
  • 网络securities depository
  1. 对此,破产管理人不得不竭力从纽约雷曼或世界其他各地的证券存管处获得信息。

    Administrators have had to fight for ac ­ cess to information from Lehman New York , and from securities depositories worldwide .

  2. 而加强对融资融券业务的风险控制和管理尤为重要,这包括建立有效的监管体系、信用管理机制及严格的抵押证券存管制度,以及设定融资融券的资格等。

    Among this , it is of particular importance to strengthen risk control and management of financing business , which includes establishing effective supervision system , credit management system and strict mortgage security deposit and management system as well as specifying financing qualifications .

  3. 第二章概述证券登记与存管体制,厘清证券登记法律关系与证券存管法律关系的主体、内容等。

    The other parts are as follows : Chapter two analyzes the legal relations in securities registration and depository .

  4. 证券无纸化与中国证券登记存管制度检视证券市场周期变化相关因素实证分析

    Securities dematerialization and Review of China 's Securities Registration and Depository An Empirical Study on the Related Factors of Cyclical Changes in the Securities Market