
zhòng yòng
  • put sb. in an important position


chóng yòng
  • reusing
重用[chóng yòng]
重用[zhòng yòng]
  1. 对于该样例,我们创建一个注释多维数据集,它重用现有维度planmeasuresetting

    For this sample we create a commentary cube reusing the existing dimension plan_measure_setting

  2. 同时,采用用户控件、WEB服务等开发技术,充分考虑了系统的代码重用问题。

    We also introduce user controller and web service to resolve the difficulty of code reusing .

  3. 田饶虽然服侍鲁哀公多年,但是仍然没有受到重用。

    Tian Rao had served Ai Gong , King of the State of Lu , for many years , but he was never appointed to any important position .

  4. 使用J2EE框架技术构建可重用的Web应用

    Use J2EE Framework Technology to Design the Reusable Web Application

  5. 基于软构件重用的CAD系统开发方法研究

    Study of CAD System Developing Method Based on the Reusable Software Component

  6. 可重用Java数据库操作组件的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Module for Database in Java

  7. 基于Java的软件重用技术及其应用

    Software Reuse Technology and Application Based on Java

  8. 用Java来设计组件重用的Query方法

    Design a Component Reused Query Method by Java

  9. 但是,也存在着一些问题:重复开发现象严重,代码重用率低,功能模块移植的工作量大等,针对以上问题,本文研究了基于组件的企业Web开发方法。

    But there are also some problems , such as the difficulty to reuse the code and recombine the system .

  10. 使用对象建模技术,CASE模型在提供了可重用构件的同时,还提供了可重用的体系结构。

    Using object model technology , the CASE reference model supplies not only the reusable components , but also the reusable architecture .

  11. 改进的IP可重用性评估程序

    The Amelioration of IP Reusability Evaluation Program

  12. 异常处理的策略作为Agent模型的功能实体由系统或用户定义并可根据需要重用和继承;

    Exception Handling as entities of Agent Model can be defined , reused and inherited by system and user .

  13. 基于组件重用技术实现GIS的地图注记对象

    Realization of Map Label Object in GIS Based on the Technique of the Module Using Repeatedly

  14. 采用可配置IP模块和总线结构,实现了硬件平台可配置性和可重用性;

    Using reconfigurable IP module and bus-based method , Reconfigurable and reusable hardware platform was realized .

  15. 该模型允许使用面向对象的编程语言来开发Web服务,开发人员可适当地调用和重用这些服务。

    This model allows for the development of web services using object-oriented programming languages that developers can call and reuse as appropriate .

  16. 策略集是可以创建、复制并与其他WebSphereApplicationServer组件共享的可重用单元。

    Policy sets are reusable units that you can create , copy , and share with other WebSphere Application Server components .

  17. Generic程序设计是实现软件重用的重要方法之一。

    Generic programming is a successful approach for reuse of software .

  18. 虽然对property的定义看起来并不优美,接下来我们会对它进行处理并使之可重用。

    The property definition on top of the file isn 't pretty , but we 'll deal with that later and make it reusable .

  19. 传统的Web应用开发方法面临系统复杂度增加、需求不断变更等挑战,导致开发效率低下,系统难重用。

    Traditional Web application development is facing higher complexity and changing requirements , thus results in low efficiency of development and hard-to-reuse systems .

  20. 用SOAP实现跨平台的组件的协作和重用

    Implement interoperability and reuse of cross-platform components using soap

  21. IP重用和嵌入式SOC开发的逻辑方法

    MPSOC : IP Reuse and Embedded SoC Development

  22. 资产和模式是SOA成功的关键,因为这二者为进行重用提供支持。

    Assets and patterns are key to the success of SOA , because they enable reuse .

  23. 理论与实践表明利用该技术可以使车站平面CAD系统探作更加灵活、简便,并可以提高代码重用性和兼容性。

    Both theory and practice show that the new technology can improve efficiency of manipulation , code reusing and compatibility .

  24. 重用现有bean并生成关系模式

    Re-use existing beans and generate relational schema

  25. 选择“Circular”作为日志样式,以持续重用日志文件并重写原来的事务。

    Select " Circular " for the logging style to continuously re-use the log files and overwrite the old transactions .

  26. 如果您定义的WSDL符合此模式,则可以获得可重用的错误定义。

    If you define your WSDL following this pattern , you have reusable faults .

  27. 该选项指定了服务器必须重用LDAP连接。

    This option specifies that the server must reuse the LDAP connection .

  28. CORBA的优势是在方法的重用上,而XML是在数据的独立性上。

    The advantage of CORBA is the reuse of method , but XML is the independency of the data .

  29. 薪资和HR应用程序模式都可实现用户注册表可重用组件。

    Both the Payroll and HR application patterns can implement the user registry reusable component .

  30. 由于使用了JAVA,XML,数据库连接池等技术,使得设计出来的中间件系统具有可扩展性、可重用性,可优化性,可移植性和分布式计算的优点。

    Due to using JAVA , XML technologies , the system has the advantage in transportability , plug and play and distribute computing .