
  • 网络recycling
  1. 加强应收帐款的管理保障资金回流

    To Strengthen the Management of Accounts Receivable and Ensure the Flow of Funds

  2. 加强农村信用体系建设,形成资金回流;

    Build up the rural credit system so that funds can be returned .

  3. 这导致资金回流美国,从而暴露了墨西哥的问题。

    That brought money home and revealed Mexican problems .

  4. 建立有效的农村资金回流机制;

    Establishing an efficient rural funds reflow mechanism ;

  5. 国际开发协会资金回流:指国际开发协会收到的、对已发放的信贷的偿还款项。

    IDA reflows : Payments received by IDA in the form of reimbursements for credits made .

  6. 微观层面包括资金回流机制、报酬回报机制、准入机制和价格规制机制等四个机制。

    Microcosmic includes : capital circumfluence mechanism , pay-return mechanism , admittance mechanism and price-rule mechanism .

  7. 最后,我们的(税收)框架鼓励企业带着囤积在海外的数万亿资金回流,

    Finally , our framework encourages corporations to bring back trillions of dollars in wealth parked overseas ,

  8. 中方也将研究增加和扩大离岸人民币资金回流的渠道。

    China will also research ways to develop more and wider channels for offshore RMB to come onshore .

  9. 在这一层面,即便海外资金回流,前景还是相当乐观的。

    On that score , there is every reason to be optimistic – even if foreign money stages a reversal .

  10. 邮政储蓄资金回流农村的障碍分析&基于转存款利率下调后的视角

    Analysis of the Barriers of the Postal Savings Fund Returning the Rural Area & Basing on the Phenomenon of Deposit Rate Fall

  11. 目前,农村资金回流机制存在措施不明确、缺乏激励机制和考核机制等问题。

    At present , there are questions as ambiguous measures , lack of incentive and evaluation mechanisms about the rural funds return mechanism .

  12. 农村金融市场信用基础存在缺陷,缺乏农村资金回流机制和有效竞争机制。

    The basis of credit on rural financial markets flawed , lacking of capital back into the rural areas and effective mechanism for competition .

  13. 第三,有必要在地方环境建设上、货币政策和金融机构体系设计上建立欠发达地区资金回流机制。

    Thirdly , to establish fund inflow mechanism , it is needed to improve regional financial policy , monetary policy and financial institutional system .

  14. 其次,从创业板上市公司的基本面信息为根据,提出超募资金回流和盈利持续能力两个假说。

    Secondly , based on the fundamentals information of GEM listed companies , puts forward the backflow of over-raised funds and persistent profitability two hypotheses .

  15. 以美国贸易大幅逆差及盈余资金回流美国为特征的全球经济失衡,已经成为当今全球化的基本格局。

    Nowadays , global imbalance becomes the basic economic structure which consists of huge trade deficit in US and surplus capital reflowing back to the US .

  16. 本文主要对改革以后邮政储蓄资金回流农村的情况进行考察,分析存在的问题并提出相应的对策与建议。

    This article will study the present situation of postal savings fund backflow rural area after reforming , analyze the current questions and propose the corresponding suggestions .

  17. 尽管经济前景有所改善,亚洲区亦初现国际资金回流的曙光,但亚洲仍不可感到自满。

    Notwithstanding the improvements in the growth outlook and the early signs of the return of international capital to the region , there is no room for complacency .

  18. 就像美国出现的资金回流一样美国的经济形势也不怎么乐观投资者为了寻求安全而把资金汇回国内。

    As with the repatriation of funds to the US , where economic news is none too rosy either , investors have sought safety by bringing money back home .

  19. 美国科技公司在欧洲持有巨额现金储备,而如果这些资金回流美国将被课以重税,这一事实有助于促成一些跨境交易。

    Some cross-border deals have been helped by the fact that US technology companies hold huge cash reserves in Europe , which would be taxed heavily if returned to the US .

  20. 与此同时,公租房资金回流主要依靠房租和配套设施的租金收入,资金回收期相对较长,市场资金进入的积极性很低。

    At the same time , its capital reclaiming mainly depends on rental income and ancillary facilities . The payback period is relatively long , so the flow of investment capital to this area is low .

  21. 随着目前美国利率高出欧元区利率,以及美国《本土投资法》的通过,巨额的资金回流美国将毋庸置疑。

    With the current interest rate in the United States higher than that in euro region and the homeland investment act being passed in the United states , repatriation of huge amount of capitals to the United States is doubtless .

  22. 最后,就现存的问题和导致的原因提出加强农村金融服务、促进农业综合生产能力提高的主要措施:建立农村资金回流机制;

    At last the paper according to the existing problems and resulting reasons ; put forth the main measures to strengthen the rural finance service and improve the agricultural comprehensive productive forces ; they are following : building the system of capital circulation flow ;

  23. 此后他们的资金开始回流股市。

    Then they start putting the money back into the market .

  24. 还有许多资金应该回流到了美国蓬勃发展的资产市场中。

    And much will have returned to the booming asset markets of the US .

  25. 最后,我们将使企业数万亿海外资金的回流更加容易。

    Finally , we will make it easier for companies to bring back trillions of dollars that they are now keeping overseas .

  26. 他们(日本人)在海外的投资很快会开始亏损,这样大量资金将回流日本。

    They will soon start losing money on the money invested abroad so a massive amount of that money is going to come back home .

  27. 其结果是,H股在去年4月至10月期间暴跌44%,随后又开始飙升,因为资金开始回流新兴市场。

    As a result H shares crashed 44 per cent from April to October , before soaring again as money started to flow back to the emerging world .

  28. 在2013年5月美国谈论逐步退出量化宽松债券购买举措、资金开始回流美国的时候,许多新兴市场立即大跌。

    When money started to flow back to the US in May 2013 when the Fed talked of tapering off QE bond purchases , many emerging markets instantly sold off .

  29. 农业劳动力转移提高了劳动力资源配置效率,通过在外打工收入使资金的回流,促进了区域经济增长。

    Agricultural labor transfer improves labor resources allocation efficiency , and through working outside , farmers have their income flow back , which promotes the growth of regional economy . 3 .

  30. 现有的农村正规金融机构把有限的存款从农村吸收来,存到中央银行,继而流向发达的城市地区,使这些自有的农村资金不能回流。在农村地区造成资金短缺。

    Existing rural formal financial institutions absorbs the limited deposits from rural to deposit to the central bank , and then flows to the developed urban areas to bring them into their own rural funds cannot flow back , resulting in a shortage of funds .