
  • 网络Significant Risk;major risk
  1. 长期目标对发展中国家构成重大风险。

    Long-term targets pose significant risks to developing countries .

  2. 世界经济重大风险犹存,形势仍低于预期。

    Significant risks remain and the performance of the global economy still falls behind our expectations .

  3. 一直以来,西方国家许多组织利用CSA来寻找其内部控制缺陷以及重大风险所在。

    There are many organizations those are making use of it to find the weakness of internal control and the existing of important risks .

  4. vt.踌躇,犹豫;有疑虑,不愿意vi.踌躇,犹豫;不愿他不愿意在生意冒这个重大风险。……

    hesitate He hesitated to take such a big risk in his business .......

  5. 麦肯锡公司(McKinsey)最近进行的一项针对中国奢侈品需求的报告显示,奢侈品公司在中国面临的一个重大风险是他们开设零售店的速度不够快。

    A recent McKinsey report on Chinese luxury demand says that a major risk for companies is failing to open stores in China quickly enough .

  6. 介绍在建立HSE管理体系过程中,风险评价在聚丙烯生产过程中的应用情况,以及对评价出的重大风险应采取的改进和预防措施。

    The application of risk evaluation in polypropylene production in course of establishing HSE management system is introduced , and the improvement and prevention measures against major risks e-valuated are presented .

  7. 全球经济衰退爆发后,央行官员们将利率降至历史最低水平,推高了房价。IMF认为,在从香港到以色列的多个经济体,当前房价都对经济构成一个重大风险。

    In the wake of the global recession , central bankers have cut interest rates to record lows , pushing house prices to a level where the IMF regards them as a significant risk to economies as diverse as Hong Kong and Israel .

  8. 其实,许多低概率事件积少成多,足以构成重大风险。

    But many low probability events cumulate to a substantial risk .

  9. 如果人们认为灾后救援工作失败,另一个重大风险也将随之而来。

    Another will come if post-disaster relief work is seen to falter .

  10. 但他表示,对于投资者而言,仍存在重大风险。

    But he says serious risks for investors remain .

  11. 但解除贸易禁令也会带来重大风险。

    But ending the embargo also poses serious risks .

  12. 但赌美元下跌会有两个重大风险。

    But there are two serious threats to a bet against the greenback .

  13. 简而言之,失去的十年是眼下面临的重大风险。

    The big risk , in short , is now of a lost decade .

  14. 一评三案在控制重大风险作业中的应用

    Application of ' One Assessment and Three Plans ' in Major Risk Operation Control

  15. 这一战略涉及一些重大风险。

    This strategy involves some serious risks .

  16. 改进的模糊层次综合评判法在重大风险源评价中的应用

    Application of the Model of Improved Fuzzy AHP Synthetic Evaluation in Major Risk Sources Assessment

  17. 不过对于欧元来说这一策略蕴含了重大风险。

    There are huge risks to this strategy , though , for the euro . '

  18. 一场环境灾难可能导致民众丧失对执政领导层的信心,这构成了一个重大风险。

    An environmental disaster causing a loss of faith in the leadership presents a significant risk .

  19. 重大风险依然存在,但是这项报告注意到了与国际监察标准的日益趋同。

    Significant risks remain , but the report observes a growing convergence with international regulatory standards .

  20. 讨论重大风险领域。

    Discuss areas of significant risk .

  21. 谷歌的重大风险不是丢掉在中国的利润而是恰恰相反。

    The big risk to Google is not missing out on profits in China quite the reverse .

  22. 这会带来重大风险。

    There are serious risks .

  23. 它暗含着重大风险,而同样的风险还可能存在于其他桥梁。

    That 's the underlying risk that has been lurking , and could lurk in other bridges .

  24. 其中一个重大风险就是国有商业银行不良资产比例过高。

    And a major risk is that bad assets proportion in the state-owned Commercial banks is excessively high .

  25. 最后,是否存在其它国家限制国际贸易或旅行的重大风险?

    And finally , is there a significant risk of international trade or travel restrictions by other countries ?

  26. 由于世界经济疲弱、油价下跌,通胀应该不会成为重大风险。

    With the world economy weakening and oil prices falling , inflation should not be a real danger .

  27. 多哈回合全球贸易谈判无限期搁置,给全球经济造成重大风险。

    The indefinite suspension of the Doha round of world trade talks creates big risks for the world economy .

  28. 这种情况确实是一个重大风险,是投资者需要加以防范的。

    Indeed that has to be a major risk , and investors need to be on guard against it .

  29. 施工阶段的仿真计算主要运用了仿真模拟和对比分析方法对桥梁施工阶段的重大风险进行计算分析。

    In construction phase , it uses simulation and comparative analysis methods to calculate and analyze the significant risks .

  30. 对保持瑞士传统的欧洲人而言,日常生活中的重大风险由社会机构管理。

    For Europeans in the Swiss tradition , the serious risks of everyday life are managed by social institutions .