
  • 网络investment capital;Invested Capital;Venture Capital
  1. 它保护了可以提供给项目的投资资本库。

    It protects the pool of investment capital available for projects .

  2. 油供应的耗尽;投资资本的耗尽。

    The drawdown of oil supplies ; a drawdown of investment capital .

  3. 运用EVA提升企业价值的基本方式应以投资资本回报率及增长率而定。

    The basic measures to increase enterprises ' value through using EVA should be defined by the return ratio of the investment .

  4. EVA是经济增加值或称经济利润的缩写,是企业投资资本收益超过资本成本部分的价值。

    EVA is the abbreviation of economic value added . It is the exceed value that the profit of investment subtract the cost of the capital .

  5. 一是运用实物期权方法研究创业投资资本资产定价的单期模型,并推广到适应N期决策的一般模型。

    First , the method of real options is used to study venture capital asset pricing model of a single period , and extended to the general model of venture capital decision-making of the N periods .

  6. 非盈利性组织Catalyst去年对财富500强(Fortune500)企业所做的研究显示,董事会中拥有三名或者更多的女性,其股东权益回报率、利润率以及投资资本回报率极有可能高于平均水平。

    A study of the US Fortune 500 last year by Catalyst , the non-profit group , suggests that having three or more women on the board correlates strongly with above - average return on shareholder equity , sales and invested capital .

  7. 在中国、俄罗斯、巴西等国,由政府主导的主权和公司治理模式占据支配地位,这削弱了很大一部分企业部门的投资资本回报率,进而降低了相关经济体的生产率和潜在国内生产总值(GDP)增速。

    The dominance of state-directed models of sovereign and corporate governance in China , Russia , Brazil and elsewhere , has undermined the return on invested capital across a large part of the corporate sector , thereby reducing productivity and potential GDP growth across their respective economies .

  8. 风险投资资本的机会成本分析

    The Opportunity Cost of Capital for Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs

  9. 基于创业投资资本利得的税收激励政策研究

    Research on the Incentive Taxation Policy on Capital Gain of Venture Capital

  10. 我们主要提供私有资本和相关投资资本。

    We are the primary provider of private capital and related investment capital .

  11. 投资资本权利扩张与管制的辩证法&FTAA投资规则的规范分析

    Analysis of the Regulations on Investment Rules of FTAA

  12. 提供投资资本的规则和条例

    Rules and regulations for the supply of risk capital

  13. 第五章是对影响跨国证券投资资本流动的因素加以分析。

    The fifth chapter analyzes the influencing factors of the foreign portfolio investment .

  14. 保险资金投资资本市场问题研究

    Study on Insurance Assets Involved in Capital Market

  15. 权益法与投资资本法的评估结果差异分析

    Variance Analysis of the Valuation Results from the Equity Method and Investment Capital Method

  16. 配置稀缺投资资本的金融体系亦是如此。

    A financial system , which allocates scarce investment capital , is no different .

  17. 中国企业海外投资资本预算决策支持系统的开发

    Development of Decision Supporting System for Capital Budgeting of Chinese Enterprises ' Offshore Investment

  18. 两者的投资资本回报率均位居世界前四分之一。

    Both have top-quartile returns on invested capital .

  19. 经济是否强大是指该国是否可以吸引投资资本的流入。

    The relative strength of an economy would typically result in attracting investment capital flows .

  20. 与以前的资产泡沫不同,黄金仅占全球投资资本的很小一部分。

    Unlike previous asset bubbles gold is a tiny fraction of total global investment capital .

  21. 投资资本的现金回报率比去年同期低12个百分点。

    Cash return on invested capital was 12 percentage points lower than a year ago .

  22. 基于此,本文选择了保险资金投资资本市场问题研究,其研究对象是保险资金中的寿险资金在资本市场的运用。

    The paper research object mainly focuses on life insurance assets which can match with capital market .

  23. 风险投资资本市场的发展需要一些特定的政策和法律等环境,需要深入地探讨和研究。

    And the development of venture capital market needs to deeply research some special policy and law environments .

  24. 粮农组织说,一个严重障碍是发展中世界生产者缺乏投资资本。

    One serious bottleneck , says FAO , is the lack of investment capital for producers in the developing world .

  25. 定价模型的优点是既考虑到了投资资本的时间价值,也将自来水的质量因素加入到定价模型中。

    The advantages of the model take the time value of investment capital and quality factors of water supplying into account .

  26. 社保基金只有投资资本市场才能分享经济发展的成果。

    Only when social security funds are invested in the capital market will they share in the achievements of economic development .

  27. 这些产品牵涉高风险、投资者可能会导致投资资本的全数亏损。

    These products are highly risky and the investor may incur substantial loss of up to100 % of the capital invested .

  28. 今年第一季度,澳门金沙以不足永利度假村半数的投资资本,创造了超过后者逾一倍的运营利润。

    The Sands generated more than twice as much operating profit in the first quarter on less than half the invested capital .

  29. 高新技术创业企业人力资本价值体现与创新基于实物期权的创业投资资本资产定价模型

    The embodiment and creativity of the value of human capital in hi-tech corporations ; Based on Real Options Venture Capital Capital Asset Pricing Model

  30. 此外,本文还通过分析年度财务报表来确定经通货膨胀调整的投资资本回报和上市公司的盈利能力的经济价值。

    Furthermore , the annual reports were also analyzed to determine the economic value of return against inflation-adjusted-invested-capital and reported profitability of the listed firms .