
  • 网络Macroprudential management;prudent macro management
  1. 探索建立宏观审慎管理制度,强化对跨境资本流动的有效监控,防范各类金融风险。

    We will explore ways to establish a system of prudent macro management , strengthen the monitoring of the cross-border flow of capital , and guard against all kinds of financial risks .

  2. 加强宏观审慎管理,引导货币信贷和社会融资规模适度增长。

    We will strengthen macro-prudential management to encourage an appropriate increase of monetary credit and nongovernmental financing .

  3. 而且,由于金融管理制度、组织体系、市场结构、融资结构等方面的差异,各国推进金融宏观审慎管理的路径也有所不同。

    Moreover , the financial management system , organizational system , market structure , financing structure of each country is different , so the path of its implement macro-prudential management is different .

  4. 当前,金融宏观审慎管理还处于探索期,在具体的组织结构、政策选择、协调机制、工具实施等诸多方面,存在较多的争议。

    At present , financial macro-prudential management is still in exploration , its specific organizational structure , coordination mechanisms , policy options , implementation tools , etc , are still have many differences and disputes .

  5. 因此,加强宏观审慎管理,通过实施逆周期政策以及跨行业的全面监管,防范和化解系统性风险,已经成为各国金融改革的重点。

    Accordingly , to strengthen the macro-prudential management , to prevent and mitigate systemic risk by means of the implementation of counter-cyclical policy and comprehensive regulation across the industry , have become the focus of financial reform .

  6. 宏观审慎管理工具方面,应改进动态拨备制度和差别存款准备金政策等逆周期的信贷调控机制,实施存款保险制度,完善中央银行最后贷款人职能。

    In the aspect of macro-prudential management tools , it should improve counter-cyclical credit regulation mechanism including dynamic provisioning and loan provision policies , implement the deposit insurance system , improves the function of central bank lender of last resort .

  7. 目前,对于宏观审慎管理的研究主要停留在理论论证和框架设计方面,对于具体管理政策的实践效果鲜有研究,而实践效果又是检验理论科学性和框架合理性的重要标准。

    At present , the research on macro-prudential management is mainly focused on the theory and framework design , but few on specific management policy . And effect of practice is an important standard to test the scientific of theory and the rationality of framework .

  8. 目前国际组织和主要国家也积极探索开展宏观审慎改革,并构建了基本的宏观审慎管理框架。

    At present , international organizations and major countries also actively explore macro-prudential reform and build the basic framework for macro-prudential regulatory .