- 名focused interview

Beginning from access control , the thesis has considered the strategy of access control and mainly discussed basic RBAC model .
Infrastructure architects focus on access and procedures , such as whether the service should be placed inside or outside demilitarized zone ( DMZ ) .
Four aspects of DEECES are focused in this paper : access control , concurrency control , cooperative edition management and cooperative awareness mechanism .
The discussion is focus on these main subsystems : Network Access Control Subsystem , NAT IP Address Convert Subsystem .
The emphasis is about the design of interface module used to access and control the hardware .
On the other hand , this dissertation builds a workflow platform for providing workflow executing and managing services for IT supporting system of SEI mechanism , and emphasis on modules of access control , data extracting management and task management .
And some code of main program is given .
This paper introduces the work principles and methodes of the ASP technology , put emphasis on the the ASP technology which accessing the SQL database , gives some specific application instances of the ASP technology in the Calendar System .
In this paper , the developing process , the state of arts and trend of IEEE standard 802.16 are introduced and emphasis goes to the main technical characteristics of Media Access Control ( MAC ) layer and physical layer .
The thesis focuses on access control in workflow environment .
The policy focus is on managing , accessing , and protecting data on virtual machines .
In the end , this dissertation focuses on the selection , optimization and application of strategies of authentication and access control with the idea of OTP ( one time password ) .
Therefore , this thesis studies on the architecture , key technologies and methods for the implementation of the database access agent . Furthermore , the emphasis of this thesis is focused on the database flux control , database encryption techniques , and encrypted network transmission .