
  • Reading habit
  1. 养成阅读习惯永远不嫌晚。

    And it 's never too late to develop a reading habit .

  2. 这最终一定会帮助他们养成阅读习惯。

    This will certainly help them develop a reading habit in the end .

  3. 阅读习惯不是自然形成的。

    A reading habit isn 't something natural .

  4. 然而,大多数中国父母都正在帮助他们的孩子养成良好的阅读习惯。

    However , most Chinese parents are helping theie children to develop a reading habit .

  5. 这是真的,即使是现在,那个阅读习惯一直伴随着我。

    It was true , and even now that reading habit has been with me .

  6. 科学家认为,适当的书籍对孩子养成良好的阅读习惯非常重要。

    Scientists believe proper books are very important for children to develop a good reading habit .

  7. 太容易或太难的书不利于孩子保持他们的阅读习惯。

    Books which are either too easy or too difficult are not good for kids to keep their reading habits .

  8. 如果你是众多没有养成阅读习惯的人中的一员,那么你可能会错失良机。

    If you 're one of the countless people who don 't develop a habit of reading , you might be missing out .

  9. 小贴士2:帮助你的孩子养成良好的阅读习惯也很重要。帮助他记录下夏季阅读的书目吧。

    TIP 2 : It , s also important to help your kid develop good reading habits Help him keep a good record of his summer reading .

  10. 生活在"互联网"时代,越来越多的电子产品和应用程序在很多方面改变了人们的生活方式,如阅读习惯和体育赛事。

    Living in the age of " Internet " , more and more electronic products and Apps have changed people 's lifestyles in many ways , such as reading habits and sports events .

  11. 如果将xdebug.traceformat设为0,则输出将符合人类阅读习惯(将参数设为1则为机器可读格式)。

    If you set xdebug.trace_format to0 , the output is human-readable . ( Set the parameter to1 for machine format . )

  12. 任何人只要在Twitter、商务社交网站LinkedIn或Facebook关注我,就会多少对我的阅读习惯有所了解。

    Anyone who follows me on twitter , LinkedIn , or Facebook knows a little something about my reading habits .

  13. 注:此处为符合中文读者阅读习惯,将形容词affectionate译作副词“疼爱地”.内心虽然充满焦虑,她仍然带着挚爱的骄傲看着他,因为杰拉尔德是个出色的骑手。---

    Filled with her own anxieties , she nevertheless watched him with affectionate pride , for Gerald was an excellent horseman . ---

  14. 如果没有HTTPS,你的在线阅读习惯和行为都非常容易被窃听,而且你的账号也非常容易被窃取。

    Without HTTPS , your online reading habits and activities are vulnerable to eavesdropping , and your accounts are vulnerable to hijacking .

  15. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲媒体分析师请马修·罗布森(MatthewRobson)描述他朋友的媒体阅读习惯。罗布森是伦敦一所学校在摩根士丹利的实习生。

    Morgan Stanley 's European media analysts asked Matthew Robson , one of the bank 's interns from a London school , to describe his friends'media habits .

  16. 当英国前财政大臣尼格尔·劳森(NigelLawson)将伦敦金融城分析师贬称为“少年文人”时,这名男孩还没有出生。摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲媒体分析师请马修·罗布森(MatthewRobson)描述他朋友的媒体阅读习惯。

    Morgan Stanley 's European media analysts asked Matthew Robson , one of the bank 's interns from a London school , to describe his friends ' media habits .

  17. 但专家的普遍共识是:“若要养成终生阅读习惯,就得在成人之前养成,”阿歇特集团(Hachette)负责消费者洞察能力的主管路易莎•利文斯顿(LouisaLivingston)说。

    But the wider point is clear : " If you 're going to engage a reader for life , you need to engage them before they become an adult , " says Louisa Livingston , head of consumer insight at Hachette UK .

  18. 而这种做法的确有效。“捷克人养成了很强的阅读习惯,即便在今天,会上图书馆的人买书也更多,一年下来平均会买11本书。”捷克国家图书馆附设图书馆学中心的主任维特‧李希特(VitRichter)表示。

    And it worked . " Czechs developed a strong reading habit , and even today , those who visit libraries buy more books - 11 a year , on average - than others , " said Vit Richter , director of the Librarianship Institute of the Czech National Library .

  19. 它包括用眼技能、阅读习惯、阅读方式等。

    It evolves eye span , reading habits , reading methods etc.

  20. 因而我不得不改变我的阅读习惯。

    Therefore , I can not avoid changing my reading habits .

  21. 文本的字体、字号和颜色应符合阅读习惯。

    Text font , size , and colour should be readable .

  22. 你认为人的阅读习惯最近发生变化吗?

    Do you think people 's reading habit has changed recently ?

  23. 我们必须尽可能早地养成孩子的阅读习惯。

    We must develop children 's reading habit as early as possible .

  24. 阅读习惯上没有选择性;她的选择看起来完全是随机的。

    Unselective in her reading habits ; her choices seemed completely random .

  25. 跟着录音来朗读课文,帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯。

    Open your book and read it after the tape .

  26. 没有养成良好的阅读习惯,缺少阅读方法的指导。

    Being lack of good reading habit and correct leading .

  27. 不加选择的阅读习惯;胡乱的混杂颜色和风格。

    Indiscriminate reading habits ; an indiscriminate mixture of colors and styles .

  28. 近来的研究显示我们正逐渐改变阅读习惯。

    Recent studies suggest that we are gradually changing our reading habits .

  29. 引导学生养成良好的课外阅读习惯刍议

    A Discussion on Training the Students to Develop Good Extra-curricular Reading Habits

  30. 高职院校大学生阅读习惯与图书馆服务改进的思路

    Reading Custom of Profession College Students and Thoughts on Improving Library Service