
tóu jī shānɡ
  • speculator;profiteer;merchant adventurers
  1. 他是一个险诈的投机商。

    He was a sinister and crafty speculator .

  2. 在股票行情看跌期间,许多投机商混水摸鱼,从中获利。

    Many speculator mad money during the decline of the stock market by fishing in troubled waters .

  3. 股票投机商想整他一顿。

    Stock speculators wanted his scalp

  4. 他是房地产投机商。

    He is an operator in real estate .

  5. 由于法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)等政界人士常常指责投机商要对粮食价格的上涨负责,这一问题十分敏感。

    The issue is sensitive because politicians such as Nicolas Sarkozy , French president have often blamed speculators for rising food prices .

  6. 鹅卵石铺路的灯塔山(BeaconHill)是美国建国初期地产投机商开发的,其设计堪称居住区的典范。我们全家曾在灯塔山住过一段时间,住所就在金顶的州议会大厦(StateHouse)正下方。

    cobblestoned Beacon Hill , built by land speculators in the earliest years of the Republic , where we lived for a while right below the golden domed State House , one of the most perfect expressions of residential neighbourhood ever designed .

  7. 最后,在石油投机商模型上的结果显示,PS-EM比SEM的时间性能要好,对数据依赖性要小,且效用部分的结构选择易于实现。

    On the oil wildcatter model , the experiment results show that PS-EM algorithm is better the time performance and less the data dependency than criterion SEM algorithm , and the model selection of the utility part is easy to achieve .

  8. 股票猛跌的时候,就有许多证券投机商破产。

    When stocks fall suddenly , there are many lame ducks .

  9. 投机商供应短缺时牟取暴利者。

    One who makes excessive profits on goods in short supply .

  10. 这个地方已经卖给了房地产投机商。

    The site is being sold off to property speculators .

  11. 投机商们一见到行情上涨就抛售,从中大发横财。

    The speculators cleaned up large fortunes by selling when prices rose .

  12. 经营商品的人可分为两大类:做套期保值的人和投机商。

    Commodity traders fall into two broad categories : hedgers and speculators .

  13. 谋求暴利的投机商和食品大公司的参与,

    Add in certain speculators and food conglomerates aiming for higher profits ,

  14. 这个军火投机商在战争中大发其财。

    The munitioneer did well out of the war .

  15. 一两个大胆的投机商已经在筹划修建街道;

    One or two bold speculators had projected streets ;

  16. 尽管口碑差劲,石油投机商却起到了很大的作用。

    Despite their dismal reputation , the oil speculators provide a vital service .

  17. 金融投机商是寄生在国民经济上的蛀虫。

    Financial speculators are parasites upon the national economy .

  18. “对铜金属的投机商来说,这将会是一个坏消息,”他接着说。

    " That would be bad news for copper speculators ," he added .

  19. 这些市场也同样为投机商所用。

    These markets are also used by speculators .

  20. 他的案子是由那些希望从胜诉中获利的投机商资助的。

    His case was financed by speculators who hoped to profit from his victory .

  21. 投机商们坚持漫天讨价。

    Speculators are holding out for absurd prices .

  22. 新政权采取的革命措施堵塞了投机商发财的路子。

    Revolutionary measures taken by the new regime prevented the speculators from cleaning up .

  23. 投机商从物价变动中得利。

    Speculators profit from the changes in prices .

  24. 有时它出身高贵,有时却只是一个投机商之子。

    Sometimes it is of noble birth , and sometimes the spawn of a stock-jobber .

  25. 北方佬和投机商们把它占领了,我们一无所有了!

    The Yankees and the Carpetbaggers have got it and there 's nothing left for us !

  26. 视频显示出,鄂尔多斯大多数新建公寓都被投机商抢购一空。

    The video said most of the new Ordos apartments had been snapped up by speculators .

  27. 1929年,华尔街的投机商丧失了全部财产,可怕的经济大萧条时期开始了。

    20070804 : In1929 , Wall Street gambles lost their shirts and the awful Depression began .

  28. 纳索花了六年时间才完成这部煌煌巨著。乔·肯尼迪身兼银行家、投机商、电影制作人以及大使等职,同时还是整个肯尼迪家族的创始人。

    Nasaw took six years to complete this sprawling , arresting account of a banker-cum-speculator-cum-moviemaker-cum-ambassador-cum-dynastic founder .

  29. 投机商在石油和其他原料的定价上的确起着很重要的作用。

    Speculators do play an important role in setting the price of oil and other raw materials .

  30. 巴西和土耳其这两个备受投机商青睐的新兴经济体也遭到操控。

    Brazil and Turkey , two emerging economies favoured by speculators , have also been pushed around .