
  • 网络Read the report;reading report
  1. 大部分的管理者只花很少的时间阅读报告,甚至花更少的时间写报告。

    Most managers spend very little time reading and even less time writing reports .

  2. 使用一致的名称可以使数据库便于维护,并且便于阅读报告和输出窗口。

    Consistency makes it easier to maintain your database and easier to read reports and output windows .

  3. 重要的事情是,在阅读报告(特别是覆盖率高的)时需要小心,它们也许隐含危险的信息。

    The important thing is to exercise caution when viewing the reports ( especially ones with high values ), for they can hide nefarious subtleties .

  4. 我还没有好好阅读这份报告&我只是浏览了一下。

    I haven 't read the report properly & I 've only dipped into Lt.

  5. 但是Cossé教授告诉他的学生必须考虑到是谁来阅读这些报告。ThomasCossé:“我的学生必须以这样一种方式来书写报告:英语为非母语的讲英语的人必须能够理解他的报告。”

    But Professor Coss é tells his students to consider who will read them . THOMAS COSS é : " My students have to write the report in it can be understood by someone who is an English speaker but not a native English speaker . "

  6. 单击此处可阅读状态报告答复。

    Click to read status report responses .

  7. 结果表明,餐饮工作者更喜欢阅读这些报告,进行讨论并吸取教训。

    As a result , food workers were more likely to read the reports , discuss them and retain their lessons .

  8. 当然有一种方法就是你通宵达旦的阅读各种报告并把所有的知识点都记在心里。

    There is , of course , one way , which is to sit down late nights and learn all the facts by heart by reading all these reports .

  9. Active:目前登录到系统的已命名用户,但不一定是处于提交一个请求或者等待一个请求完成的过程中(比如说一个用户正在阅读一个报告)。

    Active : Named users currently logged onto the system but not necessarily in the process of submitting a request or waiting for one to finish ( say like a user reading a report ) .

  10. 业务用户在阅读CognosBI报告时可以直接调用IBMInfoSphereBusinessGlossary,获取关于报告中某些词汇的更多信息。

    A business user reading his Cognos BI report directly invokes IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary in order to get more information about some terms in the report .

  11. worldreader的网站提供有关该组织在撒哈拉以南非洲地区发起的多个阅读项目的报告,报告中介绍了项目的具体目标、执行过程以及项目结果。

    The worldreader website features reports about various reading projects that the organisation has launched in sub-Saharan Africa , with details of goals , implementation and results .

  12. 医学生英语文学作品阅读情况调查报告

    A survey of the situation of medical students ' English works reading

  13. 投资者欲了解详细内容,应当仔细阅读半年度报告全文。

    For detailed information , investors shall read carefully the semi-annual reports .

  14. 另外,也可以将在线阅读的分析报告内容保存入库,进行存档备份。

    Additionally , the content of reading can be stored .

  15. 尚未阅读的状态报告。

    The status report that has not been read .

  16. 然而,您应该仔细地阅读代码覆盖报告。

    You should , however , view code coverage reports with careful conjecture .

  17. 五年制学生课外阅读情况调查报告

    The Findings Report of the Outside Reading of the Students in Five-year Primary Faculty

  18. 在执行本主题中的步骤之前,请阅读未送达报告邮件故障排除。

    Before you perform the procedure in this topic , read troubleshooting non-delivery report messages .

  19. 但阅读这份研究报告的散户投资者对里面的这些关系毫不知情。

    The retail client who reads the research has no idea about any of these relationships .

  20. 他正在阅读那份报告。

    He is reading the report .

  21. 阅读过这些报告的官员表示,西班牙会尤其受到质疑。

    According to officials who have read the reports , Spain will come under particular scrutiny .

  22. 本文是一篇英语阅读的实验报告,着重调查背景知识与文章的语言难度对英语阅读理解的影响。

    This paper investigates the effects of background knowledge and language complexity on English reading comprehension for Chinese students of intermediary level .

  23. 全部课程(包括阅读、撰写报告、课堂参与和测验),与其他人文、艺术、社会与科学科目分散课程相似。

    Overall workload ( reading , writing , class participation , and examinations ) is similar to that of other HASS-D courses .

  24. 在阅读销售分析报告时,业务用户按照客户、产品分析收入,并分析客户收入等级。

    Studying his sales analysis report , a business user analyzes Revenue by Customer , Revenue by Product , and Customer Revenue Ranking .

  25. 老师希望所有的学生课前均能阅读同学的报告与指定的论文,以及准备好在同学简报时提出有见地的问题。

    I expect that all of the students will read the report and paper before class and that they will be prepared to ask insightful questions during the presentations .

  26. 如果我们阅读了该报告以及所提供的各种文章和数据,我们只能说在中国,成都是拥有最佳投资环境的城市之一。

    If we look at the report and the many articles and statistics it provides , one can only say that the investment climate in Chengdu is one of the best in China .

  27. 巴黎是五星级俱乐部创建成员之一,所有你阅读的调查报告都会显示,就财力、竞争力、全球影响力以及经济实力而言,它始终稳居前五名。

    Paris is a founding member of the 5-star club . Whichever survey or report you 're looking at , Paris is always up there in the top five cities in the world in terms of wealth , competitiveness , global power , and economic power . This is the brochure .

  28. 在技术和阅读方面,这份报告对想了解电子阅读器和平板电脑对阅读影响如何的父母几乎没什么帮助。

    When it comes to technology and reading , the report does little to counsel parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading .

  29. 安全性:阅读ISS的漏洞报告,仔细查看关于管理控制台,管理服务器,管理员服务器,子操作系统以及管理程序的章节。

    Security : Review reports on vulnerabilities related to management consoles , management servers , administration servers , guest VMs , and the hypervisor itself .

  30. 开设语文阅读课的实验报告

    An Experimental Report on Opening the course of Teaching reading Chinese