
  • 网络financial work
  1. 但是,ERP技术在企业财务工作实施中还存在大量问题有待研究。

    However , there are still many problems to be studied , when the ERP techniques are used in enterprise financial work .

  2. 或许,运用工业工程BPR等技术方法,并与IT技术相结合,能给高校财务工作带来质的改进。

    Perhaps , to use the techniques like BPR and other IE methods , combined with IT technology , will bring universities with a qualitative improvement in their financial work .

  3. 每月复核各项财务工作并向FC报告。

    Monthly review the situation and report to FC .

  4. 当然了,做了这么多年的财务工作,电脑操作熟练也可以算是一个优点,尤其擅长EXCEL进行数据统计分析。

    Of course , do so many years of accounting work , familiar with PC operation can also be an advantage , especially good at EXCEL statistical data analysis .

  5. 研究还发现,人们会一大早就用手机查看火车时刻表,做点财务工作,还会更新Instagram上的讯息。

    It also emerged that people will check the train times , do their banking and update Instagram early on in the day .

  6. 市场经济的发展对医院财务工作提出了更高的要求,加强财务内部控制制度对维护国家、医院及患者的利益至关重要。

    The development of market economy need more high-level financial control .

  7. 学费管理是高校财务工作中的重要环节,对于民办高校更是具有事关生存与发展的重大意义。

    Tuition Management is an important part of university financial work .

  8. 财务工作质量成本与财务工作质量水平的关系。

    The other is relationship between quality cost and quality standardization .

  9. 高校财务工作的首要职责是监督和服务。

    The chief responsibility of financial affairs is the monitoring and service .

  10. 总结经验突出重点努力做好相持阶段下的林业计划财务工作

    To Summarize the Experience and Emphasize Forestry Financial Work in Stalemate Phase

  11. 资金管理:军队财务工作中一项重之又重的任务

    Fund management : an important task of army financial work

  12. 装备财务工作应重点研究的几个问题

    Issues of weaponry finance that we should study at present

  13. 做好单位财务工作防止腐败现象发生

    Preventing the Corruption through Doing Well the Financial Work of the Unit

  14. 财务工作是该目标宝贵而必要的投入。

    Economic clarity is an invaluable-and essential-input to this work .

  15. 新形势下提高财务工作质量的途径

    Way of improving the quality of troop financial affairs

  16. 对军队财务工作发展建设的思考

    Thinking of the development and construction of troops Finance

  17. 高校财会人员职业道德水平高低和责任心强弱直接影响着财务工作质量。

    Their professional ethics and sense of duty influence directly the financial affairs .

  18. 对新时期军队财务工作几个主要问题的再思考

    Rethinking on army financial work in the new period

  19. 高校合并中财务工作问题探讨

    On the Financial Problems in the Combination of Colleges

  20. 对高校后勤社会化财务工作的转型思考

    The Transformation of Financial Affairs after the Socialization of Rear Service of University

  21. 医疗市场的拓展和财务工作的责任

    On Expanding Medical Markets and Responsibilities of Accountants

  22. 处理中心的财务工作;

    Handle the financial affair in the center ;

  23. 论财务工作中的经济利益

    The issue of economic interest in finance work

  24. 当前部队财务工作面临的难题及对策探寻

    Present troops financial management : difficulties and Countermeasures

  25. 会计和财务工作的十个层次

    Ten Levels of Accounting & Financial Affairs

  26. 高校基建财务工作现状及改进措施

    The Status quo of Financial Management and its Improvement for capital Construction in Higher Education

  27. 这种复杂性给高校的财务工作带来了许多挑战,也提出了许多新的问题。

    The complexity brings many challenges and raises many new problems to the college financial work .

  28. 谈财务工作抓落实

    Implementation the key to financial work

  29. 谈军队财务工作的目标管理

    On objective management in financial work

  30. 自愿任财务工作的人

    Volunteers for the post of treasurer