
  • 网络Resource Security;resource safety
  1. 但他们也承认对“资源安全”的担心影响着他们的行动。

    But they also acknowledge that concerns about " resource security " influence their moves .

  2. 使用命令资源安全性确保只有队列管理器的管理员能够修改任何种类的SYSTEM资源,如队列和通道。

    Use command resource security to ensure that only the queue manager 's administrators can modify SYSTEM resources of any kind , such as queues and channels .

  3. 如果除backstop配置文件外,还定义了SYSTEM和应用程序配置文件,那么只能定义匹配那些命令资源安全性配置文件的资源(比如队列)。

    If in addition to the backstop profile , you define SYSTEM and application profiles , then only resources ( such as queues ) that match those command resource security profiles can be defined .

  4. 同时参照国内外可持续发展研究理论和方法,提出了资源安全机理的PSR概念模型;

    Secondly , it prefers the PSR concept framework of resources security mechanism that is based on sustainable development theory ;

  5. 探讨了计算机网络在现代教学中的应用,教学课件制作模式,Web与数据库连接的几种方式,以及基于NTServer+Cisco路由器模式下的资源安全保护。

    This text discusses the applications of computer network in modem education , the styles of teaching courseware , several methods of the connection between Web and database , and the resource security protection based on the pattern of NT Server and Cisco .

  6. 这个开关将禁用队列管理器CSQ1的命令资源安全性检查

    This switch , if defined , would deactivate command resource security checks for queue manager CSQ1

  7. 一旦定义QALIAS,就不会对别名的目标进行任何资源安全性检查。

    When the QALIAS is defined , there is no resource security check for the target of the alias .

  8. 保证计算机资源安全的一种新方法

    A New Method of Ensuring the Safety of the Computer Resources

  9. 对我国水资源安全战略研究的思考

    Reflection on the strategic study of water resource security in China

  10. 浙江省水资源安全分析与可持续利用对策

    Safety Analysis on Water Resources and Sustainable Utilization Countermeasures in Zhejiang

  11. 国家矿产资源安全理论与评价体系研究

    Study on Theory of National Mineral Resources Security and Evaluation System

  12. 面向小康社会的水资源安全保障体系研究

    Research on Water Security Guarantee System for a Well-to-do Society

  13. 全球化背景下的中国水资源安全与对策

    Water resource security and Countermeasures in China oriented to globalization

  14. 中国耕地资源安全问题及其对策研究

    Cultivated Land Resources Security and its Corresponding Counter-measures in China

  15. 海河流域水量平衡与水资源安全问题研究

    Water balance and water security study in the Haihe basin

  16. 构建水资源安全体系及预警决策支持系统

    Building up the security system and security early-warning DSS for water resources

  17. 同时,水文循环过程或发生改变,这些变化将会影响流域水资源安全。

    Meanwhile , the hydrological cycle may also be changed .

  18. 生态城市目标下的银川市水资源安全分析

    An Analysis of Water Security for Ecocity-oriented in Yinchuan City

  19. 论国家资源安全及其保障战略

    On the national resources security and its guaranteeing strategies

  20. 第三部分从国际水道法谈水资源安全法制保障存在的问题。

    Problems from the aspect of international watercourse law .

  21. 保障矿产资源安全的有效途径探讨

    On the effective approach to ensure minerals resource safety

  22. 耕地资源安全调控是以现代控制理论为基础。

    Reaches on security control is carried out based on modern control theory .

  23. 21世纪河北省资源安全评价体系设计

    Discussion on a Resource Safety Evaluation System for Hebei

  24. 国家资源安全及其系统分析

    On National Natural Resource Security and its Systematic Dynamics

  25. 利益相关者视角下的旅游资源安全问题研究

    Analysis on the Safety Problem of Tourism Resources from the Perspective of Stakeholders

  26. 供需平衡视角下的我国石油资源安全研究

    Study on China 's Petroleum Resources Security from the View of Supply-Demand Balance

  27. 资源安全具有数量、质量、结构、均衡和价格等方面的含义;

    Resource security has quantity , quality , structure , equilibrium and price implications .

  28. 论粮食安全与耕地资源安全

    On Food Security and Cultivated Land Resource Security

  29. 并对资源安全按过程、主体和类别等进行了分类;

    Three types of resource security are classified .

  30. 采空区是地下资源安全开采面临的最主要灾源之一。

    Goaf is one of the main hazard sources faced by underground resource mining .