
  1. 世界银行资深养老金问题高级经济师RobertPalacios解释说,另一个不利于改革的因素是,养老金承诺根本不体现在财政账户中。

    An added disincentive is the fact that these pension promises don 't appear anywhere in fiscal accounts , explains Robert Palacios , a World Bank senior economist who specializes in pensions .

  2. 通过对系统的实现,解决了当前财政账户管理困难的现状。

    Through the implementation of the system , we solved the current financial account management difficult situation .

  3. 长期而言,这应会带来对外支付和财政账户的可融资平衡,不过要在经历多年的痛苦之后。

    In the long run , this should deliver financeable balances in the external payments and fiscal accounts , though only after many years of pain .

  4. 还是在2004年时,我曾经警告,美国已在不知不觉中,开始依赖东亚资金稳定其失衡的经常帐户和财政账户。

    Back in 2004 I warned that the US had imperceptibly come to rely on East Asian capital to stabilise its unbalanced current and fiscal accounts .

  5. 但在一个增长迅速的经济体,将财政账户转为持续盈余的难度远远小于增长缓慢的国家&特别是在人口老龄化压力隐隐浮现的情况下。

    But it would be far easier to move the fiscal accounts into sustained surplus in a fast-growing economy than a slow-growing one , particularly given the looming pressures from ageing .

  6. 政府的财政账户现在已是基本平衡,并且债务与国内生产总值的比率也是保持在16%的较底水平,这样政府仍有足够的空间通过增加消费来刺激经济。

    The government also has ample room to stimulate the economy by raising spending , since its fiscal accounts are almost balanced , and its total debt-to-GDP ratio is very low at16 percent .

  7. 国债规模的动态分析框架受家庭账户约束和财政账户约束的共同作用,由约束函数、目标函数和状态函数三部分构成,且家庭账户微观变量和财政账户宏观变量之间存在交互关系。

    The dynamic framework of PDS is constrained by both family account and government financial account , and consists of constraint function , objective function and state function . There is also interaction effect between variables related with family account and those related with public financial account .

  8. 实行国库集中支付制度是对财政资金账户设置和收支缴拨方式的根本性变革,是预算管理制度改革的核心内容之一。

    It is the fundamental transformation of the financial fund account establishment and the way of the revenue and expenditure to implement the State treasury centralism payment system , and also it is one of the core content of budget management system reform .

  9. 经济停滞、通胀攀升、财政和外部账户恶化,同时全球经济环境充满挑战&这一切局限了她的回旋余地。

    A stalled economy with rising inflation and deteriorating fiscal and external accounts in a challenging global environment limits what she can do .

  10. 危机期间,巨额外部赤字还会导致外国资金流入的“突然断流”,因此需要官方支持,以应对持续的财政和经常账户赤字以及资本外逃。

    In a crisis , huge external deficits also result in " sudden stops " in the inflow of external finance and so the need for official support , to finance the ongoing fiscal and current account deficits and capital flight .

  11. 许多拉美国家也已经摆脱肆意挥霍财政和经常账户资金的曾有恶名,并且新兴世界的所有大宗商品出口者都已从食品、石油及金属价格的大幅上涨中受益。

    Many Latin American countries have also shaken off the fiscal and current account profligacy for which the region was once famous , and commodity exporters across the emerging world have benefited from the big rise in food , oil and metals prices .

  12. 私人部门盈余越多,财政赤字或经常账户盈余也肯定越多。

    The bigger the private surplus , the bigger the fiscal deficit or current account surplus must be .

  13. 除此之外,我们预计上市公司的管理者更看重股价,因此他们更关心能够反映财政状况的报告账户数据。

    In addition , we expect managers of public companies to have a heightened focus on share prices and therefore a greater concern for reported accounting numbers that reflect economic reality .

  14. 关键在于,如果美国想降低私人部门的负债比率,并大幅削减财政赤字,经常账户赤字就必须近乎消失。

    The big point is that if there is to be deleveraging of the private sector and a huge reduction in the fiscal deficit , then the current account deficit must pretty well disappear .

  15. 此外,长期而言,若要避免新一轮不负责任的私营部门举债或持续的巨额财政赤字,外部账户就必须出现大幅改观。

    In the long run , moreover , big shifts in the external accounts will be necessary if a new round of irresponsible private borrowing or a continuation of huge fiscal deficits is to be avoided .

  16. 这些都是一一对应的关系:如果私人部门有财务盈余(收大于支),那么就肯定对应着财政赤字或经常账户盈余(或两者都有)。

    These are mirror images : if the private sector runs a financial surplus ( an excess of income over spending ), there has to be either a fiscal deficit or a current account surplus ( or both ) .

  17. 采用这种方式支付款项时,先由预算单位向财政部门提出申请,经财政部门审核后,将财政资金从单一账户(财政零余额账户)支付给收款人。

    When using this payment method , the budget unit make an application first , then the application is reviewed by the financial sector . If the application is approved , the financial fund will be paid to the payee from the treasury single account system .

  18. 结合财政国库部门的工作实际,指出了目前财政专项资金会计核算存在的主要问题;提出了规范财政专项资金银行账户的设置、加强资金管理的基本要求;

    It points out the main problems of financial funds in the course of accounting , puts up the standardization of fixed funds in bank account , strengthens the basic requirements for fund management , introduces how to appropriate funds and practical operations for accountants .