
  1. 以哈尔滨市为研究对象,拟开发一个GIS专用系统来数字化存储城市3年间的重大交通事故数据,并根据事故的属性和空间特征对数据进行分析。

    Taking Harbin as a research object , it designs and develops a GIS system to store three year 's traffic accident data in digital style , and analyzes these data in terms of their attribute and spatial characteristics .

  2. 油田企业百起重大交通事故的分析与探讨

    Analysis of Hundred Major Traffic Accidents in Oil Field Comprises

  3. 今天早上,我看到在公交车站旁发生了一起重大交通事故。

    This morning I saw a big car crash next to the bus station .

  4. 方法:对一起重大交通事故伤患者进行及时有效的抢救。

    Method Timely and effective salvage for wounded person in a fatal traffic accident .

  5. 目的:探讨重大交通事故批量伤员的有效救治和护理。

    Objective Probing into effective cure and tend for batch wounded person in a fatal traffic accident .

  6. 由于采取措施及时有效,辖区所有道路交通保持畅通,没有发生一起重大交通事故。

    As a result of effective actions , there was no serious traffic accident on all roads under the charge of traffic police .

  7. 针对摩托车超速易造成重大交通事故及人员伤亡,设计了一种简单实用的摩托车超速报警系统。

    A simple and practical motorcycle overspeed alarm system has been designed in order to prevent terrible traffic accidents and casualties caused by overspeed motorcycles .

  8. 据中国国有媒体报道,周日中国发生的两起重大交通事故共造成47人死亡。这凸显出最近国内外对中国道路安全记录的担忧。

    Forty-seven people died in two separate traffic accidents in China on Sunday , according to state media , underscoring recent concerns about the country 's road-safety record .

  9. 交通肇事罪是指违反交通运输管理法规,因而发生重大交通事故,致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的行为。

    Traffice accident crime is the behavior of the violation of traffic regulations , which causes serious injury , death and serious losses to public and private property .

  10. 指出正确认识柴油机超速的发生机理和诱发因素,及时采取应对措施,对于预防重大交通事故、延长车辆设备寿命有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important to preventing traffic accident and extending vehicle life-span that the mechanism and reason of excessive speed for diesel motor is quite understood and the trouble is reasonably resolved .

  11. 公路暴露于自然界,受风、雨、雾、雪等不良天气条件的影响大,严重时可导致公路交通的瘫痪,造成重大交通事故。

    Exposed to the nature , highway transportation is greatly influenced by inclement weather , such as wind , rain , fog and snow , which lead to traffic jam and serious accidents .

  12. 草原道路由于驾驶车速经常高于设计车速,在总体事故发生率较低的同时,容易突发重大交通事故。

    Due to driving speed is often higher than the design speed in prairie highway , it is easy to burst a major traffic accident with low accident rates of the total at the same time .

  13. 此外,行为人在盗窃机动车后又有交通肇事行为并且造成重大交通事故的,应分别构成盗窃罪和交通肇事罪,实行数罪并罚。

    After traffic accident behavior , must execute punishment . In addition , the behavior person in vehicle theft and traffic accident behavior and caused major traffic accidents , respectively constitute theft and traffic accident crime , should be punished .

  14. 据统计,自新疆第一条沙漠公路建成通车至2006年,共发生重大交通事故621起,死亡210人,受伤327人,直接经济损失626多万元。

    According to the statistics , during the desert highway in Xinjiang first open to 2006 there were 621 accidents happened , 210 people killed , 327 people injured , the direct economic lose was more than 626 million RMB .

  15. 随着汽车保有量越来越高和汽车行驶速度越来越快,夜间发生重大交通事故越来越普遍,人们开始对汽车夜间行车安全给予更多的重视。

    As car ownership more and more and automobile driving faster and faster , serious traffic accident which is happened at night becomes more and more common , so people pay more attention gradually to car safety driving at night .

  16. 如果机动车驾驶员违反交通规则并造成重大交通事故,因其潜逃而造成人员死亡,则驾驶员应判处3-7年徒刑。

    If a motorized vehicle driver has caused a major traffic accident in violation of the traffic regulations which has caused human death due to his escaping , the driver is subject to a prison term of 3 years to 7 years .

  17. 汽车轮胎的使用状况直接影响到汽车行驶的安全性,汽车在轮胎压力异常的状况下行驶就有可能引发爆胎,甚至会导致车辆失控,造成重大交通事故。

    The condition of tires has a direct influence on the safety of automobiles , for an unusual pressure condition may lead to explosion of tires , or even result in uncontrollable situations , which probably could give rise to serious traffic accidents .

  18. 雨天公路上会有积水,轮式车辆(以下称车辆)高速行驶时,将产生动压水膜,使车辆失去控制,致使发生重大交通事故。

    In the wet , when a vehicle running in high speed on the highway covered by a layer of water , the ki - netic pressure in the layer of water should be make the vehicle up and lose control of the vehicle .

  19. 回顾近几年的重大交通事故,许多都是由于醉酒驾驶造成的,这些事故都是血淋淋的教训,在给民众的生命和财产安全造成损害的同时也得到了社会的广泛关注。

    Reviewing in recent years , many serious traffic accidents are caused by drunk driving , these accidents are bloody lessons , while they damage the safety of life and property of the people , and also receive extensive attention of the whole society .

  20. 铁路扣件是铁路线路的重要部件,良好的扣件状态是维系铁路运输安全的重要保障,扣件缺失或断裂会对铁路行车安全形成巨大威胁甚至酿成重大交通事故。

    Railway fastener is the important part of rail line . The normal state of the fastener is the guarantee of the rail transportation security . The missing or broken fastener may be the tremendous threaten to the security , or even cause the serious traffic accidents .

  21. 西部山区重大道路交通事故治理措施初探

    Preliminary research on the measures to harness serious traffic accidents on the mountain roads of West China

  22. 张甲当场死亡,张乙也在送往医院途中死亡,构成重大道路交通事故。

    Zhang died on the spot A , B , Zhang also died on the way to hospital , a major road traffic accidents .

  23. 他们所开发的安卓系统应用程序使用机器学习和图像识别技术。当重大的交通事故即将发生时,该程序会在你的手机上发出警报,提醒正在聊天的你。

    Their Android app uses machine learning and image recognition , which takes place right on your phone to alert you when you 're chatting your way right into an oncoming smash-up .

  24. 7.23甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故调查报告中提到,调度系统设计的不合理性直接导致了此次事故的发生。

    Through " 7.23 " Yong Wen serious railway accident investigation , it can find that irrational design of the railway scheduling system is one of the most important reason for that accident .