
tóu xiánɡ zhǔ yì
  • capitulationism
  1. 问:请问如何克服投降主义?

    Question : May I ask how capitulationism can be overcome ?

  2. (二十五)上面说的是阶级对阶级的投降主义。

    25 . The above points deal with class capitulationism .

  3. 在全国,反对民族的投降主义

    In the country as a whole , oppose national capitulationism

  4. 中国前有陈独秀,后有张国焘,都是投降主义者;

    In China , Chen Tu-hsiu and then Chang Kuo-tao were both capitulators ;

  5. 阶级投降主义和民族投降主义的关系

    The relation between class capitulationism and national capitulationism

  6. 国际投降主义者引诱中国投降,同样是他们的阴险政策。

    The international capitulationists are likewise pursuing a cunning policy to induce China to surrender .

  7. (十六)一九二七年陈独秀的投降主义,引导了那时的革命归于失败。

    16 . In 1927 Chen Tu-hsiu 's capitulationism led to the failure of the revolution .

  8. 我们应该大大地反对投降主义。

    Capitulationism must be strenuously opposed .

  9. 内战一开,那些打定了主意的投降主义者们容许你们再抗日吗?

    Once another civil war starts , will the determined capitulationists allow you to continue the war against Japan ?

  10. 在党内在全国均须反对投降主义在党内,反对阶级对阶级的投降主义

    Capitulationism must be combated both inside the party and throughout the country inside the party , oppose class capitulationism

  11. 在统一战线中,投降主义是错误的,对别人采取排斥和鄙弃态度的宗派主义也是错误的。

    In the united front , capitulationism is wrong and so is sectarianism with its exclusiveness and contempt for others .

  12. 其投降主义思想来源,主要是在强敌面前,完全丧失了奋争精神;

    His capitulatory thought is so radical because he has completely lost the struggling urge in the face of strong enemy ;

  13. 我们应发扬八路军新四军的战绩,反对一切失败主义者和投降主义者。

    We should extend the military successes of the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies and oppose all the defeatists and capitulationists .

  14. 这里是指一九二七年上半年陈独秀右倾投降主义的领导所造成的情况。

    This refers to the situation created by the opportunist leadership of the Central Committee of the party in the first half of1927 .

  15. 由于上述两方面的严重的情况,必须尖锐地提出谁领导谁的问题,必须坚决地反对投降主义。

    We must sharply pose the question of who is to lead and must resolutely combat capitulationism in view of the grave situation described above .

  16. 投降主义者没有了群众的基础,即无所施其伎俩,抗日战线便能巩固起来。

    Deprived of a mass base , the capitulationists will have no chance to play their tricks , and the anti-Japanese front will be consolidated .

  17. 但是我相信投降主义者是得不到群众的;群众将克服投降主义,使战争坚持下去,争取战争的胜利。

    But I am sure that the capitulationists cannot win mass support and that the masses will overcome capitulationism , persevere in the war and achieve victory .

  18. 但是在又团结又斗争的问题上,我们党内也有右倾机会主义,这就是王明的右倾投降主义错误。

    However , on the question of both unity and struggle , Right opportunism emerged in our Party in the form of Wang Ming 's Right capitulationist mistakes .

  19. 日民族统一战线的右翼集团是大地主和大资产阶级,这是民族投降主义的大本营。

    The right wing of the Anti-Japanese National United Front consists of the big landlords and big bourgeoisie , and it is the nerve centre of national capitulationism .

  20. 答:言论上指出投降主义的危险,行动上组织人民群众制止投降运动。

    Answer : Both by words , that is , by exposing the danger of capitulationism , and by deeds , that is , by organizing the masses to stop the capitulationist activities .

  21. 但是因循守旧的保守主义、脱离实际的理想主义,使宋王朝在国内经济实力下降、国内矛盾尖锐、在军事力量敌强我弱的前提下,其外交思想最终堕落为逃跑乞和的投降主义。

    But because of the conservatism and idealism thoughts , Sung Dynasty diplomatic thought fall into capitulationism and begging for peace while they were economy descend , civil contradiction quickness , weak of military strength .

  22. 这后一条路线,在实际上是不能实现的,所以他们实际上是准备投降帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的人。

    In fact this line is not practicable , and therefore they are actually ready to capitulate to imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism .

  23. [1]《清宫秘史》是一部污蔑义和团爱国运动,鼓吹投降帝国主义的反动影片。

    Inside Story of the Ching Court was a reactionary film which vilified the patriotic Yi Ho Tuan Movement of 1900 and preached capitulation to imperialism .

  24. 就是说决定投降日本帝国主义。

    It signifies a decision to capitulate to Japanese imperialism .

  25. 不外三种:(一)投降日本帝国主义;

    There are only three possibilities : ( 1 ) capitulation to Japanese imperialism ;

  26. 大资产阶级投降派和顽固派,并想以此作为投降日本帝国主义、分裂统一战线和拉了中国向后倒退的准备。

    All this is being used by the big bourgeois capitulators and die-hards to prepare the way for capitulating to Japanese imperialism , breaking up the united front and dragging China backwards .