
  1. 国际标准制定者应当强化银行结构信贷和证券行为的资本需求。

    International standard setters should set out strengthened capital requirements for banks'structured credit and securitization activities .

  2. 对保荐行为监管比一般的证券行为更严格、更广泛。

    The supervision and management to sponsoring activities is stricter and wide spreader than common securities behavior .

  3. 这个证券业务行为通则是由国际证券交易所协会(FIBV)制定.于1992年颁布的。

    The General Rules of Securities Business , formulated by the FIBV and enacted in 1992 . is required on all the FIBV members .

  4. 证券商行为规范及法律责任探讨

    A Discussion of the Securities Dealers ′ Behavior and Legal Liability

  5. 也导致了很多不规范的证券市场行为。

    Also led to many irregularities in the securities market behavior .

  6. 证券交易行为的经济社会学分析

    On Securities Exchange Action : A View from Economic Sociology

  7. 是一种特殊的证券交易行为;

    The action is a special trading behavior of securities ;

  8. 市场间相关证券价格行为的相互影响

    Interaction of the Securities ' Price Behaviors among Chinese Inter-Markets

  9. 基于行为金融学的中国证券分析师行为研究

    Research on Behavior of China 's Security Analysts Based on Behavioral Finance

  10. 证券交易者行为的进化博弈分析

    The Evolutionary Game Analysis on the Behavior of Securities Traders

  11. 基于元胞自动机的证券投资行为扩散研究

    Research of Behavioral Pervasion of Security in Investment Based on Cellular Automaton

  12. 第二节阐明了证券欺诈行为可以构成侵权行为。

    Section B clarifies the securities fraudulence can form a tort action .

  13. 基于偏尾分布的证券价格行为特征分析方法

    Method of Analyzing the Behavior Properties of Stock Price Based on Partial Distribution

  14. 证券投资行为的系统仿真研究

    Systemic Simulation Research on the Investment Activity of Security

  15. 我国操纵证券市场行为及其法律规制研究

    Research on the Manipulation of Securities Market and the Legal Regulation in China

  16. 补充民事处罚行为,在法律上处理与证券欺诈行为。

    Added civil penalties for violations in the law dealing with securities fraud .

  17. 行为金融理论的发展与我国证券投资行为分析

    The Development of Behavioral Financial Theory and the Analysis of Chinese Securities-investor 's Behavior

  18. 行为金融框架下的中国证券市场行为特征分析

    The Analysis of the Behavioral Characters of Chinese Security Market Based on Behavioral Financial Theory

  19. 证券欺诈行为的法律责任

    Research on Legal Liability of Securities Fraud

  20. 证券监管行为研究

    A Research on the Security Supervision Behaviors

  21. 虚假陈述是证券侵权行为之一,主要包括虚假记载、误导性陈述和重大遗漏。

    As one of the infringements , misrepresentation contains false recordation , misleading representation and material omission .

  22. 本文旨在研究新型操纵证券市场行为及其法律调控问题。

    This paper aims to study the late-model manipulation behaviors of the securities market and its legal regulation .

  23. 从历史数据看上海钱业的发展与证券投资行为

    Development of Old-style Banking House and Investment Behavior of Securities in Shanghai : An Analysis of the historical Statistics

  24. 证券发行行为实质上是证券市场参与主体进行一系列行为的源头。

    The issuance of securities involved in stock market behavior is essentially the main source of a series of acts .

  25. 作为打击证券违法行为最有力的武器&证券法民事责任制度,在新《证券法》中得到了丰富和发展。

    As the most powerful weapon against the violations , civil liability system has been enriched in The Securities Law .

  26. 影响证券交易行为有几个非经济性因素:社会资本是市场操纵行为的重要诱因;

    This paper analyzes the factors in securities exchange action : the social capital is the important factor to manipulate market ;

  27. 同时,操纵证券市场行为是专业性很强的经济活动,操纵证券市场犯罪也具有相当的复杂性和很强的专业性。

    The manipulations of the stock market are very specialized economic activity while the crime of it has fairly complexity and specialization .

  28. 同时亦希望本文的研究会使人们加深对中国证券市场行为特征的认识。

    We also hope that this study will help the people understand the characteristics of the Chinese stock market behavior more profound .

  29. 内幕信息操纵是一种证券投机行为,是一种欺诈交易行为,是证券犯罪的一种常见形态。

    Internal information operating is a common kind of securities crime , not only being a bonds speculation , but also a cheating bargain .

  30. 但是我国目前对操纵证券市场行为责任的追究基本上限于行政责任和刑事责任,对于民事责任几乎是空白。

    However , China investigate the responsibility for market manipulation is essentially limited to administrative liability and criminal liability , civil liability is almost blank .