
  • 网络Rate of capital accumulation;Capital accumulate ratio;accumulation rate of capital
  1. 亚当·斯密说过经济增长率与资本积累率成正比。

    Adam Smith said the economic growth rate is proportional to the rate of capital accumulation .

  2. 主流经济学家认为,收入的公平分配与经济增长负相关,因为公平会损害效率,并降低资本积累率。

    Mainstream economists think impartiality distribute of income and economy growth is negative correlation because impartiality may damage efficiency and reduce capital accumulation rate .

  3. 改变前述局面的关键条件,是使农村部门的人力资本积累率大于其人力资本的转移率。

    The essential condition about changing that aspect is that the accumulation rate of human capital in rural department is made higher than the shift rate .

  4. 缩小城乡收入差距政策的主要着眼点,应是促进农村家庭人力资本积累率提高和生育率下降。

    The mainly point of the policy of narrowing urban-rural income gap is to raise the accumulation rate of human capital and lower the fertility in countryside area .

  5. 高储蓄率支持了高水平的投资率和资本积累率,而资本正是推动经济增长的主要因素。

    The high deposits rate has supported the high-level rate of investment and accumulation rate of the capital , which is exactly the main factor of promoting the economic growth .

  6. 人力资本积累率的提高以及由此引致的生育率下降,是农业部门摆脱马尔萨斯稳态进入持续增长均衡阶段的根本条件。

    The author holds that the rise of human capital accumulation rate and its resulting drop of fertility constitute a full pre-requisite for the agricultural development to get rid of " the Malthusian Stability " and embark on the path of development .

  7. 而城市部门已进入低生育率、高人力资本存量和积累率所推动的持续增长阶段。

    However , city department has already entered into continuing growth stage in which the low fertility , high human capital storage and accumulation rate remain .

  8. 基于人口学视角的山东省人力资本积累及其经济贡献率研究

    Study on Human Capital Accumulation and Contribution to the Economic Growth in Shandong : A Point of View from Demography