
  • 网络profitability analysis;Customer profitability analysis;CO-PA
  1. 从财务报表分析出现开始,盈利能力分析就一直是财务分析的重点。

    From the beginning the analysis of financial statements , profitability analysis has been the focus of financial analysis .

  2. 客户盈利能力分析是一种创新的管理分析方法,它根据盈利能力不同对客户区别对待。

    Customer profitability analysis is an innovative method of management , which distinguishes customers ? in terms of their different profitability .

  3. 基于ABC与EVA的产品盈利能力分析

    Analysis of Product Profitability based on ABC and EVA

  4. 然后提出了将数据挖掘应用到移动通信企业的CRM中,在这个过程中数据挖掘主要用于客户群体分类、客户盈利能力分析、客户获取和客户保持、客户满意度分析等。

    Then CRM of mobile communication enterprises using data mining was researched , and data mining was mainly used in the classification of customers , customer profitability analysis , customer acquisition and customer retention , customer satisfaction analysis and so on .

  5. 电网经营企业客户盈利能力分析的必要性

    The necessity of customer profitability analysis for the grid operation group

  6. 简化改扩建项目经济评价盈利能力分析的探讨

    Discussion on Simplifying the Economic Assessment of Renovation and Expansion Project

  7. 以作业为基础的顾客盈利能力分析帮助对顾客进行战略管理。

    Customer profitability analyzing based on activity helps to manage customer strategically .

  8. 上市公司盈利能力分析的几个问题

    Analysis of Several Issues of the Profitability of Listed Companies

  9. 盈利能力分析指标改进的思考

    Thoughts about the Improvement of Profit Ability Analysis Index

  10. 客户盈利能力分析模块。

    Customer profitability analysis module . 4 .

  11. 基于这些原因,盈利能力分析对于投资者和债权人来讲都是重要的。

    For these reasons , the analysis of profitability is important to both investors and creditors .

  12. 基于五力模型的海南旅行社盈利能力分析

    Study on the Profit Margin of Hainan 's Travel Agencies Based on Porter 's Five Competitiveness Model

  13. 传统的盈利能力分析往往只注重对收益数量的分析,而忽略了对收益质量的分析,容易使投资者做出错误的投资决策。

    The traditional profitability analysis only focuses on the quantitative analysis usually , but ignores the earnings quality analysis .

  14. 经财务盈利能力分析和敏感性分析,预计可实现较大的经济效益。

    After break-even analysis and sensitivity analysis , it is estimated that this method will bring great economy profit .

  15. 第二章阐述了沪市A股房地产上市公司盈利能力分析的研究内容。

    Chapter two expatiates the specific contents of the profit ability of the A section list real estate companies of Shanghai .

  16. 除了上述的盈利能力分析和偿债能力分析之外,投资者还应当使用下面讲到的比率作更进一步的分析。

    Apart from the above mentioned profitability analysis and solvency analysis , investors should make further analysis Using the following ratios .

  17. 他们会定期用盈利能力分析,来检验这些简单的法则,并且只保留那些能维持合理利润的法则。

    They regularly subject these simple rules to profitability tests and only keep those rules that keep their profits at reasonable levels .

  18. 企业在进行多元化行为时,往往忽视自身的盈利能力分析,导致了盲目投资和经营绩效较差。

    Second the enterprise often ignore themselves ' profit ability analysis while enter in a new industry , which results in bad investment outcome .

  19. 产品盈利能力分析是产品组合决策的基础,而有效的盈利分析有赖于产品成本的准确性和完整性。

    Analysis of product profitability is a foundation of product mix decision . A valid analysis is dependent on the accuracy and integrity of cost information .

  20. 客户盈利能力分析不仅能帮助电网经营企业识别不同客户对利润的贡献,还可以帮助企业识别并提高作业效率,从而提高企业整体的盈利水平。

    The analysis can help identify the contribution of customer profitability , identify and improve operation efficiency . Thus it will improve the overall level of profitability .

  21. 第四,对该项目进行了经济分析,有投资规模,成本和收益,盈利能力分析,清偿能力分析和不确定性分析。

    Fourthly , an economical analysis was made towards this project , including investment size , cost and benefit , beneficial analysis , liquidity analysis and uncertainty analysis .

  22. 在评价既有项目法人项目时,根据项目实际情况,分析选取相关技术经济评价数据,避开现有资产的分析,从而达到简化盈利能力分析的目的。

    Simplification of project profitability analysis for existing Project Corporation was attained by analysis of relevant technical economy parameter based on actual project condition , instead of analyzing existing assets .

  23. 运用成本作业法,加强房地产企业的成本管理、生产管理、产品定价、新产品开发、顾客盈利能力分析等诸多方面,能帮助房地产企业制定正确的战略策略,实现可持续发展。

    The activity-based costing would strengthen architecture enterprise ' management , such as costing management , manufacture management , production price , new production development and the capability analyses of customer profit etc.

  24. 本文通过调查并与美国的一项调查结果相比较发现,客户盈利能力分析在我国企业的应用还不广泛,目前只有少数企业开始运用它为企业的经营决策服务。

    By means of a survey in China and a comparison with U.S.A , this paper shows that the customer profitability analysis is applied in decision-making by only a few enterprises in China .

  25. ·通过实地研究,结合某银行个人信贷部的具体情况,具体分析了如何按照银行作业成本计算步骤进行作业成本计算,如何进行产品利润分析,如何进行客户盈利能力分析与差别化营销决策;

    Through investigation , giving a example of activity-based costing for the personal credit department . Author point at how analyzing the profit of products and the profit from customers and personal service .

  26. 就技术改造与扩建项目经济评价中盈利能力分析、增量指标和总量指标、计算范围和计算期、借款偿还期计算、沉没费用和固定成本费用的处理进行了探讨。

    The paper inquires into criterions for economic evalution of technological transformation and extension project , such as profitability , incremental index , overall index , the date of repayment and fix cost , etc.

  27. 本文第五和第六章是对投资战略的评价。其中第五章对所设计的投资战略进行了财务分析,包括盈利能力分析、清偿能力分析和不确定性分析。

    The evaluation of the invest strategy is discussed in Chapter 6 and 7 . In chapter 6 , a financial analysis for the invest strategy is made , including the analysis of profitability , repayment ability and nondeterminacy .

  28. 由于多元筹资是项目实际运作的财务、税务条件,投资项目的财务可行性最终结论应当依据多元筹资项目财务现金流量表所作出的盈利能力分析来决定。

    The final decision of investment project feasibility on finance must depend on the profitability analysis according to the financial cashflow statement on multi-financing , due to multi-financing being the practice financial and taxation environment of project 's operation .

  29. 上市公司盈利能力分析指标主要有总资产报酬率、每股收益、普通股权益报酬率、股利支付率、市盈率等。

    The listed company 's profitability analysis index mainly includes the total property return rate , each income , the common share rights and interests return rate , the dividend payment rate , and Price-earning ratio , and so on .

  30. 采用静态和动态法对利用黄磷尾气生产工业甲醇进行了技术经济评价;经财务盈利能力分析和敏感性分析,预计可实现经济效益、环保效益和社会效益。

    Using the static and dynamic evaluation , production of technical grade methanol from yellow phosphorus flue gas was evaluated by technical-economic index such as financial profitability , sensitivity analysis , forecasted the economic , environmental protection and social benefits .