
  • 网络Resource Reservation
  1. 基于Struts框架构建土地资源储备业务管理系统的研究

    Development of land resource reserve business management system based on Struts

  2. 参照一篮子期权的几何平均B-S期权定价模型,给出了基于实物期权的多项土地资源储备与开发的算术平均收益的夏普比率优化目标函数。

    The objective Sharpe ratio function of land development arithmetic average value portfolio is deduced based on the geometric average B-S model of the basket options in the paper .

  3. 塔里木盆地剩余可采储量3397×108m3,基本满足了第一期工程对资源储备的要求。

    The remnant gas excavated in the basin is 3 397 × 10 8m 3 , basically satisfy the demand required by the first phase of the project .

  4. 该文论述国土资源储备对国家安全的重要保障作用。

    The repertory of territorial resources has important security function .

  5. 建立战略资源储备体系,应付突发危机;

    Establishing resources strategic reserve for dealing with resources crisis ;

  6. 因此中国应该建立健全战略资源储备体系。

    Therefore , China should establish a sound strategic resource reserve system .

  7. 建立重要矿产资源储备制度。

    Setting up resource reserve system for major mineral resources .

  8. 我国国土资源储备初探

    RESOURCE stock pile Exploration on the Repertory of Territorial Resources

  9. 我国文献资源储备体制的新构想

    A Consideration for Literature Resource Reserve System in China

  10. 建设地下盐穴储库、进行油气资源储备,在中国是开拓性的新的战略储备领域。

    Salt cavern construction is a pioneered attempt for strategic reserve in China .

  11. 新疆有许多能源资源储备。

    1 there are a lot of energy sources in Xinjiang in store .

  12. 从资源储备率来看,粮食也远大于石油。

    In terms of resources reserve ratio , grain is higher than oil .

  13. 2008年奥运会我国体育人力资源储备情况分析

    Analyse on the Reserve of Sports Human Resources of China for 2008 Olympic Games

  14. 世界各地类似的地质岩层结构可能意味着,人们可能低估了潜在的碳氢化合物资源储备。

    Similar geological formations worldwide might mean that potential hydrocarbon reserves have been underestimated .

  15. 规范矿产资源储备管理;

    Standardize the management of mineral reserves ;

  16. 建立和完善四川资源储备制度

    Establishing the Resources Reserve System in Sichuan

  17. 一定数量的矿产资源储备是国民经济进行正常生产建设的重要保证。

    Certain reservation of mineral resources is important to normal production and construction in national economy .

  18. 矿产资源储备是关系到国计民生的大事。

    Minecal resources reserve is a very important thing in the national economy and the people'slivelihood .

  19. 建立农村公共卫生资源储备制度,为突发事件的应急处理迅速提供必要的支持;

    The reservation system of rural public health resource should be established to respond emergency in time .

  20. 因为尽管西沙群岛和南沙群岛在很大程度上是无人居住的,但它们附近可能具有丰富的自然资源储备。

    Although largely uninhabited , the Paracels and the Spratlys may have reserves of natural resources around them .

  21. 中石油的资源储备已经与埃克森持平,而且还会进一步增长。

    PetroChina 's reserves are already on a par with Exxon 's , and are set to grow further .

  22. 首先介绍了库车县的资源储备情况,其次,描述了库车县资源开发的历程。

    Kuqa County resource reserves of First , Second , describe the process of resource development in Kuqa County .

  23. 地球上的水资源储备量是非常丰富的,但它远非取之不尽,用之不竭的,其分布还及不均匀。

    Earth has abundant water resources , but they are far from inexhaustible , and its distribution is not uniform .

  24. 事实上,内华达西斯地下城方案将水资源储备转变成为这个新城市概念的建筑单元。

    In fact , the Sietch Nevada turns these water banks into the building blocks of their new city idea .

  25. 此方案使得该区域的地下现有水资源储备不仅仅是干旱季节后援。

    The scheme makes the existing underground water banks in the area become more than just back up tanks for droughts .

  26. 库存是物流管理中各种资源储备的客观现象,库存需要付出代价。

    Stock is an objective phenomenon involving different resources and reserves in logistics management and it needs to pay a price .

  27. 它的规划营建思想,对北京城的资源储备、水系治理、抵御灾害等方面发挥了重要的作用。

    The planning and construction thoughts play a key role in resources reserve , water-system treatment , and withstanding disasters in Beijing .

  28. 在新世纪新经济发展中,我国企业保住人才、吸引人才的机遇是空前的,国有企业的优势就在于有丰富的人力资源储备,并且有广阔的发展前景,可以给人才很大的发展空间。

    With development of new economy in the new century , opportunity of attracting and keeping talents is unprecedented for domestic enterprises .

  29. 李教授同样还建议国家应该考虑利用这比巨大的外汇去购买一些这略资源储备,比如像石油。

    The professor also suggested that the country might consider using the huge foreign reserves to purchase some strategic resource reserves such as oil .

  30. 随着经济发展对铁矿石的需求,这一地区可为今后的铁矿开发提供资源储备,应进一步开展地质工作,但要考虑矿体埋藏深度对开采技术条件带来的影响。

    We should be further geological work , but to consider mining ore bodies buried on the depth of the impact of technical conditions .