
  • 网络Chongqing Television
  1. 1998年10月1日,重庆卫视的节目正式通过亚太1A卫星向全球传输,信号覆盖了全国,走向了国外。

    Oct. 1st , 1998 , The Chongqing Satellite TV programs began to broadcast formally via Asia-Pacific-1A Satellite . The signal covers countrywide and overseas .

  2. 笔者认为重庆卫视采取了回避主流市场,进行差异化市场选择的策略。

    The author adopts a unique strategy to avoid the mainstream market .

  3. 同时,重庆卫视通过扩大原有品牌内涵,提升品牌的价值。

    In the meanwhile , it advances brand values through extending its brand connotations .

  4. 本文就以重庆卫视改版公益频道为例,探讨了如何开启中国公共电视发展新的可能。

    This article take Chongqing TV edition of " commonweal channel " as an example , discusses how to open the Chinese public television .

  5. 此外重庆卫视还采用灵活多样的方式充分挖掘市场潜能,但还存在自制节目能力不佳的问题。

    In addition , it adopts various means to fully develop market potential , but there is a problem that its competency in making own programs .

  6. 重庆卫视台长李晓峰表示,省级广电机构可通过剥离内容制作部门并对外销售内容来实现商业可行性。

    Li Xiaofeng , chairman of Chongqing satellite television , said provincial broadcasters could become commercially viable by spinning off content production units and selling content on .

  7. 重庆卫视、中央电视台经济频道、湖南卫视相继试水。同时,业界的实践也引起了学界的重视和探讨。

    Chongqing Satellite TV , CCTV economy Channel , Hunan Satellite TV , one after another " test the waters . " At the same time , the industry practice has aroused the academic study and attention .

  8. 据《重庆晚报》报道,重庆卫视已停播商业广告,将在原有广告时段播出城市形象宣传片和公益广告。

    Chongqing Satellite TV has stopped commercial advertisements and will use the airtime to broadcast promotional films and public service announcements , Chongqing Evening News reported .