- 网络Excess Liquidity

As things stand , so-called excess liquidity remains abundant as the M2 measure of money supply is still growing at a faster pace than the economy .
Yet Chinese central bankers are fretting about the potentially rising cost of the accumulation process : in order to mop up , or " sterilise " , the excess liquidity generated by its foreign exchange purchases , the PBOC has been issuing specially designed local currency bills .
Euro overnight bank lending rates have " normalised " , while banks have scaled back the amount of money held at the European Central Bank above reserve requirements known as excess liquidity .
Morgan Stanley , for example , calculates that the scale of excess liquidity sloshing around emerging and advanced economies is now " at a record high " , relative to gross domestic product .
Excess liquidity encouraged the spread of powerful short-term incentives in the financial institutions .
For one , all that excess liquidity is helping to drive up commodity prices .
So Mr Bernanke has explained other tricks he can use to soak up excess money .
Corporate balance sheets remain robust with record levels of excess liquidity and low leverage when large-cap corporations have good access to bond markets .
Based on the above analysis , we made some policy proposals and measured to make it has more practical significance to the operation .
Merrill officials said their calculations led them to believe that Lehman included what is known as regulatory capital in its calculation of excess liquidity .
This represents a return to normal pace of money creation , but will do little to absorb excess liquidity already injected in the past two years .
The resulting flow of excess liquidity towards emerging markets also puts pressure on these countries ' real exchange rates , encouraging them to engineer depreciations of their own .
Some central banks are already acting as de facto central counterparties by taking in deposits from institutions with excess liquidity and providing it to those with deficient liquidity .
Banks would then find it advantageous to hold their surplus liquidity in the form of T-bills as long as these bills yielded more than bank deposits held at the ECB .
China has also come in for persistent international criticism over its currency policy and high domestic savings , which some economists believe helped contribute to the crisis by flooding the world with excess liquidity .
However , a new round would add even more excess liquidity to the US economy and many of those extra dollars will end up chasing assets abroad , adding to appreciation pressures in emerging markets .
It added that additional steps would likely be needed , including further mopping-up of excess liquidity by the central bank , but possibly also including additional hikes in benchmark interest rates and or the reserve requirement ratio .
The central bank has raised benchmark interest rates five times and reserve requirements for banks nine times over the last year as it fought to cool overheated growth , rein in excessive liquidity , and slow rapid price rises .
Along with a number of other large Chinese brokerages , Citic Securities has been approved to invest in offshore markets under the so-called qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII ) scheme , which is intended to encourage excess liquidity to leave the country through portfolio investments .
When excess liquidity is mopped up , Chinese stocks will fall .
Most blame excess liquidity for the bubble .
In fact , there is a significant positive correlation between excess liquidity and excess capacity .
Meantime , maintaining an artificially low value for the renminbi creates excess liquidity in China .
The banks have lent some of the surplus liquidity to state-owned enterprises in the form of discounted bills .
This distortion of the tax system has greatly fuelled the excess of liquidity channelled into largely speculative financial transactions .
The undervalued renminbi supplied the globe with excess liquidity while the investment boom created demand for raw materials , he says .
This framework comprises a varied and flexible set of instruments , including fine-tuning operations , allowing the absorption of surplus liquidity promptly , if necessary .
Instead , the real concern is that excess liquidity , as a result of the surge in foreign-exchange reserves and low interest rates , is flooding into shares .
The bank credit expands , the surplus fluidity , participated in the real estate construction , sales each link , they constituted the real estate froth building main body ;
The idea of a negative deposit rate is to discourage banks to hoard their surplus liquidity in the form of central bank deposits , as opposed to lending it to customers .