
  • 网络Plain and Bordered White Banner;re de Zhengxiangbai;Plain e Bordered White Banner;Zhengxiangba Qi;Plain y Bordered White Banner
  1. 以TEM在内蒙古正镶白旗地区地下水勘察中的应用为例,证明了TEM在确定含水层及井位上的有效性。

    The application of TEM to groundwater exploration in Baiqi area of Inner Mongolia verifies the effectiveness of TEM in determination of aquifers and well positions .

  2. 作者于1990~1996年在内蒙古正镶白旗、太仆寺旗典型草原采用标志流放法研究了布氏田鼠种群在数量下降期和上升期的季节存活率及其对数量测报的意义。

    Seasonal survival rates of two populations of Brandt 's vole ( Microtus brandti ) was estimated by using captured-recaptured method from 1990 to 1996 in Zhengxiangbai Banner and Tipus Banner , Inner Mongolia , and feeding data was refereed in a laboratory .