
shānɡ yè jiē
  • commercial street;business street;strip;trading street
  1. 一条商业街的远去和N个商务区的崛起

    The Disappearance of One Commercial Street and the Rising of Several Commercial Districts

  2. 剔除掉商业街的韵味或许会让整个区域成为一座阿尔法城(alphaville)徒有其表,却无真正的都市活力。

    That removal of commercial street life might cause this to become an Alphaville , with the appearance but not the vitality of genuine urbanity .

  3. 商业街上的银行仍旧一派繁荣景象。

    The high street banks continue to prosper

  4. 还是去购物中心,或者去商业街,逛一逛买一买。

    Or head out to the mall , or Main Street , look and shop , and buy .

  5. 坐在家或办公室的电脑前搜索、浏览和购买,还是去购物中心,或者去商业街,逛一逛买一买。

    Sit at your computer , probably at home or at the office , search and browse , and buy .

  6. 在这全年最繁忙的购物日里,英国部分名头最响的商业街品牌都在这一天提供大减价。

    Some of the country 's biggest high street names slashed4 prices for what was expected to be one of the busiest shopping days of the year .

  7. 到目前为止只有T台模特或摇滚明星才穿这种超紧男士打底裤,不过这家公司计划在商业街开始出售这种裤子。

    Until now the super-tight trousers have been confined to the runway or worn only by rock stars but the company plans to launch them on the high street .

  8. 本月20日就是被标榜为“恐慌星期六”的日子。当天,全英的消费者纷纷涌上街头,寻找圣诞节最后的折扣。人们在商业街的花销预计将达12亿英镑。

    Shoppers across Britain went looking for late Christmas bargains on Dec 20 as high street spending was set to reach £ 1.2 billion on what was being branded " Panic Saturday " .

  9. 这两条金鱼本来在基督城商业街Quantum特许会计所接待处展出。

    The fish had been on display in the reception area of Quantum Chartered Accountants in Christchurch 's High Street .

  10. 博柏利的市值甚至已超过英国商业街上的连锁商店玛莎百货(MarksandSpencer)。

    Its market capitalisation has even overtaken that of Marks and Spencer , the UK high street store chain .

  11. 可能它有太多的闪光点盖过了缺陷吧。可是从Iphone在繁华商业街上架伊始,人们就对它趋之若鹜。

    Probably there are more cons than pros , but when the Iphone hit the high street , people went mad for it .

  12. 本文通过模拟火灾试验及实体火灾试验,分析并讨论了地下商业街火灾烟气主要成分CO2、CO、O2的变化规律及毒性危害。

    On the basis of simulated and practical fire experiments , the paper analyses and discusses the law of change and toxicity hazard of the main smoke elements such as CO 2 , CO , O 2 in the underground shopping center fire .

  13. 当他和未婚妻JenniferLopez来到一家商店想把他的手表修一下时,他们受到影迷聚众包围,致使整个商业街被迫关闭。

    When he and fianc é e Jennifer Lopez dropped into a shop to get his watch repaired , they were mobbed by onlookers , and the shopping mall had to be closed .

  14. 并根据地下商业街的火灾风险特性,考虑物质质量损失率和耐火极限,结合FTA分析,构造单体火灾风险函数。

    According to the fire risk characteristics of underground commercial streets , combined with FTA , a function model of single fire risk is convinced , with consideration of the rate of mass loss and fire resistant limitation .

  15. 为了改善地下商业街的空气品质,以哈尔滨市地下商业街为研究对象,以室内CO2浓度为控制目标,采用数值模拟的方法进行研究,寻求经济合理的气流组织方案以及新风量、总风量值。

    In order to improve air quality of underground stores , we researched the underground stores in Har-Bin , the purpose was to control the density of CO2 , by adopting numerical simulation method , looking for economic and rational airflow pattern , airflow rate and outdoor airflow rate .

  16. 最近麦当劳(McDonald’s)改组了领导层。正在努力跟上消费者口味变化的这家快餐业巨头,任命英国商业街连锁餐饮业老将史蒂夫•伊斯特布鲁克(SteveEasterbrook)为首席执行官,换下唐•汤普森(DonThompson)。

    McDonald 's shook up its leadership this week as it struggled to keep up with changing consumer tastes , appointing Steve Easterbrook , a veteran of UK high street restaurant chains , to replace Don Thompson as chief executive .

  17. 根据民调机构YouGov进行的调查,今年选择不在商业街购物的人数比去年高出近100万。

    The number of people turning their backs on the high street is almost one million higher than it was last year , according to the poll by YouGov .

  18. 由此,商业街传统文化是其魅力度重要构成属性之一。Teller(2008)在研究中指出集聚魅力度的三个测量维度:满意度、停留倾向和再惠顾意愿。

    Thus , traditional culture in commercial streets is one of the important constituent attributes of its attractiveness . Teller ( 2008 ) pointed out in his study the three measurement dimensions of agglomerations ' attractiveness : satisfaction , tendency to stay and re-patronage intention .

  19. 卡西欧业务方案部产品营销高级经理盖伊•波克索尔委托YouGov进行了此次调查。他表示,尽管去商业街购物的人数量锐减,但人类毕竟是“社会动物”,还是喜欢在一起消磨时间。

    Guy Boxall , senior product marketing manager at Casio Business Solutions Division , which commissioned the research from YouGov , said that despite the fall in people visiting the high street , humans are " social creatures " who actually like spending time together .

  20. 地下商业街工程方案的模糊数学优化

    The Fuzzy Mathematic Optimation of Project Design for underground Shopping Center

  21. 他一直跑到一条繁华的商业街上才停下来。

    He kept running until he reached a busy shopping street .

  22. 沈阳市步行商业街立面形象的评价与研究

    Appraisal and study on the elevation images of Shenyang pedestrian malls

  23. 地下商业街火灾烟气流动实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Fire Smoke Flow in Underground Business Street

  24. “有限中蕴涵无限”&试析步行商业街场所精神的塑造

    Finite Implies Infinite & The Place Spirit of Commercial Pedestrian Streets

  25. 潮州古牌坊骑楼商业街的景观分析与定位

    Landscape Analysis and Orientation of Ancient Torii Arcade Business Street in Chaozhou

  26. 王府井商业街整治城市设计一、二期工程

    Urban design for Wangfujing business street renovation ⅰ & ⅱ phase projects

  27. 改善传统商业街空间质量的若干思考

    Several Thinking of Improving the Space Quality of the Traditional Business Street

  28. 浅谈历史街区商业街的保护与更新

    Discussion of the protection and renovation of commercial block in historical district

  29. 国外商业街发展的特征、趋势及启示

    Characteristics , Trends of and Enlightenment from Foreign Business Streets

  30. 现代步行商业街设计行人过街道通行能力的探讨

    The Design of Pedestrian Mall On the Pedestrian Crosswalk Capacity