
  • 网络macro-liquidity
  1. 从流动性的定义出发,将流动性分为宏观流动性、系统流动性和微观流动性,分三条线梳理了三个层次流动性对权益资产定价的影响的相关文献。

    Based on the definition of liquidity , we divide liquidity into three categories , which are macro-liquidity , systematic liquidity and micro-liquidity . And we comb the literature of liquidity and asset pricing according to the division .

  2. 理论上,宏观流动性正向作用于权益资产价格。

    In theory , macro-liquidity has positive impact on equity price .

  3. 水泥颗粒微观分维与宏观流动性关系的研究

    Study on relationship between microcosmic fractal dimension of cement particles and macroscopical fluidity of cement

  4. 纵观资本市场发展过程,宏观流动性始终影响股市价格波动。

    During the development process of capital market , macro-liquidity has always impacted stock price .

  5. 就象投资者们近日发现的,宏观流动性(大量储蓄)并不能保证廉价可用的信贷供应,即微观流动性(市场中轻松地买卖)。

    As investors have discovered in recent days , macro liquidity ( plenty of savings ) does not guarantee cheap and available credit , or micro liquidity ( ease of buying and selling in markets ) .

  6. 进一步地,本文将样本公司按行业分为周期性公司和非周期性公司,实证发现,上述的宏观流动性对盈利定价的影响在周期类股票中表现更加明显。

    Further , this paper divides sample companies into two groups of companies by industry , one group is cyclical companies , and the other is non-cyclical companies . Empirical research finds that the above phenomenon is more obvious in the cycle group .

  7. 微观产能利用对我国宏观资金流动性影响的实证分析

    Positive Analysis on the Impact of Micro Capacity Utilization on Capital Liquidity in Macro Field

  8. 本文介绍了商业银行流动性的定义,在对基本概念准确界定的基础上阐述了基本的宏观商业银行流动性管理理论。

    We set the definition of the commercial bank liquidity in this essay , the same time expatiate the basic macro management theory based on accurate setup of basic definition .

  9. 近年来,中国宏观经济处于流动性过剩、资产价格膨胀、对外贸易摩擦加剧、人民币升值压力增大等多种矛盾的胶着之中。

    In recent years , Chinese macroeconomy has been operating in various conflicts including excess liquidity , asset price inflation , increased foreign trade friction , increased pressure on the renminbi appreciation .

  10. 由于金融紧张需要一定时间才会传导至宏观经济,流动性紧张的影响只有在7月才会真正开始显露出来,这表明今后形势可能更为糟糕。

    Because it takes time for financial stresses to be transmitted to the broader economy , the impact of the liquidity squeeze will only really begin to show in July , suggesting that there could be worse to come .

  11. 但在宏观经济层面,流动性依然充沛。

    But at the macroeconomic level , liquidity remains abundant .

  12. 全球宏观对冲基金在流动性最高的一些市场展开交易,如利率衍生品、货币与主要股指。

    Global macro involves trading some of the most liquid markets such as interest rate derivatives , currencies and major stock market indices .

  13. 我国宏观经济层面的流动性过剩是内外部因素共同作用的结果,将会在相当长的时期内成为宏观经济的常态。

    China 's excess liquidity at the macroeconomic level has resulted from the interplay between internal and external factors and will remain a normal macroeconomic phenomenon for a long time .