
ɡuò hù dēnɡ jì
  • Transfer registration;register of transfers
  1. 条寄交本公司的股份过户登记分处标准证券登记有限公司。

    Share registrars in Hong Kong , Standard Registrars Limited , using this aerogram .

  2. 城镇私房买卖过户登记的法律性质暂停办理过户登记手续

    Study on the legal nature of the ownership transfer registration in private house transaction in town ; closure of books / closure of register

  3. 我国法学界和司法界把是否进行产权过户登记作为房屋买卖合同的生效要件的传统观点,是对登记制度属性的误解。

    Experts in the legal academic circle and the judicial circle hold a traditional view that whether the transfer of property right has been registered is taken as prerequisite for the deal contract to become valid .

  4. 土地使用权要按照办理出让手续、评估作价、交付使用、办理过户登记手续的程序进行;股权属于公司法规定的可以用货币估价并可以依法转让的非货币财产。

    Land access sell according to handle formalities , appraisal , consign is used , transfer the formalities of registration procedures ; Equity belongs to the provisions of the company law can be assessed by currency and may be transferred according to law of non-monetary assets .