
  • 网络material information
  1. 通常简称为RegFD的相关规定,要求企业同时向所有投资者分享重大信息。

    The rules , commonly known as Reg F.D. , requires companies to share material information to all investors at the same time .

  2. 上市公司在获悉相关信息时,应及时向证券交易所申请停牌并披露影响股价的重大信息。

    Once a listed company learns the relevant information , it shall timely apply to the stock exchange for a suspension and disclose the material information affecting share prices .

  3. 这将为中国的IPTV、数字电视广播等重大信息产业应用及民族IT产业发展起到积极的推动作用。

    It will effectively push the development of national IT industry of China and its important information applications like IPTV and digital TV broadcast .

  4. 上市公司重大信息披露与股价异动的相关性研究

    On the Relativity of the Major Information Revelation of the On-market Companies and the Unusual Stock Fluctuation

  5. 认真做好信息收集、整理和报送,做到重大信息不迟报、不漏报、不误报。

    Earnestly information collecting , sorting and submit , do not significant information , omission , statisticians material misstatement .

  6. 疟疾报告的第二条重大信息是:在每一条战线和每一个层面所取得的进展都是脆弱的。

    The second main message is this . Progress , on every front , at every level , is fragile .

  7. 通过事件研究法,实证检验了中国商品期货市场对重大信息的过度反应现象。

    An empirical test was conducted on the overreaction to big news in China 's futures market using the method of event study .

  8. 朝鲜在上周末要求举行谈判,称将在不断恶化的紧张局势期间发布重大信息。

    North Korea requested talks at the weekend , saying it had an important message to deliver during a period of worsening tensions .

  9. 建立长效激励约束机制,强化国有企业经营投资责任追究,探索推进国有企业财务预算等重大信息公开。

    Establish long-term incentive and restraint mechanisms , strengthen SOE 's investment accountability and explore ways to publicize important information , including SOEs ' financial budgets .

  10. 但是,近年来接二连三曝光的红光实业、郑百文、银广夏等公司的重大信息披露问题尤其是蓄意的虚假信息披露问题,仍然是影响证券市场健康发展的首要问题。

    But the problem in disclosure of accounting information , especially false accounting information still is the primary problem which effect sound development of the security market .

  11. 但是,重大信息披露问题尤其是蓄意的虚假信息披露问题,仍然是影响证券市场健康发展的首要问题。

    However , great information announcing question , especially false information announcing question that is bent on , it is still primary problem of influencing sound development of security market .

  12. 本论文选题基于三个原因:一是汉语行政公文是在重要会议召开、特殊事件发生、重大信息需要发布的背景制发的。

    First . Chinese official documents are issued on the conditions that some significant meetings are held , and that typical social affairs happen and that important information needs to be noticed .

  13. 先进的信息技术能够为这些高新技术产业的发展提供强大的支持,企业实施重大信息技术项目必然要面临业务流程的优化和重组。

    Advanced information technology can provide great support for the development of this new high-tech industry , optimization and reorganization of business process is urgently needed when implementing of important information technology project .

  14. 关于信息披露制度,作者认为其是证券法中的一项基本法律制度,在要约收购中体现为与要约收购有关的重大信息均应充分披露。

    In respect of information disclosure mechanism , the author regards it as a basic legal mechanism in stock and exchange law and all major information relevant to tender offer shall be disclosed sufficiently .

  15. 人机交互是21世纪的重大信息技术,也是当前信息产业竞争的一个焦点,世界各国都将人机交互技术作为重点研究的一项关键技术。

    HCI ( human computer interaction ) is an important information technology in the 21st century . As a focus in the IT industry competition , HCI is a key technology to research all over the world .

  16. 国内外关于内幕交易的相关研究已经证明内幕交易确实存在,但是内幕交易是否是基于敏感性事件或重大信息而产生还没有统一的结论。

    After reviewing the literatures on insider trading , we find that insider trading is widespread in our stock market , yet there is no uniform conclusion about whether insider trading based on the information disclosure or not .

  17. 分析师说,即使农业银行并无违反任何信息披露规则,但就中资企业而言,涉及公司高管的贪腐案件对投资者来说仍然算是重大信息,因为很多中资企业的财富是构筑在它们同政府的关系之上的。

    Even if AgBank hasn 't violated any disclosure rules , bribery cases involving high level company officials can still be materially important to investors in Chinese firms , many of which have their fortunes built on the basis of their government connections , say analysts .

  18. 要保证公众对证券发行和交易市场充满信心,首要的是必须让所有投资者尤其是处于信息获取劣势的中小投资者都能及时、公平、准确地获得与发行人有关的重大信息。

    To ensure the public confidence in the issue and trading markets , the first and foremost means is to guarantee access to major information relating to the issuer , timely , fairly and accurately for all investors , especially the medium and small investors who are in disadvantaged position .

  19. 新农村建设目标宏伟、意义重大,信息服务对新农村建设有巨大促进作用。

    The new rural construction has magnificent goal and great significance , information services also has great promotion to new rural construction .

  20. 而话语的核心,仅仅表现对听话人来说意义重大的信息,叫做述位。

    The goal of discourse presents the very information that is to be imparted to the hearer , and is called Rheme .

  21. 运用现代传媒理论,分析了互联网在体育信息传播中的应用现状。结果表明,互联网在历次重大体育信息传播中承担重要角色;

    Using the modern medium theory , the present study has analyzed the status of application of internet to the sports information dissemination .

  22. 笔者在世界上首次发现的华南海岸全新世高海滩岩中,又发现了海滩岩断代序列模式及其中蕴藏的重大科学信息。

    In the world , the authors have first discovered Holocene high beachrocks along the coast of South China , then discovered the dating sequence model of beachrock and its significant scientific information .

  23. 在股票市场上,并购事件被认为是重大利好信息,无数股民希望依靠并购行情的股价飙升而发家致富。

    In the stock market , Merger Acquisition case is considered to be a major positive . Many investors rely on the hope that the Merger Acquisition market and the soaring price of the wealthy .

  24. 随着国内外频繁发生的会计信息造假丑闻,财务报表的可靠性遭到了越来越多的质疑,同时,财务重述现象作为一种重大会计信息更正机制也受到了更多的重视。

    With frequently false accounting information has been found in domestic and international , the reliability of financial statements has been questioned more and more , while the phenomenon of financial restatements have been drawing more attention .

  25. 现代汉语述语动词机器词典的扩充和槽关系研究是国家社科九五重大项目信息处理用现代汉语词汇研究中的一个子课题。

    The expanding of machine tractable dictionary of Contemporary Chinese predicate verbs and research on relations of slots centering on noun of Contemporary Chinese is a sub project in the 9th five year plan program Contemporary Chinese Vocabulary Studies in Chinese information Processing .

  26. 美国证交会声称,KanKingWong和CharlotteKaOnWongLeung在获得有关默多克新闻集团(NewsCorp)报价的重大非公开信息后,购买了41.5万股道琼斯股票。

    The US regulators allege that Kan King Wong and Charlotte Ka On Wong Leung bought 415,000 shares of Dow Jones while in possession of material , non-public information about the bid by Mr Murdoch 's News Corp.

  27. 该模型把资产收益率的变动主要分成两部分,一部分是由平缓的一般市场信息进入造成的GARCH音(?)分,另一部分是由市场中的重大或者异常信息造成的跳跃部分。

    In this model , changing in the rate of return on assets is mainly divided into two parts : the GARCH part which results from the flat general market information , the jump part which caused by the signification or unusual information .

  28. 另外被起诉的还有国际律师事务所ropes&gray纽约办公室的律师阿瑟卡提罗(arthurcutillo),他涉嫌传递他所在的事务所正在提供咨询的至少4宗重大交易的信息。

    Also charged was Arthur cutillo , an attorney in the New York office of international law firm ropes & Gray , who allegedly passed on information about at least four major transactions his firm was advising on .

  29. 浅谈重大危险源信息管理系统的城市安全控制

    The City Security Control of Very Dangerous Matter Sources Management Information System

  30. 有关重大发明的信息与介绍,公众都可以在伦敦科学博物馆中了解到。

    Information on all the items is found at the Science Museum in London .