
  1. 结论昆明种小白鼠生理发育指标与B6C3F1小鼠及CD1小鼠各发育指标大致相当,平面翻正指标差别较大,可能与观察方法或小鼠品系有关。

    Conclusion The indices of physiological development in KunMing mice are equivalent to that of B 6C 3F 1 and CD-1 mice . There is , however , significant difference in surface righting , which may result from different investigation methods or different kinds of mice .

  2. 在统计学学习中,正指标和逆指标经常被不加区分地处理,导致了许多错误。

    Positive and negative indicators are often handled without being distinguished in the study of statistics , which leads to many mistakes .

  3. 新国标列出了正丙醇的指标,对酒精的质量要求更高。

    The new national standard of alcohol lists the index of n-propanol which requires higher quality of alcohol .

  4. 关于锥内正映射不动点指标的一个猜想

    Conjecture on Fixed Points Indices of Positive Mappings in Cones

  5. 预测信息准确率正是这种重要指标的具体体现。

    Accuracy of predictive information is a concrete manifestation of the important indicator .

  6. 与全样分析参数一样,正构烷烃分子指标也有明显的季节和区域变化趋势。

    Similar to bulk chemical parameters , the n-alkane proxies had different area and season variation tendency .

  7. 测试速度对于断裂力和变形距离影响不显著但对于峰面积、正峰数等指标影响显著。

    The effects of TS on the area and count force peaks of texture profile are significant , while on the force and distance are insignificant .

  8. 近来,磁学监测正逐步作为代用指标,监测由某些工业或交通污染的土壤中金属元素含量。

    In recent years , magnetic measurements have been increasingly used as a proxy for the metal content in soils influenced by industrial or traffic emissions .

  9. 美国和欧洲企业与上年同期相比的业绩表现如此黯淡,以至于分析师正留神关注其它指标,以判断目前是否已经见底。

    The year-on-year performance of both US and European companies is so dismal that analysts are looking at other measures to see whether the worst has been reached .