
  1. 而现有中小学校舍相当一部分未考虑抗震设防,有些虽然考虑了抗震设防,但不能满足重点设防类设防要求。

    Now , some of the existing primary and secondary schools were not considered the seismic protection , while some considered the seismic protection can not meet the requirements of the key protection class .

  2. 汶川地震以后,全国开展了校舍安全工程工作,主要目的就是在全国范围内,对中小学校舍开展抗震加固、提高综合防灾能力建设,使学校校舍达到重点设防类抗震设防标准。

    After the Wenchuan earthquake , national school safety engineering exercise , main purpose of nation-wide , for seismic strengthening of primary and secondary schools , and to increase the overall capacity-building for disaster prevention , bringing the school to focus on earthquake fortification class standard .

  3. 对于政务网络信息安全的研究,目前的重点主要放在设防上面,许多安全产品、安全技术多以安全防御为主,但仅仅从这个角度去处理政务网的安全问题还有一定的局限性。

    Currently , researches on security of e-government network mainly focus on the defense work with the security equipments and techniques aiming at security defense , which is not effective enough .