
tóu zī bù zú
  • under-investment;undercapitalize
  1. 经理私人成本与我国企业创新投资不足模型研究

    Research on Manager Private Cost and Enterprise Innovation Under-investment

  2. 由于年久失修、投资不足,道路、电力供应和港口设施的状况都比较糟糕。

    The condition of roads , power supply and ports reflects years of neglect and under-investment .

  3. 该报告说,需要让资助增加到GDP的1.5%,“从而填补投资不足的欠账”。

    The report states that a funding jump to1.5 per cent of GDP is required " to meet the backlog of underinvestment alone " .

  4. Foundry在Zynga投资不足500万美元,但目前公司持有的Zynga公司股票价值约为3.45亿美元。

    Foundry invested less than $ 5 million in Zynga , but today is holding around $ 345 million worth of Zynga shares .

  5. 结果表明,山西省FDI在第一产业投资不足;第二产业的投资占主导地位;第三产业投资增长缓慢。

    The results indicated that there are insufficient investments of FDI in Shanxi to the primary industry , more sufficient investment of FDI to the second industry ; FDI in the third industry is increasing slowly .

  6. 由于目前老年公寓需求量不断增加,同时政府财政在老年事业上的投资不足,本文设想通过BOT项目融资方式来建设老年公寓。

    Because the demand of the apartment for the gray-headed has been increasing and the investment by the government is very few , this article assumes that we can build the apartment by the BOT Project Finance .

  7. 为解决政府财政资金在公共基础设施建设上投资不足,世界各国普遍采用BOT和PFI这两种项目融资模式来吸收民间私人资本进行公共基础设施建设。

    To resolve the insufficiency of funds to invest in public infrastructure , all the country use the project financing models of BOT and PFI to absorb private capital for public civil infrastructure .

  8. 今日在OPEC会议上,沙特石油部长纳伊米认为,低油价会导致投资不足,从而为将来油价上涨播下种子。

    At the recent OPEC powwow Mr al-Naimi , the Saudi oil minister , argued that a low oil price always sowed the seeds of a future price rise , since it led to underinvestment .

  9. 亚洲开发银行贫困部门主管施拉迪提亚?贾德吉(ShiladityaChatterjee)表示,亚太地区在减少贫困方面取得了快速进展,但在解决饥饿、儿童死亡率以及其它社会目标方面步伐缓慢,造成这种差异的部分原因可能在于基础服务领域公共投资不足。

    Shiladitya Chatterjee , head of the ADB 's poverty unit , said the disparity between rapid progress in poverty reduction and the slow pace in addressing hunger , infant mortality and other social goals could be partly explained by a lack of public investments in basic services .

  10. 由此造成的投资不足体现在巨额经常账户盈余上。

    The resulting underinvestment is reflected in large current account surpluses .

  11. 我国现代农业的发展存在很多问题,其中,最突出的问题表现为农业投资不足和农业科技水平低。

    The development of modern agriculture exists a lot of questions .

  12. 西北上市公司治理结构与投资不足问题研究

    Under-investment and Corporate Governance in Listed Companies Located in North-west

  13. 我国市政公用基础设施的投资不足与对策分析

    Research on Investment Inadequacy of Municipal Infrastructures and Relevant Countermeasures

  14. 投资不足是最为普遍存在的一个问题。

    Underinvestment is the most widespread problem of all .

  15. 由于多年来投资不足,许多大宗商品生产商都境况不佳。

    After many years of under-investment many commodity producers are in bad shape .

  16. 我国农户农业投资不足的成因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of the Deficiency of Peasant Households ' Agricultural Investment

  17. 应收账款投资不足;

    Administration of Engineering Cost Must Recovery the account receivable investment is insufficient ;

  18. 当前我国教育投资不足的成因及其对策

    Causes of Educational Investment Insufficiency and Its Solutions

  19. 认识不到位,投资不足是其产生的主要原因。

    The main reason is that we haven 't proper awareness and inadequate investment .

  20. 中国农业现代化的瓶颈:投资不足

    Investment Inadequacy : Bottleneck of Chinese Agricultural Modernization

  21. 投资不足导致长期价格上涨,对该行业也没什么坏处。

    The sector hardly suffers when a lack of investment is lifting long-term prices .

  22. 基础设施建设投资不足;

    The investment in infrastructure construction is insufficient .

  23. 而且,随着债务水平的增加,“投资不足”现象越为严重。

    Moreover ," Underinvestment " is more serious with the higher level of debt .

  24. 我国长期在基础设施中投资不足,存在巨额资金缺口。

    In our country , investments in infrastructure has a huge funding shortfall in long-term .

  25. 近期世界干散货租船市场发生的船舶短缺证实了船舶投资不足的问题。

    Recent events in the dry cargo market demonstrate the cost to importers of under-investment .

  26. 供应链系统专用性投资不足的关系合约算法

    Algorithms study on relational contracts to solve problems of underinvestment of specific assets in supply chain

  27. 但目前我国城市扩张的最大瓶颈,正是公用事业的投资不足。

    However , the expansion of our city the greatest bottleneck is lack of utility investment .

  28. 得出的结论是:运能与投资不足是导致铁路运输市场份额下降的重要原因。

    The conclusion is that the defect of railway transportation capacity and investment are important causes .

  29. 但是企业投资不足的问题也是客观存在的,投资不足问题也应该引起重视。

    However , under-investment of firms is objectively existed . So it should be paid more attention .

  30. 其主要原因就是环境保护投资不足,各项环境保护设施缺乏。

    The main causes of the bad environment were lack of environmental protection investments and environmental measures .