
  • 网络data summary
  1. DF将2000年前的资料汇总概括得出这样一个结论:假如美国在生命科学方面每年多提供5%的编制,那么也仅仅只有20%的学生可以获得。

    Dr Freeman concluded from pre-2000 data that if American faculty jobs in the life sciences were increasing at 5 % a year , just 20 % of students would land one .

  2. 方法采用前瞻性监测与回顾性调查相结合,将资料汇总进行统计分析。

    METHODS To analyze the documents by prospective monitoring and retrospective ( investigation ) .

  3. 2005年全国碘缺乏病监测资料汇总分析

    National iodine deficiency disorder surveillance : a sum up of data in 2005 and an analysis

  4. 经济统计学大体上是由与经济生活有关的现实资料汇总与列表工作构成的。

    Economic statistics largely consists of the aggregation and tabulation of facts relating to economic life .

  5. 将这些采访资料汇总,计算出排行榜中前11项指标。

    The data gathered from the interviews are used to compile the first 11 criteria in the table .

  6. 将调研和访谈资料汇总、分析、归纳总结,明确本课题研究内容和研究目标。

    By summarizing the data of Research and interview , and define the research content and research objectives .

  7. 在两组独立的资料汇总中,我们收集了长度约30分钟的200多次沟通对话。

    In two separate data gatherings , we collect over two hundred conversations of approximately thirty minutes in length .

  8. 方法对54家使用有机溶剂的企业进行职业危害因素调查,同时对工作场所空气中化学毒物浓度进行检测,对工人进行职业健康检查,将资料汇总并进行综合分析。

    Methods Survey of occupational harmfulness of organic solvents in 54 enterprises was made and the results were comprehensively analyzed .

  9. 文内列出了不同质地土壤的水分特征曲线的经验方程,所有资料汇总于土壤水分性质表中。

    The experiential equations of water characteristic curve of different texture soils are given . All data are tabulated in a general table of soil water properties .

  10. 但是,如果所要写的是日常工作的备忘录、公函、资料汇总和表格的话,他们就会依靠以前写过的文字资料来节省大量时间。

    But when it comes to routine memos , letters , fact sheets and forms , they save a lot of time by relying on previously written material .

  11. 笔者以镇江市化学工业园为案例进行分析,通过实地调查,对周边居民进行了问卷调查,通过资料汇总和分析得出并揭示了工业园的污染对周边环境造成的具体影响和危害。

    The author analyzes the Chemical Industrial Park of Zhenjiang . Through the questionnaire , it is revealed the pollution of industrial park on the surrounding environment caused by specific effects and hazards .

  12. 第三部分是对我区呼包鄂三所特殊学校视障学生音乐教育的现状调查及总结,包括学校、教师、学生各方面的调查资料汇总。

    The third part of the package , I called E-Zone 3 visually impaired students in special schools for music education survey and summary of the status quo , including schools , teachers , students investigate various aspects of data aggregation .

  13. 本文收集了国内外X染色体遗传标记在临床疾病诊断及法医DNA工作者实践中的研究和应用资料,汇总报道了X染色体遗传标记的研究进展。

    This report summarized the proceeding of research on X chromosome genetic markers in the clinical and forensic context .

  14. 临床研究结束后,临床资料及时汇总,输入计算机,用EPIDATA软件建立数据库,进行数据管理。

    When the trial was over , clinical information was gather in time , input into computer , set up database and carried out data management , and then used Epi Data software to make statistic analysis .

  15. 方法对1349人次电话求询者资料进行汇总、分析及评估。

    Method : We analyzed the data of 1349 calls .

  16. 方法查阅资料,汇总分析。

    Methods Consulted data and collected them for analysis .

  17. 协助主管进行文件资料的汇总及分析;

    Assist to sum up and analyze related materials ;

  18. 完成各种销售报表,对销售数据资料进行汇总分析。

    Collecting and analyzing data and prepare sales documents .

  19. 方法对1956~2001年麻疹疫情和流行病学资料进行汇总分析。

    [ Methods ] The epidemic status of measles from 1956 to 2001 was collected and analyzed .

  20. 方法对《海南省结核病防治规划(2001~2010)》2003年阶段评估资料进行汇总分析。

    Methods The data from the project of 2001 ~ 2010 Hainan provincial tuberculosis control programme conducted in 2003 were analyzed .

  21. 培训、就业统计及私营企业和个体工商统计利用行政登记资料加工汇总。

    Statistics on training , employment , private enterprises and self-employed individuals are collected and complied on basis of administrative registering records .

  22. 在对监测资料进行汇总分析的基础上,阐述了边坡开挖对边坡稳定性的影响。

    On the basis of the analysis of the monitoring data , it expound the influence of excavation to the stability of the slop .

  23. 通过农田降雨径流监测试验,并对上海市历时23年的逐日降雨资料进行汇总与系统分析,确定黄浦江流域农田地表降雨径流特征。

    Through monitoring farmland runoff and analyzing daily rainfall for 23 years in Shanghai , this paper provided the characteristics of farmland rainfall runoff in Huangpu River Basin .

  24. 阿莫曲普坦紧急治疗偏头痛时的疗效、起效速度和耐受性:4项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照临床试验患者个体资料的汇总分析

    Efficacy , speed of action and tolerability of almotriptan in the acute treatment of migraine : Pooled individual patient data from four randomized , double-blind , placebo-controlled clinical trials

  25. 并将所有资料进行整理汇总,根据历史发展的时间顺序对内容进行分区划分整理;最后将整理好的文章进行编撰。

    And all the data were collated , according to the time order of the historical development of partitioning of content arrangement .

  26. 第四章是企业的资本投入及其收益率与贡献率的计算分析,对资料进行整理汇总和数据测算,并进行实证结果分析。

    The fourth chapter is corporate capital investment and its contribution to the analysis , collate information summary and data calculation , and the empirical results analysis .

  27. 最后,在室内外各项试验基础上,对有关资料进行了汇总分析评价,提出了强夯处理黄土路堤的适用条件、施工工艺及检测方法。

    At last , the author makes a systematic analysis of information related and presents the applicable condition , compacting technique and checking method which applies to dynamic consolidation dealing with loess embankment on the basis of field tests and model experiments indoor .

  28. 方法通过中国医院数字图书馆的CHKD期刊知识库检索1995年1月~2005年12月报道的药源性急性肾衰竭个案,自行建立数据库,对文献资料进行整理、汇总,并进行分析。

    Methods The case reports on drugs-induced acute renal failure retrieved from Chinese medical science periodicals from Jan , 1995 to Dec , 2005 collected in CHKD periodicals knowledge base in China hospital library were analyzed statistically .

  29. 方法:检索国内外有关该方面的文献资料,并进行汇总、综述。

    Methods : The literature of Astragalus membranaceus were scanned and reviewed .

  30. 负责本专业监理资料的收集、汇总及整理,编制监理月报。

    Be responsible for collection , summary and arrangement of discipline supervision materials and prepare monthly supervision report ;