
  1. 利用成组技术将挤压零件划分为10种相似零件族,采用半成式CAPP方法编制标准工艺,完成挤压工艺计算机辅助设计系统研究开发工作,提高了挤压工艺规程的生成速度和质量。

    Program standard technology by adopting half-product CAPP method ; finish the research of the extruding technology computer assistance design system ; improve the produced speed of extruding technology and quality ;

  2. 结合中国华陆工程公司编制标准的实践,就工程公司标准编制的重要性、组织领导、编制方法和内容等谈了做法和体会

    Introduces the practice and experience of preparing the company standards . Standard

  3. 网络环境下叙词表编制标准的国际发展趋势

    International Development Trend of Standard of Thesauri Establishment under the Networked Environment

  4. 岩土工程勘察文件编制标准

    Standard for investigation-documents of geotechnical engineering

  5. 编制标准化客观性试题的方法学研究

    Methodology study on standardized objective test

  6. 不动产登记簿是不动产物权的基础,在设置上应有统一性,有合理的构造和编制标准。

    As the base of real estate law , real estate register with reasonable structure should be unified .

  7. 医院人员编制标准是医院管理的基础,医院人员编制标准是否合理,直接关系到医院的诊疗技术发展、医疗质量和医疗安全保障、医院的工作效率和运行成本的核算。

    The personnel post allocation standard in hospital got important role on hospital administration . It could affect hospital development , healthcare quality , risk control , efficiency and cost effective of hospital .

  8. 国内建筑给水排水技术人员为研发新的排水管道产品和编制标准,对排水立管系统排水能力进行了积极的研究。

    Domestic water supply and drainage construction and technical personnel for the development of new products and the development of standards for sewer , drainage on the drainage capacity of riser system had a positive study .

  9. 高校应编制标准体系表,总结学生工作的基本规律和成功经验,充分考虑相关方需求,制定各项标准,建立学生工作标准体系,并动态适应学校内外部环境。

    Universities should compile the standard system table , summarize the basic rules and successful experiences , think over requirements of interested parties , define relative standards , establish the standard system on student affairs and adapt dynamically the inside and outside enviroment of universities .

  10. 针对目前开发区规划尚无编制标准的现状,分析开发区规划与环境保护规划的关系,从环境保护的角度提出编制开发区规划的原则、内容及成果要求。

    For the statement that development area planning had no standard , the relationship of development area planning and environmental protection planning was analysed . Also , the demands about principle and content and result of development area planning were suggested from the viewpoint of environmental protection .

  11. 护理人员编制的标准不够科学;

    The standard for nursing personnel posts is not scientific ;

  12. 简略寿命表编制的标准表法

    Method of constructing abridged life table by reference to a standard table

  13. 中国、美国和英国叙词表编制国家标准比较研究

    Comparison of National Standards of Thesauri Establishment among China , US and UK

  14. 一些公司编制反映标准成本差异的损益表。

    Some companies prepare an income statement for management that highlights standard cost variances .

  15. 编制公司标准的一些做法和体会

    Practice and Experience of Preparing the Company Standards

  16. 设计阶段,主要是确立考核内容,制定考核标准并编制考评标准手册。

    Designing stage : Defining assessing substances , formulating assessing standard and working out assessing standard manual ;

  17. 预算编制和标准成本

    Budgeting and standard costs

  18. 解决这些问题的有途径是实行预算编制的标准周期管理;

    Some measures are suggested to meet these requirements , for example standardizing the periodic management of budgeting ;

  19. 本文旨在介绍青少年心理健康素质动力系统量表的编制及其标准化过程。

    The present paper is to introduce an Interpersonal Communication Scale ( ICS ) in adolescent mental health dialesis .

  20. 根据专科特点按病种分类,编制了标准中医护理计划。

    Furthermore , the diseases were classified according to features of specialty and the standard nursing project of TCM was established .

  21. 提出在新一轮土地利用总体规划中,要首先开发土地利用总体规划信息系统,并在该系统支持下编制统一标准、统一模式的土地利用规划的工作模式。

    It also introduced some ideas of using 3S technology in improving spatial data models , developing information systems for land use planning .

  22. 可通过政府行政调控、政策及法律调整、信息咨询教育、理论建设、职业道德培训、建立行业协会、编制行业标准等方式,来实现信息咨询业的规范化管理。

    The ways of the standardized management include administrative control , political and lawful regulation , professional e-ducation , academic development , and so on .

  23. 本研究将根据量表编制的标准程序和方法,独立地研制属于胃肠积热的证候诊断标准。

    The study was based on a set of procedures and methods of scale development , preparation the syndrome diagnosis standard belong to Gastrointestinal Heat Retention independently .

  24. 通过对学校领导、心理辅导教师以及学生的访谈等,编制评价标准,完成评价方案的设计。

    Through the talk with the school leaders , the teachers and the students , work out the standard of evaluation and complete the design of evaluation plan .

  25. 深化人事制度改革,加快制定人员编制的标准,是当前卫生改革中亟待解决的问题之一。

    To deepen the personnel regulations reform and accelerate determining the standards for personnel posts is one of the pressing problems needing urgent solution in current health care reform .

  26. 方法标准化通过在全国各行政区按人口比例随机抽样,共测查了3~7岁儿童1313人,编制了标准分城市常模。

    Methods 1 313 children aged 3-7 years were randomly sampled from the whole nation matched with the population structure of the census in 1990 and the norms were compiled .

  27. 通过研究作业过程,编制其标准化作业程序,使人、机、料、环4个环节和谐统一,作业程序化、规范化。

    By means of studying the working process and compiling the standardized operation procedure , we have made the four links of person , machine , material and environment more harmonious and unified .

  28. 它丰富了劳动定员定额管理的内容,填补了劳动定员定额中编制定员标准体系方面的空白,为现代人力资源管理理论提供了有益补充。

    In theory , it enriches the work and personnel quota theory , fills in the blanks of the design of standard personnel system , and makes beneficial supplements for the modern HRM .

  29. 但是为了完成规程的完善与提升研究,编制地方标准,并在更大范围推广应用该新型墙材,有必要进行详细的基本力学性能研究。

    But in order to completing procedures , the perfect and improve local standards , and compiled in wider range popularization and application of the new wall materials , must establish its complete mechanics theory system .

  30. 并结合电力标准文献管理的实践,从广东省电力技术标准体系表的编制、标准文献的收藏管理、标准文献的服务等几个方面对如何实现电力技术标准的标准化管理进行了阐述。

    On this basis , the preparation of power standard system diagram of Guangdong Province as well as the storage management and service of power standards are described in detail to illustrate the realization process of standardized management of power standards .