
  • 网络Secret diplomacy;quiet diplomacy
  1. 秘密外交政策的说法长期以来引起了美国公众的愤怒。

    The phrase " secret diplomacy " has long been a red rag to American public opinion .

  2. 但在目前的案件中,官方的承认还暴露出台湾在处理秘密外交时,有时会采取草率的做法。

    But in the current case , the official admission has also cast light on the sometimes slapdash practices Taiwan employs in handling secret diplomacy .

  3. 他在出访世界各国期间为总统进行了一些秘密外交活动。

    He conducted some quiet diplomacy for the president during his world tour .

  4. 那时他是秘密外交使节。

    During that time as a secret envoy .

  5. 我告诉他说,我正在通过秘密外交渠道进行一项重大努力,以求结束这场战斗。

    I told him I was making a major effort through quiet diplomatic channels to bring about an end to the fighting .

  6. 广岛和长崎的原子弹让日本民众觉醒,他们对核能强烈反对,故此秘密外交才会产生。

    Secret diplomacy was required due to the overwhelming sentiment of the Japanese public against nuclear power in the wake of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings .

  7. 种种迹象表明,美国将在战后的和平安排中发挥重要作用,而且它的外交理念与欧洲的秘密外交完全不同,美国会怎样对待欧洲各国签订的秘密条约成为协约国十分关注的问题。

    Many signs indicated that America will play an important role in the postwar settlement . Since American concept was completely different from European secret diplomatic system , how America would deal with those secret treaties had greatly aroused the Allies ' attention .

  8. 瑞典人通过秘密的外交手段来争取他的自由。

    The Swedes had sought his freedom through quiet diplomacy

  9. 而一开始,英国面临窘境,但之后强硬的外交辞令加上秘密的外交手腕则成功的解救了相关人员。

    While the initial incident was an embarrassment for Britain , it can now point to the success of its mixture of tough public rhetoric and private diplomacy in securing the captives'release .