
  • 网络vote rule
  1. 关于Borda计分法则在职称评定投票规则中的一些探讨

    Research on Borda Scoring Rule Used in Voting Rule of Professional Titles Assessment

  2. 采用了一种基于模板匹配和神经网络相结合的字符识别方法,对三个模板匹配分类器采用加权投票规则集成输出,再对拒识字符用BP网络识别,达到了预定的识别效果。

    Template matching and BP neural network are used to distinguish the characters . We use a weighted voting rules to integrated the output which recognized by three template matching classifiers , then the recognized rejection characters based on BP neural network .

  3. 这个决策的含义是,在任何给定时间,必须有2个heartbeat节点是活动状态,以便建立quorum(换言之,一种“少数服从多数”的投票规则)。

    The implication of that decision is that at any given time , 2 heartbeat nodes must be active to establish quorum ( in other words , a voting majority ) .

  4. 公共选择理论中的投票规则问题,尤其是简单多数规则中的选举悖论(Condorcet悖论)是近些年来争论很多的领域。

    The question of the rule for voting , especially the Vote Paradox in the majority rule , is a controversial domain in the theory of Public Choice .

  5. 这很重要:投票规则的制定,将决定谁是赢家。

    This matters : how the rules get made will determine who wins .

  6. 常用投票规则比较和其防操纵性分析

    Comparison and Non-manipulability Analysis on the Ordinary Voting Rules

  7. 所有其它选举的缺席投票规则由各州制定,各不相同。

    Absentee voting rules for all other elections are set by the states , and vary .

  8. 论文首先阐明投票规则研究的重要性和对防操纵性研究的必要性。

    Firstly , the importance of voting rules study and the necessity of strategy - proofness study are described .

  9. 新51张投票规则只适用于行政和司法提名,而非最高法院提名。

    The new 51 vote rule only applies to executive and judicial nominees , not to Supreme Court nominees .

  10. 我想花点时间来考虑投谁的票,并仔细研究一下投票规则。

    I want more time to think about whom to vote for and to read up on the ballot measures .

  11. 最终人选则由世行理事会按照正常的投票规则确定。

    The final choice would then be made by the World Bank 's board according to its usual voting rules .

  12. 并用此条件证明了一种非线性元胞自动机&投票规则是混沌的。

    Additionally , a kind of nonlinear CA & voting rule is proved to be not chaos by using this condition .

  13. 并依据国家和各大学颁布的条例和章程,对大学学术投票规则归类分析。

    According to rules and regulation promulgated by government and universities , this part categorized and analyzed the academic voting rules .

  14. 然后采用常见距离分类器及其组合形式进行识别分析,分类器组合使用多数投票规则和最大值规则等;

    Then , face recognition analysis is carried out by six distance classifiers and their combination based on majority poll and other common rules .

  15. 总之,本文结合实际选举存在的问题,讨论和研究了常用投票规则的优缺点和其策略投票方式。

    All in all , combined the existent problems of actual election , merits 、 shortcomings and strategic votings of the ordinary voting rules are discussed and studied .

  16. 其次是制定新的投票规则:实行多数票规则下的双向票制、实名票制,改革弃权票制。

    Secondly , we should formulate the new voting rule with implementing the rule of two-way vote , real-name vote with the majority voting system and reform the system of abstention .

  17. 既然苏格兰已经走上了通往独立公投的道路,伦敦与爱丁堡正围绕由谁制定投票规则展开争执。

    Now that Scotland has launched itself down a path towards a referendum on independence , London and Edinburgh are battling about who gets to make the rules for the vote .

  18. 多阶段投票规则允许投票人进行多次投票,采用逐轮淘汰方式选出最后的优胜者,最终投票结果是通过多个相互关联的投票阶段产生的。

    Multi-stage voting allows voters to vote for many times for selecting the final winners from candidates with the method of round-by-way-out . That is , the final voting results are produced by multiple related voting stages .

  19. 为了提高多分类器组合的效果,提出了一种改进的投票表决规则。

    Voting principle is usually utilized to combine the results of several individual classifiers .

  20. 多分类器组合的投票表决规则

    Voting Principle for Combination of Multiple Classifiers

  21. 尽管他的确在竞争激烈的西部和半只脚已经踏进全明星的科怀-伦纳德,克莱-汤普森已经克里斯-保罗竞争,但投票的规则已经改变了。

    While he does play in a loaded Western Conference with shoe-ins like Kawhi Leonard , Klay Thompson and Chris Paul , the rules for voting have changed .

  22. 好了我们需要投票表决战斗规则

    Right . So , we 're gonna vote on the rules

  23. 再投票一次重写规则

    Take another vote ? Rewrite the rules ?

  24. 由调度专家经验知识获取调度规则知识,并采用投票表决法解决规则知识的冲突,在实现知识融合的同时获得规则知识的可信度;

    The system acquires standardized attributes knowledge from bidding documents and knowledge of scheduling rules from experience of scheduling experts . By means of balloting , it solves the conflict among scheduling rules to achieve fusion of knowledge .

  25. 在多阶段投票过程中,投票人个体偏好可能会随着投票阶段的改变而发生变化,而根据投票规则的不同,投票人个体偏好也会有不同的表现形式。

    In multi-stage voting processes , individual preferences of voters may change with the different voting phases . There are different individual preference representations according to different voting rules .