
zhènɡ jù xiào lì
  • evidentiary effect;effect of evidence
  1. 以电子票据市场发展动态及《电子签名法》的颁布实施为切入点,从书面形式、原件、签章、证据效力四个方面具体分析电子票据与现行《票据法》理论的冲突所在;

    Started from the tendency of e-bills market and enactment and enforcement of electronic signatures law , the conflict between e-bills and the theory of commerce instrument law in force was analyzed from four aspects such as written form , original document , signature and effect of evidence .

  2. 论刑事诉讼中DNA鉴定结论的证据效力

    The Evidentiary Effect of Forensic DNA Identification in the Criminal Litigation

  3. 关于E-mail的证据效力和保全问题

    On the Evidential Force of E-Mail and Conservatory Measures

  4. E-mail的证据效力及其认定

    The Effectiveness and Cognizance of E-mail as Evidence

  5. 视听资料证据效力探讨

    A Probe into the Effectiveness of Video and Audio Material Evidence

  6. 因此,有必要对我国私录视听资料证据效力的认定标准进行重新构建。

    Therefore , it is necessary that the standards be reestablished .

  7. 被告人供述笔录的证据效力举证责任应主要由被告承担。

    The burden of proof is mainly on the defendant .

  8. 人民法院生效裁判文书证据效力刍议

    On the Evidence Effect of Judgment Documents in the People 's Court

  9. 论《海上交通事故调查报告书》的证据效力

    The effectiveness of the Marine Investigation Report as evidence

  10. 三是非法证据效力。

    The third is the effect of illegal evidence .

  11. 现代法治国家纷纷承认电子数据的证据效力。

    Electronic evidence effect has been acknowledged in modern countries ruled by law .

  12. 浅议悬赏证言的证据效力

    On Evidentiary Effect of Offering a Reward for Testimony

  13. 行政行为在刑事诉讼中的证据效力研究

    The Study on the Evident Validity of the Administrative Action in the Criminal Lawsuit

  14. 国际税收情报的证据效力

    The Effectiveness of International Tax Information as Evidence

  15. 完善辨认证据效力之构想&从佘祥林杀妻冤案说开

    On the Perfection of Validity of Identified Evidence - From the Case of Yu Lin-xiang

  16. 拍卖合同成立后签订的《拍卖合同成交确认书》也存在特殊性,它对于拍卖合同并非产生成立效力,而只是证据效力。

    The auction contract confirmation , which is signed after the establishment differs from other confirmation .

  17. 与此同时,电子邮件所面临的安全及其证据效力问题也给行政执法带来了新的挑战。

    Meanwhile , security and evidence effect problems that email faces bring the new challenge to administrative law enforcement .

  18. 确认数据电文的证据效力已成为电子商务发展不可回避的问题。

    Acknowledgement of the evidential effect of data message has become an inevitable legal issue with the development of E-Commerce .

  19. 在此基础上,从诉讼程序方面,提出完善我国鉴定结论证据效力的相关规则。

    On this basis , from the proceedings , the rules to improve the evidence of effectiveness of our appraisal conclusion .

  20. 本文即对电子商务仲裁所面临的若干法律问题,诸如电子仲裁协议的法律效力、电子商务证据效力、电子商务仲裁适用的法律等进行了深入的研究。

    E. the legal validity of the E-commercial arbitration agreement and the electronic evidence ; application of law for the E-commercial arbitration .

  21. 论笔迹鉴定结论的证据效力&兼谈世纪遗产争夺案的笔迹鉴定

    On Evidentiary Effectiveness of Handwriting Identification & In the View of Handwriting Identification in the Case of Fighting for the Century Heritage

  22. 证据效力是公证的基本效力之一,也被视为公证与私证的主要区别。

    The evidence effect is the basic effect of notarization and considered as the main difference between notarization and private card too .

  23. 公证的效力通常包括证据效力、强制执行效力和法律行为成立要件效力三个方面。

    Notarial effect usually contains the following three aspects : proof effect , executive effect and the necessary conditions of the law action .

  24. 从立法上分析了我们对待被告人供述笔录的矛盾态度,分析了刑事诉讼中的认定口供证据效力的实践操作。

    Analyzing our contradiction attitudes toward affidavit in legislation area , and also construing how to cognize the availability of affidavit in practice .

  25. 房地产合作建房合同效力的认定及处理具体行政行为公定力与其证据效力关系辨析&兼论诉讼中附属证据性行政问题的解决

    The Cognizance and Treatment of the Validity of Co-Building Contracts in Real Estates Development Discrimination between the Public Force of Concrete Administrative Behavior and Evidence Effectiveness

  26. 公证的公信力是公证证据效力的渊源,而相关法律规定也为这种公信力提供了保障。

    The public trust of notarization is the origin of the effect , and relevant legal provisions has provided safeguard to this kind of public trust .

  27. 第三章通过分析悬赏取证的理论基础,即悬赏取证的证据效力问题,来论证悬赏取证的合法性。

    The third chapter through analyzing the theoretical basis of reward forensics , namely the reward of evidence effect problem , evidence demonstrates reward forensics legitimacy .

  28. 由于法律制度、法律传统不同,各国对非法证据效力的认定也不尽相同。

    It is different for countries around the world to approve the efficacy of unlawful evidence on account of the system and tradition of the law .

  29. 方法:阐述不同研究方法的证据效力及其影响因素,讨论如何对文献资料进行解释。

    METHODS : We focused the discussion on a brief summary of different study designs , factors affecting the strength of scientific evidence , and interpretation of the data .

  30. 第四部分提出了证据效力的不同,以及提出了构建我国证据规则的构想。

    The fourth part puts forward the evidence of the effectiveness of different , and put forward the construction of our country is the idea of the evidence rules .