
  • 网络capital clearing;capital settlement
  1. 同业拆借的资金清算可以在同一银行完成的,应以转账方式进行。

    Where the capital settlement for interbank lending can be carried out inside a same bank , it shall be carried out by way of capital transfer .

  2. 同城清算指人民银行分支机构组织同一城市范围内各银行机构办理的跨行票据交换及资金清算业务。

    Intra-City Clearing is note exchange and capital clearing business organized by branches of PBC , which spans multiple banks within the same city .

  3. SET支付流程包括证书注册阶段、购买请求阶段、支付认证阶段和资金清算阶段,本文对每个阶段都使用形式化语言进行了详尽的分析描述。

    SET payment flow includes the certificate registered phase , purchase request phase , payment authentication phase , payment captured phase .

  4. 基于LotusDomino/Notes的信贷资金清算系统

    Credit funds of clear accounts information system based on Lotus Domino / Notes

  5. 文中对银行信贷资金清算业务办公自动化的系统环境、系统结构和实现功能等方面进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses the credit funds of clear accounts information system environment , system structure and system function .

  6. 摘要随着市场经济的不断发展,使用票据进行支付和资金清算的交易越来越多。

    With the development of market economy , more and more deals are payed or liquidated by commercial instruments .

  7. 深圳市金融机构与资金清算相关的凭证、报表、磁盘、磁带、资料等送取服务。

    Shenzhen financial institutions and fund settlement-related receipts , financial statements , diskettes , tapes , send information to services .

  8. 最后还要以内部控制制度体系来严格规范会计与资金清算部门的工作程序。

    At last , they should use the internal controlling system to strictly regulate the working procedure of accounting and funds ' settling department .

  9. 招商银行商务卡可提供不同的账单日期供企业选择,可以更适应企业的资金清算周期。

    To better match the fund settlement cycle of the enterprises , CMB Commercial Cards can provide different billing dates for enterprises to choose .

  10. 被访的半数以上银行称反垄断(托拉斯)员追查调阅了包括贷款及资金清算等产品在内的相关价格指导文件。

    More than half the banks visited by the commission confirmed that antitrust officials sought to review documents relating to pricing structures for products including loans and fund transfers .

  11. 资金清算业务是我国商业银行的一项常规性业务,因此对资金清算业务的内部控制是我国商业银行内部控制体系的一个重要成分。

    Capital clearing is a regular business in commercial banks , so the internal control of capital clearing is a very important part of the inner control system in commercial banks .

  12. 运营体系是银行存在的基础,银行通过运营体系来履行对客户和银行自身的资产托管、支付结算、资金清算、账务处理、信息管理、现金管理、凭证管理等等基本职能。

    Banks rely on their operational systems to deliver functions like asset custody , payment and settlement , capital liquidation , accounting treatment , information management , cash management , disbursement management .

  13. 方便外国投资者以及各省市企事业单位到广西开展经济活动,便于资金清算,加快资金周转。

    Making it accessible for the investors and enterprises and public institutions of all provinces and cities to carry out economic activities in Guangxi , to liquidate the funds and to accelerate the flow of funds .

  14. 同时,银行与国库进行税款资金清算,完毕后将本次清算的资金总额连同税票明细信息通过网络发送到国库。

    Meanwhile , the banks and the Treasury settle the tax capital , after that , they complete the liquidation of the total amount of this detail , together with the stamps to send information through the network to the state treasury .

  15. 保荐机构将按照规定与发行人进行募股资金的清算与划转。

    The recommendation agency shall liquidate the raised capital and transfer to the issuer in accordance with the relevant provisions .

  16. 在人民银行开立准备金存款账户或在代理行开立同业往来账户,并存在足够资金保证清算;

    Open reserve account at PBC or interbank account at agency bank , in which sufficient funds are saved for settlement ;

  17. 证券交易资金交割清算,必须以实际买卖证券的交易清单为依据。

    Delivery for liquidation settlementof securities transactions shall be based on the delivery lists of actual purchases and sales of securities .

  18. 银行必须遵循更加严格的信用卡和住房抵押贷款的承销标准,并将面临更加高的资金和清算要求。

    Banks must already adhere to stricter underwriting standards for credit cards and mortgage loans and will soon face higher capital and liquidity requirements .

  19. 电子货币是基于互联网络技术,使用电子货币进行资金支付与清算的交易服务系统。

    Based on the widely use of information technology , Electronic currency is the transaction service system of payment and settlement .

  20. 新系统的上线提供了快速、高效、安全的资金汇划和清算渠道,促进了网上银行、电子商务发展。但新系统的运行也带来了会计制度、会计核算、系统运行和会计监督风险。

    The new system provide a quick , safe way , promote the development of Internet bank , and electric business , but the motion of new system takes some risks , in order to against risks , should perfect system .

  21. 经营银行间资金移转帐务清算之金融信息服务事业,未经主管机关许可,而擅自营业者,依前项规定处罚。

    A financial information service business which operates inter-bank funds transfer and account clearing without obtaining the approval of the competent authority shall be punished in accordance with the preceding paragraph .

  22. 对一些准备不足的企业,由于金融危机影响导致资金链断裂而清算倒闭。

    The impact of financial crisis , the lack of preparation led to a number of enterprises and the liquidation of strand breaks as a result of the closure of the funds .

  23. 中国工商银行票据营业部成立以来,依托全行在资金、网络和清算方面的巨大优势,不断深化体制、机制改革,取得了令人瞩目的经营业绩,逐渐成为国内票据市场的标杆和引领者。

    Bills business department , ICBC , based on the remarkable advantages of the bank in capital , network and clearing business , has achieved exceptional performance and become the bench-mark and leader in domestic bills market by constantly deepening its reform on management .

  24. 确定基金专用席位后,基金托管人应当向资金交收部办理开立资金清算帐户手续。

    After confirming the exclusive funds seats , the finds custodian shall handle the procedures for establishing the capital clearing account at the capital delivery and receiving department .

  25. 国库集中支付制度就是从预算分配到资金拨付、资金使用、银行清算,直至资金到达商品和劳务供应者账户全过程的监控制度。

    Treasury Concentrated Payment System is the fully monitoring system from budget distribution to capital transferring , capital utilization , bank settling and the capital reaching commodity or labor supplier 's account .