
  • 网络lex mercatoria;the law merchant;mercantile law
  1. 从中世纪商人法到近代民商法典

    From the Medieval Law Merchant to Modern Civil Code and Commercial Code

  2. 吸收当今新商人法法律体系中的有益成分来完善我国的国内商事法律体系的建构。

    China will absorb the excellent elements of New Law Merchant into the domestic commercial law .

  3. 笔者认为将NewLawMerchant界定为欧洲中世纪商人法基础上的新商人法,而不是跨国商法或商人习惯法。

    The author insists that New Law Merchant ought to be defined as New Law Merchant which originates from the European medieval law merchant rather than the transnational commercial law or lex mercatoria .

  4. 商法探源&论中世纪的商人法

    Sources of Commercial Law : Law Merchant in the Medieval Age

  5. 商人法的普通法化。

    Three , the Mercantile Law going into Common Law .

  6. 现代商人法理论的提出及其对国际仲裁法的影响

    The Theory about Modern Lex Mercatoria and Its Influence upon International Arbitration Law

  7. 商人法的演进。

    Two , the evolution of the Mercantile Law .

  8. 第二部分探讨了现代商人法适用的具体实践。

    The second chapter discusses the specific application of the Modern Lex Mercatoria .

  9. 现代商法是由欧洲中世纪的商人法演进发展而来的。

    The modern commercial law is come form medieval law merchant of the European .

  10. 中世纪商人法是近、现代商事立法的源头和渊薮。

    The Merchant Law of Middle Ages is the headstream of classic and modern eras .

  11. 但一方面,现代商人法的不确定性特征日益突出。

    But on one hand , the uncertain characteristic of Lex Mercatoria has exposed by and by .

  12. 但是,这并不意味着商人法制度就能取代冲突法制度。

    However , it does not mean that Traditional conflicts law will be replaced by merchant system .

  13. 它是独立于国内法体系的新商人法的一个重要渊源。

    The custom is an important source of " new businessman law " independent of domestic law system .

  14. 通过考察商人法的历史变革,总结各个阶段商人法的特点。

    Inorder to summarize the characteristics of different stages , the peper investigate the history of merchant law .

  15. 我国应当积极参与到新商人法的法典化进程中,确实融入到国际经济发展的大环境中去。

    China should take part in the codification of New Law Merchant actively and integrate into the international economic development .

  16. 它对于欧洲中世纪的教会法、罗马法以及商人法等具有普遍主义要素的法律产生了重要影响。

    This exerts a tremendous influence on the Canon Law , Roman Law and Merchant Law in the Middle Ages .

  17. 本文分析各个学者的观点,并在此基础之上根据现代商人法发展的新特点对现代商人法进行界定。

    This paper analyzes the various viewpoints of scholars , and define the concept with the new features of the Modern Lex Mercatoria .

  18. 国际商事习惯法正是随着生产力水平的提高和商品经济的发展,在商人法的基础上形成发展的。

    Commercial customary law grows with the development of productivity and commodity economy , which comes out to be the basis of law merchant .

  19. 由于这种新法律无论是在性质、特征、渊源还是形式上都根源于欧洲中世纪商人法。

    This new kind of law originates from the European medieval law merchant from the perspectives of nature , characteristics , sources as well as the form .

  20. 现代商人法适用的主要途径有当事人依据意思自治原则选择适用、法院或仲裁庭主动适用和强制适用。

    Modern merchant law is the main route for the parties according to the principle of autonomy to choose suitable and the court or arbitral active for two .

  21. 国际惯例合意选择是自治性商人法理论所创设的旨在使国际商事交易全面摆脱国内法影响的新的选法规则。

    Parties ' choice of international usages , envisaged by the autonomous theory on lex mercatoria is a new rule of choice of law by which international usages may be applied .

  22. 现代商人法作为调整国际商事活动的重要规则之一已是客观事实,得到了国际社会普遍认可和广泛适用,对国际立法和国内立法具有重要的影响。

    It is a objective fact that Modern Lex Mercatoria as a important way of regulate the international commercial activity . It has a important part in the international and domestic legislation .

  23. 当事人于符合下列条件时,可适用本原则:1。约定其合同受“法的一般原则”、“商人法”或类似者之规制时;

    These Principles may be applied when the parties : ( a ) have agreed that their contract is to be governed by'general principles of law ' , the'lex mercatoria'or the like ;

  24. 现代商人法在国际商事仲裁实践中越来越被广泛的应用,对于现代商人法的性质,学界迄今不能达成一致。

    The law of modern merchants has been applied more and more widely in the international commercial arbitration . The jurists cannot achieve an agreement on the character of the law of modern merchants .

  25. 普通法包括《商人法》的规则,除与本法条文有抵触外,将继续适用于汇票、本票和支票。

    The common law , including " merchant law " rule , except that contravened the provisions of this Law , will continue to apply to bills of exchange , promissory notes and checks .

  26. 现代商人法作为国际商事实践中产生并逐渐成熟起来的“自治性”法律体系或法律部门,顺应了国际商事关系发展的客观需要,并展现出日渐蓬勃的生命力。

    As a self-ruled jurisprudence produced and grown up with the increasing developments of international business relations , modern lex mercatoria accommodates to the external requirement of the situation , and shows its flourish vitality .

  27. 另一方面,国际商事仲裁员在追求所谓的公平和显示自己中立地位过程中,因偏爱适用包括现代商人法规则在内的他认为合适的法律规则,而对当事人意思自治原则构成了挑战。

    On the other hand , the arbitrator prefers to any appropriate law rules including Lex Mercatoria in the course of pursuing the so-called equity and showing his neutrality position , even challenging the party 's autonomy principle .

  28. 拉德布鲁赫认为,欧洲大陆的商人法保存至我们的时代,并非只是历史的残余物,而是具有其他法律领域难以匹敌的更新能力和应变能力,不断为生活反复充实,进而丰富了整个私法秩序。

    The Europe continent merchant law preserved to ours time , it was by no means the history remaining . It is has the renewal ability and the strain capacity . It was repeatedly enriched for the life .

  29. 这部分主要论述了现代商人法在我国的具体适用,并分析存在的问题,最后为完善现代商人法在我国的适用提出合理建议。

    This part mainly discusses our country related modern merchant law legislative situation , in our country the specific application , and analyzes the problems in application , finally to improve modern merchant law put forward a few proposals .

  30. 当然,在这其中有很多必然原因。现代商人法、巴塞尔协议引发的国际法学争论在一定程度上也反映了国际社会关于国际软法的迷惑。

    Of course , in which there are many inevitable reasons , the modern law merchant , the Basel International Law caused controversy to a certain extent , reflects the international community about the confusion of international soft law .