
  • 网络Securities Investor Protection Fund;protection fund of securities investors;stock investors' protection fund;stock investors’ protection fund;stock investorsapos,protection fund
  1. 证券投资者保护基金作为证券市场风险补偿机制的重要组织形式,在发达国家(地区)已有成功的立法与实践经验。

    The protection fund of securities investors is regarded as the important organizational form of the risk compensation mechanism of security market-the developed country has already had successful legislation and practical experience abroad .

  2. 证券投资者保护基金(SIPF)的资金筹集制度研究

    Study on the Money Raising of Securities Investors Protection Fund

  3. 证券投资者保护基金运作模式研究

    On Management Mode of Security Investor Protection Fund

  4. 第二部分分析了我国证券投资者保护基金法律制度的现状。

    The second part analyzes the status quo of the China securities investor protection fund legal system .

  5. 证券投资者保护基金是一种非投资性基金,也是一种政策性保险。

    Securities Investor Protection Fund is a non-investment fund , also is a kind of policy insurance .

  6. 证券投资者保护基金的功能与运作机制&基于比较法的制度完善

    The Functions and Operational System of Securities Investor Protection Fund & A comparative law approach to institution improvement

  7. 证券投资者保护基金管理机构可以对证券投资者保护基金的使用情况进行检查。

    The protection fund regulatory institute for securities investor can check using status of protection fund for securities investor .

  8. 在证券投资者保护基金运行过程中,其赔偿制度起到了关键性作用。

    In the process of the securities investor protection fund operation , the compensation system has played a key role .

  9. 评保护中小投资者利益的制度建设&从分类表决机制到《证券投资者保护基金管理办法》谈保护中小投资者利益

    Protecting Minority Investors ' Benefit : System Constructing & from Classified Voting System to the Management Way of Protecting Fund from Stocks Investors

  10. 我国证券投资者保护基金的基本宗旨是树立投资者信心,维护证券市场稳定大局。

    The basic purposes of Chinese securities investor protection fund are to ensure investors ' confidences and maintain the certainty of securities market .

  11. 但我国证券投资者保护基金法律制度具有很强的政策性和原则性,在实践操作中存在很多问题。

    But the Chinese legal system of securities investor protection funds have strong policy and principle in practice , there are many problems .

  12. 我国于2005年颁布了《证券投资者保护基金管理办法》,建立了证券投资者保护基金法律制度。

    China promulgated the " Measure for Securities Investor Protection Fund " in 2005 , and formally established the Securities Investor Protection Fund legal system .

  13. 同时,本文还结合公司法的有关内容与理念,借鉴国际通行做法,对中国证券投资者保护基金有限公司的公司治理结构提出建议。

    Meanwhile , the article combines relative content and theory oncompany law to give suggestion for corporate governance of China SecuritiesInvestors Protection Fund Limited Company .

  14. 在结构上分为以下四章:第一章,对证券投资者保护基金赔偿制度进行概述。

    Divides into following four chapters in the structure : The first chapter , protects the fund compensation system to the negotiable securities investor to carry on the outline .

  15. 证券投资者保护基金法律制度是投资者保护制度的重要组成部分,其在保护投资者、维护金融稳定等方面具有显著作用。

    The legal system of Securities Investor Protection Fund is an important component of the investor protection system , and has a significant role in protecting investors and maintaining financial stability .

  16. 目前,虽然各国的证券投资者保护基金的运作与监管模式各不相同,但其法律规制内容基本趋于一致。

    At present-though the operation of the protection fund of securities investor of various countries and supervision mode have nothing in common with each other-but its legal structure content reaches unanimity basically .

  17. 域外的证券投资者保护基金赔偿制度是非常成熟的,一般分为赔偿范围、赔偿限额、赔偿条件、赔偿程序。

    Outside the territory negotiable securities investor protects the fund compensation system is very mature , generally divides into the compensation scope , the compensation quota , the compensation condition , the compensation procedure .

  18. 为应对证券市场系统性风险,各国设立证券投资者保护基金以提振市场信心,保护投资者利益。

    In response to systemic risk in the securities market , countries established the securities investor protection fund to inspire market confidence and protect the investors .

  19. 与证券公司破产最为密切的是破产法第7章与第11章,为保护投资者利益,美国于1970年成立了证券投资者保护基金。

    The most closely part is Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 in bankruptcy law . In order to protect investors ' interests , the United States established the Securities Investor Protection Fund in 1970 .