
  • 网络return on capital;roic;capital return;roc
  1. 资本回报率方法在各个行业有所不同(比如,成熟产品制造商和成长阶段的在线软件公司需要关注不同的指标),而资本的成本也不尽相同。

    The ROIC methodology varies by industry ( a mature product manufacturer needs to monitor different metrics than a growth-stage online software company , for example ) , as does the cost of capital .

  2. 按照有效的资本主义模式,公司应该根据多重因素提供CEO的薪酬,包括季度收益、长期绩效、股价增值、创新、资本回报率、员工满意度、客户维系等。

    In an efficient capitalist model , companies would pay CEOs based on a variety of factors , including quarterly earnings , long-term performance , stock price appreciation , innovation , ROC ( return on capital ) , employee satisfaction , and customer retention , among many other things .

  3. 运用EVA提升企业价值的基本方式应以投资资本回报率及增长率而定。

    The basic measures to increase enterprises ' value through using EVA should be defined by the return ratio of the investment .

  4. 这种只提供必要服务的方式使该银行潜在利润水平翻了一番,BA估计,这将带来30%以上的资本回报率。

    The no-frills approach has doubled the bank 's potential profit pool and could generate , by BA 's reckoning , a return on equity better than 30 per cent .

  5. 非盈利性组织Catalyst去年对财富500强(Fortune500)企业所做的研究显示,董事会中拥有三名或者更多的女性,其股东权益回报率、利润率以及投资资本回报率极有可能高于平均水平。

    A study of the US Fortune 500 last year by Catalyst , the non-profit group , suggests that having three or more women on the board correlates strongly with above - average return on shareholder equity , sales and invested capital .

  6. 不过,阿里巴巴的投入资本回报率(ROIC)是8%,亚马逊只有-3%。

    Yet Alibaba 's return on invested capital is 8 per cent ; Amazon 's is minus 3 per cent .

  7. 只有当已动用资本回报率(Roce)显著提高时,这种状态才能得以持续。

    This is sustainable only if return on capital employed ( Roce ) improves dramatically .

  8. 总之,产出和利润率的双重困境,将已动用资本回报率(ROCE)推向历史新低。

    All told , output and margin conundrums have pushed down return on capital employed to all-time lows .

  9. 基于Mincer模型对海南省2002-2003年的人力资本回报率进行了实证研究。

    Based on Mincer 's model , this paper examines the determinants of returns to human capital in 2002-2003 of Hainan province .

  10. 在中国、俄罗斯、巴西等国,由政府主导的主权和公司治理模式占据支配地位,这削弱了很大一部分企业部门的投资资本回报率,进而降低了相关经济体的生产率和潜在国内生产总值(GDP)增速。

    The dominance of state-directed models of sovereign and corporate governance in China , Russia , Brazil and elsewhere , has undermined the return on invested capital across a large part of the corporate sector , thereby reducing productivity and potential GDP growth across their respective economies .

  11. 亚洲券商里昂证券(CLSA)的分析显示,在除日本外的亚洲地区,投入资本回报率小于资本最初获得成本的企业比例达38%。

    A total of 38 per cent of companies in the region - excluding Japan - return less on their invested capital than those funds cost them in the first place , according to analysts at CLSA , the regional brokerage .

  12. 越是谨慎行事的金融机构,其风险调整后的资本回报率也就越高。

    More cautious institutions achieved a higher risk-adjusted return on capital .

  13. 此外,学术研究已表明,期间资本回报率一直保持稳定。

    And academic research has suggested that returns on capital remained stable .

  14. 这次收购符合施耐德电气的资本回报率标准。

    This acquisition meets Schneider Electric 's Return on Capital Employed criteria .

  15. 回笼资金已变得比资本回报率更重要了。

    Return of capital has become more important than return on capital .

  16. 此外,证券市场对成长性的重视程度要高于资本回报率。

    Also , public markets value growth more than returns on capital .

  17. 海南省人力资本回报率的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis on the Rate of Human Capital Return in Hainan Province

  18. 这表明风险调整资本回报率为负值。

    This implies a negative risk-adjusted return on capital .

  19. 那么股市的资本回报率会有多大?

    What is the capital return on the market ?

  20. 两者的投资资本回报率均位居世界前四分之一。

    Both have top-quartile returns on invested capital .

  21. 资产价格高企促使企业过度投资,这将压低资本回报率。

    High asset prices incentivise companies to over-invest , which depresses returns on capital .

  22. 第二,销售收入最大化并不能保证股东财富最大化,如果资本回报率小于资本成本率,就会造成股东价值的毁损。

    Second , maximization of sales not necessarily leads to that of shareholders ' fortune .

  23. 利润率和资本回报率是与劳动收入份额的对立面。

    Profit margins and returns on capital are the flip side of the labour share .

  24. 那么,银行投资者应该习惯这样差劲的资本回报率吗?

    So should bank investors get used to such lackluster and weak returns on their capital ?

  25. 企业收益的强劲增长和不断上升的资本回报率支撑着这种出色的表现。

    This excellent performance has been backed by strong profits growth and rising returns on capital .

  26. 如果没有资本回报率的整体改善,这种情况对股东没有任何好处。

    This is of no benefit to shareholders without an overall improvement in return on capital .

  27. 如果中国出现大量的过热投资,人们所期望的资本回报率将下降。

    If China were massively overinvesting , one would expect the return on capital to be falling .

  28. 二是为利润的长期增长进行战略性投资,继续推行向上游倾斜的政策。三是进行资产优化组合,剥离成本高、缺乏发展潜力的非战略核心资产,提高资本回报率。

    By making strategic investments and continuing to rely on the up-stream sector for long-term increase in profits ;

  29. 要确保后者的实现,中国必须培养要求提高资本回报率的金融机构和投资者。

    To ensure the latter , China must cultivate financial institutions and investors that demand higher returns on capital .

  30. 他还收购了约100家公司,大多数都是拥有很高的资本回报率的小型软件及服务公司。

    He also bought about 100 companies , mostly small ones in the high-return-on-capital businesses of software and services .