
  • 网络Intensive Care;ICU;NICU;picu;CCU
  1. 结果金黄色葡萄球菌中MRSA占的比例逐年升高,尤其重症监护病房肺部感染的患者痰中MRSA检出率为75%;

    RESULTS The ratio of MRSA in Staphylococcus aureus became higher year by year , especially in ICU , the MRSA isolated rate in sputum of lung infection patient was 75 % .

  2. 结果:胃肠外营养(TPN)治疗患者122例,TNA液335组处方,共985袋,主要集中于胸外科、心外科和重症监护室。

    RESULTS : 122 cases of patients were treated with total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ), involving 335 prescription sheets for TNA solution in totally 985 bags , and main treatment settings of chest surgery , cardiac surgery and ICU .

  3. 手术后的那个夜晚她在重症监护病房度过。

    She spent the night in intensive care after the operation .

  4. 看看梅西百货、诺德斯特罗姆和塔吉特这些大型零售商的财报,就像参观重症监护室一样惊心动魄。

    Reading the earnings announcements of large retail stores like Macy 's , Nordstrom , and Target is about as uplifting as a tour of an intensive care unit .

  5. 他们中有一个女儿早产的父亲,他说孩子在重症监护病房的五个星期里,“在我觉得非常无助的时候,学着编织婴儿帽给了我一种目标感。

    Among them is the father of a prematurely born daughter who reported that during the baby 's five weeks in the intensive care unit , " learning how to knit infant hats gave me a sense of purpose during a time that I felt very helpless . "

  6. 重症监护病人肺部真菌感染诊治及CT分析

    CT Analysis of 84 ICU patients with pulmonary fungus infection

  7. MG患者术后给予重症监护并根据病情留置气管插管,应用呼吸机进行人工辅助呼吸。

    The patients were given severe monitor with retaining tracheal cannula , were assisted respiration with respirator .

  8. APACHEⅡ与APACHEⅢ在内科重症监护病房中的应用

    The Application of APACHE E , APACHE in in Intensive Care Unit

  9. 他表示,BP正处于重症监护之中,但强调基本业务是健康的。

    The company was in intensive care , he said , but he stressed that its underlying business was sound .

  10. 重症监护室(ICU)的临床实习教学是一项新的教学挑战。

    The clinical internship teaching in intensive care unit is a new challenge .

  11. 目的探讨肠内营养支持治疗(EN)在重症监护室(ICU)中的早期临床应用。

    Objective : To investigate the early clinic effects of early enteric nutrition treatment on ICU .

  12. [目的]细菌感染是新生儿重症监护病房(NeonatalintensivecareunitNICU)致病性和致死性的重要因素。

    Objective Pathogenic bacteria is a important factor involved in disease and death of infant of Neonatal intensive care unit ( NICU ) .

  13. 重症监护病房MRSA感染暴发调查及对策

    Outbreak of MRSA Infection in Intensive Care Unit : Survey and Countermeasure

  14. 目的分析基层医院重症监护病房(ICU)的医院感染特点,提出相应的防范措施,以有效降低医院感染发生率。

    OBJECTIVE To analyze the characteristic of infection in ICU of our hospital and to provide effective countermeasure .

  15. 随着耐药菌株的增多,重症监护病房(ICU)医院获得性肺炎的发生率显著升高。

    With the increasing of drug resistant strain , incidence of nosocomial pneumonia in ICU is increasing greatly .

  16. 目的探讨重症监护病房(ICU)氧气湿化瓶污染细菌与住院患者呼吸道感染的关系,为防治其引起的医院感染提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between bacteria isolated from oxygen humidification bottles in ICU and respiratory tract infection .

  17. 目的使用降阶梯方案治疗重症监护病房(ICU)重症获得性肺炎,评价其疗效。

    OBJECTIVE To use de-escalation therapy for the severe nosocomial pneumonia in the ICU , and estimate the curative effect .

  18. 目的探讨急诊及重症监护病房(ICU)监护患者的护理管理。

    Objective To investigate the nursing policies of the intensive care unit ( ICU ) patients in the emergency department .

  19. 重症监护病房MRSA感染及相关因素的研究

    Study on Incidence and Risk Factors of Nosocomial MRSA Infections in General Intensive Care Unit

  20. 目的研究主动脉弓替换术后重症监护室(ICU)时间延长的危险因素。

    Objective To identify the predictors of prolonged intensive care unit ( ICU ) stay in patients undergoing aortic arch replacement .

  21. 目的探讨重症监护病房(ICU)重型颅脑外伤患者肺部医院感染的危险因素,探索其预防和控制的措施。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the risk factors and preventive measurement for respiratory infection in ICU patients for severe traumatic brain injury .

  22. 临床研究部分:在外科重症监护病房(SICU)选取诊断ARDS并行机械通气治疗的患者。

    Part 2 Clinical study : 14 ARDS ventilated patients in SICU were enrolled .

  23. 本科护理专业内科护理学期末试卷分析APACHEⅡ与APACHEⅢ在内科重症监护病房中的应用

    Analysis of Internal Nursing Term Examination in Nursing Professional Undergraduate Students The Application of APACHE E , APACHE in in Intensive Care Unit

  24. 重症监护病房产科患者生理改变、年龄及健康(APACHEⅢ)评分的应用

    Utility of Acute Physiology , Age , and Chronic Health Evaluation ( APACHE ⅲ) score in maternal admissions to the intensive care unit

  25. 目的:观察头孢吡肟对重症监护病房(ICU)院内感染细菌的体外抗菌活性。

    AIM : To observe antibacterial activity of cefepime to bacteria of intensive care unit ( ICU ) nosocomial infection in vitro .

  26. 目的总结在重症监护病房(ICU)使用微量注射泵经中心静脉高浓度补钾纠正低钾血症的护理体会。

    Objective To summarize nursing experience of microinjection pump used in high concentration potassium infusion via central vein to correct kaliopenia in ICU .

  27. 目的:了解耐甲氧西林金葡菌(MRSA)在重症监护病房(ICU)的感染及相关因素,为有效控制感染提供科学依据。

    Objective : To investigate the incidence and risk factors of nosocomial MRSA infections in intensive care unit ( ICU ) .

  28. 方法将157例入住重症监护病房的新生儿,按照所属医疗组分为A组57例,B组50例和C组50例。

    Methods Divided 157 newborns who had lived in the intensive care unit into A group ( 57 cases ), B group ( 50 cases ) and C group ( 50 cases ) according to their clinical adscription .

  29. 目的加强新生儿神经内科重症监护病房(NICU)的医院感染监控和管理。

    OBJECTIVE To enhance surveillance and control of nosocomial infection in newborn ICU ( NICU ) .

  30. 目的明确重症监护病房(ICU)获得性感染的细菌病原学及抗菌药物敏感性,为临床经验性使用抗菌药物提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE To search the bacterial pathology and antibiotics susceptivity information of ICU nosocomial infection , and provide the evidence for antibiotic using in clinics .