
zī běn huò wù
  • capital goods
  1. 资本货物的应用着眼于未来。

    The use of capital goods is envisioned for the future .

  2. 我国资本货物经营成本和收益的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Operating Cost and Benefit of Capital Goods in China

  3. 全球资本货物工业研究

    Global Study on the Capital Goods Industry

  4. 进口下降是由于对工业用品和资本货物的需求较弱。

    The fall in imports was due to weaker demand for industrial supplies and capital goods .

  5. 资本货物是那些货物是制造了而且对农产品被用其他的货物。

    Capital goods are those goods which are manufactured and are used to produce other goods .

  6. 全国资本货物发展委员会

    National Council for Capital Goods Development

  7. 从发达国家进口资本货物,将会以一种有利的方式结束这种循环。

    Importing capital goods produced in the developed world would close the circle in a beneficial way .

  8. 1951&1954年,美国向台湾提供的经济援助主要是基本消费品,1955年以后才开始转向提供资本货物援助。

    America 's economic aid to Taiwan was basic consumer goods in 1951-1954.After 1955 , turning to capital commodities .

  9. 聆听发展中国家的看法不再只是为了展示善心或团结,而是为了自身利益。这些发展中国家现在是增长源,是资本货物和发达国家‘服务’的进口地。

    These developing countries are now sources of growth and importers of capital goods and developed countries ' services .

  10. 在第二次世界大战之前,英国曾经是世界上重型资本货物的主要出口国。

    Britain was one of the world 's leading exporters of heavy capital goods until the Second World War .

  11. 发达国家资本货物、服务及技术的客户也可成为新的增长极。

    New poles of growth can be customers for the capital goods , services , and technology of developed countries .

  12. 另一部分是净投资,它增加了对资本货物的存货量。

    The remaining portion is net investment and represents an addition to the size of the stock of capital goods .

  13. 一部分是以替代现存资本货物的消耗或磨损。

    One portion is necessary to replace the depreciation or wearing out of some of the existing stock of capital goods .

  14. 在此过程中,发展中国家会增加全球需求,包括对发达国家资本货物和服务的需求。

    As they do so , developing countries will boost global demand , including for capital goods and services from developed countries .

  15. 巴西向日本提供了亟需的大宗商品;反过来,日本为巴西的进口替代工业化提供了廉价的消费品和资本货物。

    Brazil provided Japan with much-needed commodities ; in turn , Japan supplied Brazil with cheap consumer and capital goods for import-substituting industrialization .

  16. 考虑到合法的规程和竞争差异,可回收利用的产品对于资本货物(生产资料)工业的意义也在增长。

    In consideration of the legal regulations and competitive differentiation the importance of recyclable products even in the capital goods industry gets more significant .

  17. 计算某物的总成本费我们能够以资本货物的美圆总值来估计出全部资本货物。

    Sum ( up ) the costs of sth. We can approximate the universal capital good as the total dollar value of capital goods .

  18. 中国基础设施企业的投资,正推动中国制造的起重机等资本货物对发展中市场的出口。

    Investment by Chinese infrastructure companies is generating higher exports of capital goods , such as cranes , made by Chinese companies to the developing world .

  19. 我们认为今后重点做好资本货物及其他形式的贸易,将为我们未来关系的继续发展带来新的机会。

    In the future , we think emphasis on capital goods and other types of trading activity will open new opportunities to continue the growth of our relationship .

  20. 缺乏有效的关税减免和退税计划,加上财政对中间产品和资本货物关税的依赖,都增加了出口国的成本。

    The absence of effective duty exemption / drawback programs , coupled with fiscal reliance on tariffs on intermediate and capital goods , have increased costs facing exporters .

  21. 这些商社安排日本的资本货物销往中国从工厂设备、发电厂到高速火车并安排中国的加工食品和服装进口到日本。

    Shosha brokered sales of Japanese capital goods to China from factory equipment to power plants to bullet trains and arranged imports of Chinese processed food and clothing to Japan .

  22. 所以钢铁、煤炭、机械和资本货物等所有重工业部门必须是公共部门而不能是私人部门。

    And that 's why steel , coal , machine tools , capital goods , all the areas of heavy industry were in the public sector and not in the private sector .

  23. 对机械设备制造而言,这些措施具有同样重要的意义,它们可以在资本货物的寿命不断延长的情况下,满足保障备件供应的需要。

    Such measures are also an important means for machine - and equipment-building in order to meet requirements of the safe supply of spare parts under the increasing life span of capital goods .

  24. 但中国迅速壮大的消费阶层和为满足增长胃口而对自然资源形成的强劲需求,也成了推动澳大利亚、德国等原材料和资本货物出口国经济复苏的重要因素。

    But its rapidly expanding consumer class and heavy demand for natural resources to feed its boom are credited with powering the rebound for exporters of raw materials and capital goods , such as Australia and Germany .

  25. 由于欠缺自然资源,加上工业产品种类狭隘,致使无论是居民日常所需之消费品,以至工业用资本货物,均须依赖外地提供。

    Due to its deficiency of natural resources and limited variety of industrial products , so that no matter in the daily consumption goods of residents to the capital goods for industry , both rely on overseas supplies .

  26. 为了估算企业花费,经济学家将耐用品数据加入一个叫做“不包括飞行器的非国防资本货物”的冗长指数。这个指数衡量公司在工厂设备等产品的花费。

    To gauge business spending , economists further winnow the durable-goods data to one awkwardly named indicator called ' nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft . ' This roughly measures what companies spend on factory equipment and the like .

  27. 在这些可喜的消息传来之前9个月,全球制造业产出出现了第二次世界大战以来最剧烈的收缩,世界贸易额骤降,资本货物和耐用消费品的买家实际上都进入“罢工”状态。

    The welcome news comes after nine months of the sharpest contraction in global manufacturing output since the Second World War and a dramatic plunge in world trade as buyers of capital goods and consumer durables effectively went on strike .

  28. 中国进出口银行是一九九四年成立的一家政策性银行,其主要任务是为中国机电产品和成套设备等资本性货物出口提供政策性金融支持。

    The import and Export Bank of China is a policy bank established in1994.its main task is to provide policy financial support for capital export goods such as china 's mechanical and electrical products , complete sets of equipment , etc.

  29. 资本预算;基本建设预算:这种预算仅限于表明为购置资本货物而计划的支出和资金来源。

    Capital Budget : A Budget which is limited to showing planned expenditures and sources of funds for purchases of capital goods .