles of rivers and water conservancy

  8. 请问那类广告是你最不能接受广告中相片经编修的?

    Which type of advertisement that you think it is not suitable to use photo retouching technique ?

  9. 家谱和方志在编纂理论上具有互补性,在编修实践上又具有互动性。

    Genealogy and Local have complementary relation in the compilation theory and interactive relationship in compilation practice .

  10. 学生透过选修这些学科,可能有机会参与编修的工作。

    Students taking such courses perhaps will have an opportunity to take part in the compiling work .

  11. 总结《秦安县志》编修的过程与体会,在一定程度上就是在总结本届修志经验和教训。

    To sum up the course of compiling and realization of it is to conclude the lesson and experience .

  12. 并藉由编修族谱的过程,汇集家族成员共识的基本准则。

    The basic criterion is derived from common understanding of the family members by the course of compiling the genealogy .

  13. 若您是接受编修的文章作者,也请莫将更动或更正处视为人身攻击。

    If you are the author of a page that has been copy-edited , please try not to take corrections personally .

  14. 第一、对毗陵庄氏族谱的编撰情况、现存版本的编修特点、目录、义例、修撰者、修撰过程等进行研究。

    First , the writer studied on existing version of the editing features , directories , examples , writing process of Piling Zhuang genealogy .

  15. 关于江河水利志编修工作的一些构想西江、东海水道枯水期分流比实测研究

    Some ideas on compiling chronicles of rivers and water conservancy Measurement and study of dry-period flow distribution ratio between Xijiang river and Donghai waterway

  16. 西北地区由于政治地位较低,经济发展落后,编修方志较少,与浙江、江苏等发达地区差距甚远。

    Compilation of local records in Northwest area was far behind Zhejiang , Jiangsu and other developed regions , because lower political status , economic underdevelopment .

  17. 朝鲜王朝编修了四十多部中国史书,其中以明史所占比重最大,其次则是宋史。

    More than 40 Chinese history books had been compiled during Choson dynasty , the most important of which are those about Song and Ming history .

  18. 中宗时代史书编修的烦恼促成了刘知几的不朽名著《史通》的诞生。

    It is until Emperor Zhong Zong period that Liu Zhiji 's masterpiece Shitong came into being in spite of troubles found in the process of compilation .

  19. 辞书的编修要注意体系性,使读者使用起来觉得更系统,更清晰。五、充分重视读者查考需要,提高实用性。

    Systematization is required in the compilation of the dictionary in order to make users have more systemic and explicit understanding . 5 . Pay attention to the needs of users and improve the practicality .

  20. 宋代南唐史著史料来源广泛,以纪传体编修为主,篇目设置上主要继承了前人的传统,同时也有所创新。

    Historical works of Nan-tang in Song Dynasty have extensive historical material sources , biography was a predominant power . The table of contents mainly inherited the tradition , but there were also some innovations .

  21. 除了史料来源的因素外,导致两《唐书》宰相传差异的最主要原因是两书编修者史学理念、政治理念的不同。

    In addition to factor of the historical sources , the most important reasons leading to the difference between the Biographies of the prime ministers of the two books were the differences of the editors ' concept and the political ideas .

  22. 本文从传播学的研究视角切入,通过对《论语》等儒家经典文本的考察,从访问诸侯、设学授徒、编修典籍三个方面梳理了孔子生平从事的主要传播活动。

    This thesis used the perspective of communication , carding the main communication activities of Confucius by his visiting to various states , educating and editing the ancient books and records through the investigation on classic texts like " the Analects of Confucius " .

  23. 方志尽管不是中国特有的文化,但在世界范围内,中国的地方志编修时间最久、最成体系积累数量也最多。

    The contents of the Chronicles is not restricted to the traditional culture of Chinese characteristics , however , in comparison with others of the world , its editing period is the longest , its structure is the most systematic and its volume is the most abundant .

  24. 近代以降,特别是最近二十多年间,中国学者对断代文学全集的编修倾注了极大的热情,先后出版或编纂中的著作已知达四十种以上,所涉几乎包括了各个历史时期的各体作品。

    Since contemporary period , especially in the last 20 years or so , Chinese scholars devoted greatly to the compilation of complete works of literature of periods , publishing or compiling over 40 books which nearly covered all literary works in various styles in different historical periods .

  25. 就地震志篇目和人物章节的设置、资料收集、历史地震资料的完善以及矿震研究等方面,认为市级地震志的编修应突出地方地震工作特色和时代特征。

    It is considered that the historical earthquake record compiling and modifying at city level should give prominence to local feature and characteristic of the times in the aspects of content cataloging , character and paragraph setting , data collecting , historical earthquake data perfecting and mine earthquake studying .