
  • 网络gravimetry;gravitational surveying
  1. 这个项目的主要特点有:①涉及多个学科,如经典和空间大地测量学、天文测量学、重力测量学、近代数据处理理论和技术等;

    There are five characteristics in the project : ① various kinds of scientific branches involved , for example classical geodesy , space geodesy , physical geodesy , astronomy , modern data processing and computer science etc.

  2. 国外航空重力测量在地学中的应用

    The application of airborne gravity survey to Earth Science in foreign countries

  3. 利用卫星测高数据计算海洋重力异常是大地测量学和海洋学研究中的重要课题。

    It is a very important topic in geodesy and oceanography research to compute marine gravity anomaly using satellite altimetry data .