
  • 网络Du Pont Analysis;Dupont analysis
  1. 在增值表财务分析中引入杜邦分析体系的探讨

    Introduce Du Pont Analysis System in Increased Form Financial Analysis

  2. 论杜邦分析体系的改进

    Discuss on Improvement of the Du Pont Analysis System

  3. 杜邦分析法和EVA的结合为传统的经营决策提供了必要的补充。

    The combination of Du Pont System and EVA can also provide the traditional operation decision with the necessary supplements .

  4. 第三,本文进一步运用SWOT战略分析法以及杜邦分析法对企业财务管理的问题及财务战略选择进行了探讨。

    Third , this article further used the DuPont analysis method and the SWOT strategy analysis method to discuss the enterprise financial control problems and the financial strategy choices .

  5. 在指标体系中创造性地增加体现企业可持续发展的EVA指标,并使用杜邦分析法综合分析反映企业偿债能力、盈利能力和营运能力的各指标。

    The EVA indicator , embodying the sustainable development of corporation , is added in a creative way , and DuPont Analysis is used to generally analyse the various indicators of the corporate solvency , profitability and operating capacity .

  6. 本文首次将财务杠杆系数(D/E)明确嵌入EVA中,并将杜邦分析法与D/E、r结合起来,构造了全新的EVA算式。

    For the first time , this thesis clearly puts Degree of financial leverage ( D / E ) into EVA formula , and integrates EVA with DuPont system , D / E & r , constructing a new formula of EVA .

  7. 第二章业绩评价理论的演变与发展,研究了沃尔评分法、杜邦分析体系、EVA、战略平衡计分卡的基本思想,对EVA和战略平衡计分卡的创新之处进行了分析。

    The second chapter is the performance evaluation ' theory evolution and the development , study wolf method , Dupont analyzes the system , EVA , the balanced score card , place carried on the analysis to EVA and the strategic balance idea branch customs station innovation .

  8. 运用杜邦分析法对企业财务报表综合分析

    Comprehensive Analysis of Company 's Financial Statements by Du Pont Method

  9. 杜邦分析体系是分析财务报表的方法之一。

    DuPont Analysis System is one method for analyzing financial statements .

  10. 杜邦分析扩展模型的规范与应用&利润结构模型

    The Regulations and Applications of DuPont Extended Models & Profit Structure Model

  11. 本文认为,企业只有充分认识和协调运用这两个系统,把事前的目标责任与事中的监督考核以及事后的分析评价有机的结合在一起,才能正确运用杜邦分析法。

    Only integrating beforehand target responsibility into control and post-assessment can Du Pont System be perfectly used .

  12. 讨论了杜邦分析法如何通过几种财务指标之间的关系,全面系统地分析和评价企业的财务状况;

    The discusses that the financial conditions of business is analyzed and qualified by the relations of financial index in DU PONT .

  13. 但是,现代企业所处的经济环境越来越复杂,传统的杜邦分析体系暴露出许多先天的缺陷。

    However , economic environment is much more complex than before . The traditional DuPont Analysis System revealed some " innate " defects .

  14. 多元化影响企业绩效的杜邦分析视角&基于中国上市公司面板数据的实证研究

    A Du Pont Analysis Perspective of the Effect of Diversification on Corporate Performance : An Empirical Study Based on Panel Data of Chinese Listed Companies

  15. 而杜邦分析是一种常用的财务报表分析方式,它是把经营性净资产回报率分解为两个相乘的部分:利润率和资产周转率。

    DuPont analysis , a common form of financial statement analysis , decomposes return on net operating assets into two multiplicative components : profit margin and asset turnover .

  16. 而运用杜邦分析法进行相关分析则利较好地揭示了各主要经济效益比率指标之间的内在联系,利用财务基础数据计算出企业核心指标权益净利率。

    The DuPont analysis of major economic laws ratios using the intrinsic link between the use of basic data to calculate the financial indicators of interest in core net interest margin .

  17. 这表明在中国证券市场上,投资者在评价公司的价值时,应更多地关注杜邦分析的核心指标&(经营)净资产收益率,而不是其成份指标。

    This suggests that in Chinese stock market , investors should pay more attention to the core index of DuPont analysis & the ( operating ) net assets return rather the component index .

  18. 第三部分实例分析,以海尔,春兰,格力三个上市公司为例,通过纵横向的比较,着重讨论了杜邦分析法在我国上市公司的应用情况。

    Part III example , Haier , Chunlan , Geli three listed companies , for example , through the vertical and horizontal , DuPont focused on the analysis of China 's listed companies in the application .

  19. 本文在研究方法和研究内容上有所创新。引入了杜邦分析体系对样本上市公司经营绩效进行全面综合评价,详尽地分析了交叉持股对我国上市公司经营绩效的影响。

    It introduces the Du Pont financial analysis system to make comprehensive evaluations for the business performance of listed companies . Moreover , it conducts a detailed analysis of the impact of cross-shareholdings on listed companies ' business performance .

  20. 并进一步探讨了如何利用杜邦分析法作为预报器和指示器以便发现企业财务管理中存在的问题,针对出现的问题采取相应措施,不断改善企业的经营管理和财务状况,实现企业财务管理的目标。

    Then , it discusses how to find the problem of business financial administration by the index of DUPONT . How to improve business administration and financial conditions , and how to reach the goal of business financial administration .

  21. 主要内容包括基于偿债能力分析、经营效率分析、盈利能力分析和投资价值分析的财务指标专项分析;杠杆分析和杜邦分析体系的综合财务分析。

    The author mainly does financial statements project analysis based on the debt paying ability analysis , operation efficiency analysis , performance analysis and investment value analysis financial index analysis . Leverage analysis and dupont analysis system of comprehensive financial analysis .

  22. 应用杜邦财务分析体系对企业进行绩效评价

    On Evaluation of Enterprise Performance with Du Pont Financial Analysis System

  23. 杜邦财务分析应用与探讨

    The Application and Discussion of Do Pont Financial Analysis

  24. 然后对杜邦财务分析体系与沃尔评分法进行了改进。

    The Du Pont System of Financial Analysis and the Wall Marking Way are then improved .

  25. 在杜邦财分析体系中引入增值会计数据分析企业对社会的贡献。

    Introducing Analysis of Value Added Accounting Indices to the Du Pont System of Financial Analysis .

  26. 这对国内其他企业应用杜邦财务分析和平衡计分卡考评也有一定的参考意义。

    It can make sense for some domestic enterprise that applied Dupond financial analysis and balance scorecard .

  27. 浅析杜邦财务分析的应用

    Application of Dupont Financial Analysis

  28. 之后,还运用了杜邦财务分析体系对山西三维做了总体的财务效率分析。

    Also the use of DuPont financial analysis system of Shanxi group did a comprehensive financial analysis .

  29. 其间比较有代表性的绩效评价方法有:杜邦财务分析体系、经济增加值、平衡计分卡等。

    The representative methods during that time such as the Du Pont System , EVA and BSC , etc.

  30. 所以,本文将侧重对财务分析方法,即杜邦财务分析方法,的系统研究。

    So this paper laid particular emphasis on the financial analysis - Du Pont system 's systematic research .